#3 Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns (DS)
The great thing about gaming - or any form of creativity - is that it can be about anything you want. Games can be realistic or interpretive, serious or whimsical, mechanically engaging or narrative-focused, and on and on. The are no limits to the blank canvas of digital entertainment. And one day back in the mid 90's a developer named Amccus decided that it would be fun to make a game that revolved around living a rural farm-life. Well, lot's of ideas are potentially good, no matter how outside the norm, but it usually falls on the execution to carry things. Thankfully, in the case of Harvest Moon, the execution of that idea has been wonderful and has carried this franchise for more than twenty years and many installments. I certainly haven't played them all. In fact, the only one I've ever played is Friends of Mineral Town on the Gameboy Advance, but that is one of my all-time favorites, and I decided I was well overdue a return to the farm. So I pulled Harvest Moon : The Tale of Two Towns from my DS backlog and hoped that I would fall in love just as I had with Friends of Mineral Town. And I am pleased to report that I did just that.
Before picking up Friends of Mineral Town on the GBA, I knew very little about the game or series. But it caught my eye one day - while perusing Amazon, I believe, and I was immediately drawn to it. I guess it seemed so different, and it was one of those cases where my instinct was very strong that I would really love it, despite having no real information initially upon which to base that feeling. I just
knew, and I was right. The whole rural life simulator was, and still is, a breath of fresh air because of its niche status, and because I have a real affinity for rural areas, despite having lived in a large city for most of my adult life. Tending to crops and animals and building relationships with townsfolk are all nurturing, slow-build activities that are in pretty stark contrast to the bulk of gaming. I find it really soothing and satisfying to plant, water and fertilize various crops, feed and groom my livestock, run errands and give gifts to the denizens of my local village, go fishing, enjoy festivals, and do all the little things associated with the country fantasy way of life. Everything is just so happy and upbeat, and I really find it easy to lose myself in the concept.
In the case of The Tale of Two Towns, you are a new resident of one of two villages. You can choose to live in either Bluebell which focuses on livestock or Konahana, which is into growing crops. (Although you can do both activities in either village thankfully.) There is an old feud between these two towns that are separated by a large mountain - each residing in the valley on the opposite side of the other. The Harvest Goddess had grown tired of their feud and collapsed a tunnel through the mountain that had previously connected these two little hamlets. The crux of the narrative is that you can reunite these disharmonious places through your presence and efforts, eventually reconnecting them through clearing out the tunnel. (Although they still meet on the mountaintop for festivals or can reach each other by going over the mountain.) It took a fair amount of game time to resolve the main conflict, but as with all Harvest Moon games, there is still plenty of meat on the bone in handling your day-to-day activities where you are trying to generate income, maintain and deck out your farm and upgrade your items. And like always, there are plenty of little things to try and accomplish or discover. These games do a great job of doling out things gradually to keep it fresh in my opinion. I've played almost two full in-game years at the time of this writing, and I feel like I still have so much I want to do. I haven't even married, and only recently decided who was the best waifu. Many goals/upgrades are very costly and will take a long time to accomplish which gives you things to work for and look forward to. I always feel engaged because my daily routine has relevance in a larger context. And it's a perfect game to play one in-game day per real-life day. Dedicate 20 minutes or so to it, and it kind of follows a rhythm in parallel to your own life.
In the way of negatives, I did feel like it was not
quite as good as Friends of Mineral Town. Although to be fair, I'm still playing and plan to continue to do so. The biggest problem for me with The Tale of Two Towns was the fact that there weren't enough unique lines of dialogue from the townsfolk. It seems like this could be remedied with minimal investment by the developers and would go a long way to fleshing out the characters and adding a great deal of color to the rural fantasy. Also, there is only a single save slot, which is very outdated. The naming of animals is overly restrictive, not allowing for many characters. Sometimes the time crunch can feel like a real issue. It seems like there is just
so much to do and absolutely not enough time to do it. Granted, that's probably pretty true to actual farm life, but it can sometimes cause a bit of anxiety for the loafer in me. And for some, I'm sure the routine can feel very repetitive, but for me it is so in a soothing, rhythmic way. Knowing that all actions are geared towards growth and improvement give sufficient impetus and meaning to drown out any potential tedium. All in all, however, any problems I had are really minor relative to the fun on offer. I've played many hours already, and plan to play many more. This series just hits the right notes for me, and I hope to experience more of what this franchise has to offer in the future. Easy to recommend and for me a
#2 Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 (PC)
I've been a huge sports fan since I was young enough to walk. Team sports, individual sports, whatever. I love to play (more so when younger, lol) and be a fan of them all. But if there was a hypothetical scenario where the world had decided to eliminate all but a single sport and it called upon me to make the decision about the lone sport we would keep, I would choose to allow the world to keep playing soccer. It would truly gut me to lose baseball, football and tennis especially, but no other game carries the drama, passion and excitement of the beautiful game for me.
And being a gamer, I enjoy recreating my love for sport, and in this case - soccer, through this medium we love. I have played Pro Evolution Soccer since the beginning of its availability in the US. Well to be entirely accurate, since Winning Eleven 6 on PS2. I never played ISS back in the PS1 days. And I've always been biased towards PES over FIFA. I have enjoyed some FIFA entries, especially the World Cup installments, and FIFA certainly made strides (by aping PES) starting in the late PS2 era in my opinion, but PES has always felt more natural and organic for me. There is a randomness, an "aliveness" to the unfolding action on the pitch that FIFA doesn't seem to be able to recreate. And it does a wonderful job of building and maintaining tensions as you try to nudge things in your favor. The thrill of watching your build-up lead to a beautiful chance or goal never fades. Finding that final pass to spring an attacker into the clear is ever-exhilarating, and there's such a great variety of goals and situations that develop over the course of play. And seeking that high has extracted hundreds of hours of my life over the years. And for next level fun, playing on full-manual allows for more organic play (especially against human opponents), high-level skill and is absolutely incredible. It had been a couple of years since I last played PES, so going back to it this year was a really comforting and exciting feeling.
And as this franchise has developed, there has been an increasing amount of ways to play. From head-to-head online (which admittedly Konami still struggles with, sadly) or local play (phenomenal), to Master League (my favorite single player mode), to the individual-player focused Become a Legend (think RTTS for The Show fans), League, Cup, and lastly the microtransaction focused myClub mode which I always avoid - there are just so many ways to enjoy the sport. It's an entire soccer universe at your fingertips, and for the soccer fan, the appeal is immense.
There are certainly some problems worth mentioning as well. The most obvious to many is the lack of licenses. This is easily remedied with mods, but even if it weren't I'd still rather play PES than FIFA. In terms of the online mode, the connection issues can be pretty problematic and inconsistent. There is also a sense that things can be scripted at times, both online and off, but especially in the case of the former. There will be moments where teammates will not react normally and appropriately to loose balls / chances. Sometimes there is a lack of urgency and awareness which can feel frustrating and unrealistic. And sometimes you might find yourself getting run down from an advantageous angle or position, no matter the speed of your player or that of the defender. And sometimes opponents feel destined to score no matter your tactics or actions. Having said all that, however, the issues are not frequent or severe enough to diminish the overall experience in a truly damaging manner. In the end, I love soccer and I
love PES, and PES 2019 is absolutely a joy to play. The beautiful game is still beautiful in this virtual incarnation, and the series is one of my all-time favorites. PES 2019 is a perfectly thumped long-distance screamer fizzing into the top corner and bulging the net tight.
#1 Dark Souls 3 (PC)
We all play games because we get something out of it - aesthetic satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, competition, narrative pleasure, mechanical engagement, simple entertainment or distraction, whatever. The Souls series for me has always ticked so many boxes for why one might want to play a game. It sets a sense of place like few - if any - have ever managed to achieve. The world is dripping with atmosphere and impetus, and everything feels very handmade and touched by an attentive and loving creator. There is real craft here, and that stands out perhaps more than any other single element. Somebody (ies) really loves what they're doing and making, and it clearly
shows. From the environments, to the weapons, to the bosses, to the narrative, to the sound, to the systems/build varieties, and on and on - every element feels as if someone felt a real joy or passion for what they were making. And for me, that is the crux of real art - the expression of something meaningful by a creator.
Aside from the phenomenal artistry on display, this series has such a wonderful feeling of progression. Things are not always easy, but there is always a way through if you are patient and observant - or even if you want to eventually brute-force it. Discovery is always satisfying because it feels well-earned, rewarding and exciting. In addition to simply making your way forward in the game, there are seemingly endless ways in which to do so in the first place. How you choose to approach your character is an art and joy unto itself, and really gives the series a well-deserved classification as a genuine RPG. Just experimenting with different weapons and equipment can eat up dozens of hours as you learn the nuances of combat and how to adapt your avatar to cope with different challenges and situations. Additionally, the combat itself has always been fun. It may not be the deepest mechanically, but it is very well done and always engaging and enjoyable. The ballet of attacking and evading while minding your stamina never gets old for me. I can easily get lost making runs through particularly satisfying areas over and over again, tweaking things here and there. It may be monotonous to some, but for me, it's strangely addictive. Overall there is just a wonderfully layered depth with so much room to experiment and play with various builds. It's a marvelously nuanced experience that never stops giving.
In terms of specifics regarding this entry in the series, I will say that it had some of the most memorable and satisfying bosses. The Sister Friede fight, in particular, really stands out as memorable and among the very upper crust of Souls boss encounters. I also liked the idea of filling the throne room with the ashes of the fallen Lords of Cinder. It gave a nice visual sense of progression and was interesting thematically. I also enjoyed some of the new weapon skills that allowed for approaching enemies in different ways. Managing Focus Points along with estus and stamina added another layer to things.
There are some elements that may be off-putting to some. First of all, it's very familiar and the formula is apparent. If you have had your fill of Souls, it probably wouldn't be worth it. I also found it to be the most difficult in the series. I thought it was a byproduct of getting older perhaps, but I did check some forums out of curiosity and found that I was certainly not alone in that assessment. And this series in general is not well-suited as a casual time-waster. If you're not in the right frame of mind going in to a session, things can feel punishing and be a real slog, but that's not the fault of the game - it is what it is. But it's always best to play when you find yourself in a positive and patient state and have a decent amount of time and focus to give.
I've heard some say this was simply a "Souls greatest hits", but I felt it brought more than enough to the table to warrant its existence. Then again, I can never get enough of this franchise. This series by FROM remembers what it means - as far as I'm concerned - to be a video game, which is strange in this day and age. It gets out of your way and lets you
play. What a novel concept! If this was the curtain call by FROM for anything with the "Souls" moniker, as they take their bow they are surely deafened by the thunderous applause and roaring approval blasting endlessly from their grateful and dedicated audience, of which, I am a life-long, fanatical member.
5/5. Sublime.
Alright. I'm done. If anyone managed to read all my reviews, you've got real problems.