Sharin no Kuni - A Visual Novel Localization Project (Steam w/ Vita stretch goal)


Quite frankly this is something that should happen to every VN on KS and this is something that shouldn't just happen for the VITA port but even PC copies.

In the past people who pledge for a physical edition of any platform always get screwed over waiting due to delays in production/porting/insert reason here. Sekai Project is terrible at this among others.

I agree 100%, but with PC/Steam titles, it should be even more important, as developers don't pay to generate keys for their customers.


Unconfirmed Member
I think I might do what I did with the Muv-Luv campaign: get the Vita version as the boxed edition, and then get a PC copy as an add-on.
From the latest update:

Alright, it's time to make a very helpful suggestion to SpeedBeatz and whoever else is running the campaign.

Give gamers an incentive to order a physical copy of Sharin no Kuni for the Vita now, or else they'll rather wait for the game to be sold elsewhere when it's released next year.

This is really, really basic. There is no incentive on buying it now instead of waiting for it in the future, aside from maybe the campaign never reaching the Vita stretch goal. Unless you offer something exclusive to the campaign (which shouldn't be the limited edition, for those that just want a physical copy).

Again, I'll suggest that you offer a digital copy along with every physical tier in the campaign. Muv-Luv set a precedent that most companies wanting to publish their visual novels on consoles will have to face. I'm extremely tempted to just withdraw my pledge and wait for the standard release next year, because I'll have a year or so to save money and won't have to "gamble" on a project that may not meet the deadline.

I think the update (which I wrote myself) wasn't worded well enough to make this clear, but the Vita port is still locked behind the stretch goal. I understand and agree with what you're saying, but the biggest motivator to back the campaign for the Vita version is to ensure that said version actually gets produced, no?
We are looking in to adding more Vita-oriented exclusive rewards, which we'll start confirming and posting information about if/when the main goal is met (which should happen soon!).

In regards to including digital keys with physical copies, on a personal level I sympathize, and we got that feedback a lot after we closed the previous campaign, but people higher on the totem pole than me were unchanging in their view that since digital items have a tangible value to the user, we shouldn't give them away for free. Views on this sort of thing in general are very different in Japan than they are in the US - my boss literally didn't believe me when I told him that we would be able to get download codes from Sony.
If it helps to at least slightly assuage your fears, we're not juggling a huge number of projects like some larger publishers, and we don't foresee any huge delays between the digital and physical releases - barring extreme unexpected circumstances, physical PC should be out within 2 months of the digital release, with Vita a month or so afterwards. (Each port will be developed separately and simultaneously, so there's no issue of either one taking priority and causing the other to be delayed.)

EDIT: Nice to see TOM on NeoGAF at least. Hope the campaign is going well.

I'm actually from Frontwing, not Tokyo Otaku Mode!
I'm actually from Frontwing, not Tokyo Otaku Mode!

Ah my apologies then. Thanks for the clear and concise communication.

Shame on the physical/digital title keys though. If the campaign succeeds and you are able to get the physical versions out in 2 months I think that would be a new record in the localization industry for VNs.

It's the only VN I've played on PC haha. And it's the game that made me realize that I prefer these kind of game on a portable device...
I'm hesitant to back this project because I think some other VN localization project with vita stretch goals couldn't actually release the games on vita (something about waiting for Sony approval).


When it gets funded, and if the Vita stretch goal gets funded, I bet we'll get it before the Grisaia Vita port. And it'll be physical too
I think the update (which I wrote myself) wasn't worded well enough to make this clear, but the Vita port is still locked behind the stretch goal. I understand and agree with what you're saying, but the biggest motivator to back the campaign for the Vita version is to ensure that said version actually gets produced, no?

You'd think so, but no. A lot of Vita fans I talk to have been burned by Kickstarters in the past to the extent where they're extremely hesitant to back anything else.

By saying "you'll still be able to get physical versions of the game outside of Kickstarter", you're taking away an incentive for them to back, because they'll just wait to see where it's at when it releases. Without it, they'd have to have thought "I really want the physical game, so since it's the only way I'll take a gamble on backing".

I think that's what Shizuka is saying anyway.
Just backed cause I saw this thread here (backed the $130 level). Never heard of the game, but always looking to play VNs with a good story and twist. Not going to read much into it but I hope it's good.

The last VN I played was Root Double and I enjoyed the story a lot even though the pacing wasn't that good.

How does this compare to Root Double?

Just noticed this is the 2nd time they've kickstarted this project.


Hum, will back for the Vita version, but I don't want to end with a PC version because something went wrong. So I am going to wait for now.


Hum, will back for the Vita version, but I don't want to end with a PC version because something went wrong. So I am going to wait for now.

You can back the project now and withdraw your pledge on the last day in case it doesn't reach the stretch goal. That's what I'm doing.
You'd think so, but no. A lot of Vita fans I talk to have been burned by Kickstarters in the past to the extent where they're extremely hesitant to back anything else.

By saying "you'll still be able to get physical versions of the game outside of Kickstarter", you're taking away an incentive for them to back, because they'll just wait to see where it's at when it releases. Without it, they'd have to have thought "I really want the physical game, so since it's the only way I'll take a gamble on backing".

I think that's what Shizuka is saying anyway.

I totally understand that, but it's not "you'll still be able to get physical versions of the game outside of Kickstarter", it's "if the stretch goal is met you'll still be able to get physical versions of the game outside of Kickstarter", so the desire to see the stretch goal met and the Vita version made would presumably be a big motivator. That's what my line of thinking was, at least.
And the only reason we're saying that is because, unless we get thousands of Vita physical backers, which really is not that likely to happen, there will inevitably be physical copies leftover, so of course those are going to be available for sale.
That being said, I've just remembered in the process of typing this post that we were told we can actually make a Kickstarter-exclusive cover variant for the Vita physical copies and I feel really dumb for forgetting that so I'll confer with the team on that and move from there.

This is all difficult though in general, because while we want to offer a lot of attractive things and draw in potential Vita backers as much as possible, we don't want to make a whole bunch of huge promises when we're still a good ways away from the stretch goal. It's a delicate balance that we're still working on figuring out!


I totally understand that, but it's not "you'll still be able to get physical versions of the game outside of Kickstarter", it's "if the stretch goal is met you'll still be able to get physical versions of the game outside of Kickstarter", so the desire to see the stretch goal met and the Vita version made would presumably be a big motivator. That's what my line of thinking was, at least.
And the only reason we're saying that is because, unless we get thousands of Vita physical backers, which really is not that likely to happen, there will inevitably be physical copies leftover, so of course those are going to be available for sale.
That being said, I've just remembered in the process of typing this post that we were told we can actually make a Kickstarter-exclusive cover variant for the Vita physical copies and I feel really dumb for forgetting that so I'll confer with the team on that and move from there.

This is all difficult though in general, because while we want to offer a lot of attractive things and draw in potential Vita backers as much as possible, we don't want to make a whole bunch of huge promises when we're still a good ways away from the stretch goal. It's a delicate balance that we're still working on figuring out!

An exclusive bonus with the exclusive physical Vita Kickstarter print would definitely be something worth looking into. Maybe let us decide the Kickstarter exclusive cover like Muv Luv. That'd already be something worth looking into, definitely.
I totally understand that, but it's not "you'll still be able to get physical versions of the game outside of Kickstarter", it's "if the stretch goal is met you'll still be able to get physical versions of the game outside of Kickstarter", so the desire to see the stretch goal met and the Vita version made would presumably be a big motivator. That's what my line of thinking was, at least.

I know, I get that (and I've backed for Vita physical) but like I say, due to past experiences (beyond your control) there are plenty of Vita fans out there who aren't interested in paying for a game unless they can hold a physical copy in their hands due to the amount of times they've been promised xyz and it hasn't delivered.

That makes them naturally cautious towards backing in general, but especially so if they're being told that other people can take the financial risk of backing the game AND they'll still be able to get a physical copy down the line. It's a kushy situation for them and I can't say I blame them for sitting it out.


As à european player who went full digital on Vita and never bothered with an US account I guess I'm screwed ?
As à european player who went full digital on Vita and never bothered with an US account I guess I'm screwed ?

I believe unless anything changes the only way to get a digital Vita copy is to have a US PSN account as stated in their KS. Most likely due to licensing/$$$/standard routine stuff.

Sorry Euro bro.


One of the most acclaimed VNs ever made. They really need to make the fandisc a stretch goal. It's so tryhard though, many people won't like it.

Just backed cause I saw this thread here (backed the $130 level). Never heard of the game, but always looking to play VNs with a good story and twist. Not going to read much into it but I hope it's good.

The last VN I played was Root Double and I enjoyed the story a lot even though the pacing wasn't that good.

How does this compare to Root Double?

Just noticed this is the 2nd time they've kickstarted this project.

This is one of the best. Root Double is one of the thousands.


Want to know about the potential Vita port? Read this!

This is your one-stop shop for information about the potential Vita port!

Please keep in mind that all of this information is dependent on the $120,00 stretch goal being met. If the stretch goal isn't hit, there will be no Vita port!

What format(s) will the Vita port be available in?

The Vita port will be available both physically and digitally.
The physical version will have special Kickstarter-exclusive packaging for backers!
The digital version will be available from the North America PSN store. Other regions are currently unconfirmed.

How can I get the Vita port?

It's very simple: just back the campaign for any tier containing the PC version of the game.
If the stretch goal is met, you will be asked to select between a Steam key or Vita download code for any reward containing the digital version of the game, and you will be asked to select between a DVD-ROM package or Vita card package for any reward containing the physical version of the game.
For example, if you were to pledge at the $99 "Fairy Tale Friends with Benefits" tier, you could select a Vita download code and Vita game card, a Steam key and DVD-ROM package, or some combination of the two (Vita download code and DVD-ROM package, or Steam key and Vita game card).
Furthermore, both physical and digital copies of the Vita port will be available as add-ons on BackerKit if the stretch goal is met.
Please note that the Vita download codes being offered will only be valid in the North America PSN store, and you will therefore need a PSN account in that region to redeem the code. Our apologies for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding.
If the stretch goal is met, for non-backers physical copies with non-exclusive art will be available directly from the publisher, and the game will be purchasable on the North America PSN store.

Who is making the Vita port?

As the stretch goal has not yet been met, we do not have any finalized contracts in place.
However, we have both a developer and publisher lined up to handle the port should we meet the stretch goal, and both are very enthusiastic about the game!
Development assistance will be handled by a company here in Japan that is quite experienced with developing for all of Sony's gaming platforms.
Publishing and production of the physical copy will tentatively be handled by Limited Run Games, an experienced publisher with a wide range of successful physical releases under their belt.

When will the Vita port be available?

We currently hope to be able to provide the Vita port digitally within 1-2 months of the digital PC release. Physical copies will likely be produced approximately 1 month after that.

What if the Vita stretch goal isn't met?

In all but the most extreme of circumstances, *any backer* can cancel their pledge at *any time* before the campaign ends. (The only exception is that during the last 24 hours of the campaign, you cannot cancel or adjust a pledge if doing so would cause the campaign to drop below its goal.)
Therefore, you can feel free and safe to back the campaign for the Vita version now (which will be integral to getting the stretch goal met!), and if you later wish to withdraw your contribution you can do so at any time before the campaign ends.
Please also keep in mind that you are *not charged* until the end of the campaign.
Just backed cause I saw this thread here (backed the $130 level). Never heard of the game, but always looking to play VNs with a good story and twist. Not going to read much into it but I hope it's good.

The last VN I played was Root Double and I enjoyed the story a lot even though the pacing wasn't that good.

How does this compare to Root Double?

Just noticed this is the 2nd time they've kickstarted this project.

I haven't played Root Double, so I am going to comment solely on Sharin no Kuni. I really like the world setting and overall story. Quality between chapters (focusing on each girl) is consistent, but the pacing can be a bit off at some points. There are many great quotes from the "villain" which make him a memorable character. There is a crazy twist at the latter part of the game which I really like and did not see it coming. There is also a story element
non-blood-related incest
which I felt it was forced into the story and some people may get offended.


I think it still has a shot, but it was one of the biggest drops I've seen on a Kickstarter after it hit the base goal.


Unconfirmed Member
I think it still has a shot, but it was one of the biggest drops I've seen on a Kickstarter after it hit the base goal.

Yeah every time I check it, it barely goes any higher :/ The worry now, is that if it doesn't get too much higher, how many people will pull out since the Vita version won't be happening, and the risk it runs of the KS even making goal again.
Well, whatever it was, it wore off. We're back to trickles of pledges.

Gonna have to withdraw mine at this rate, looking like it's gonna get nowhere near Vita goal =/

I think a lot of us Vita VN backers have grown tired of supporting projects with the promise of a Vita port only to learn that they'll be released years after the PC version, if at all. I can't think of one promised VN Vita port that has actually come out yet. STILL waiting for Fault Milestone One over here.
I think a lot of us Vita VN backers have grown tired of supporting projects with the promise of a Vita port only to learn that they'll be released years after the PC version, if at all. I can't think of one promised VN Vita port that has actually come out yet. STILL waiting for Fault Milestone One over here.

Yeah, Sekai have really muddied the waters for everyone after them. Maybe once Muv-Luv releases people will have a little more faith.

That'll be too late for this game, though. Still, many games have final-days-surges, I just hope this does. Really want to play it; not really interested in backing if it's just gonna be for PC though.


I think a lot of us Vita VN backers have grown tired of supporting projects with the promise of a Vita port only to learn that they'll be released years after the PC version, if at all. I can't think of one promised VN Vita port that has actually come out yet. STILL waiting for Fault Milestone One over here.

Yeah pretty much, it's been awhile since I backed something that was promised a vita version.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm in the "if it makes it, it makes it" camp. Vita would be nice, but I'm fine with a PC boxed copy, if it just manages to break goal.


I still think the best support they can get at this point is from LRG advertising the shit out of the campaign.
Game had a good push today (saw you guys talking about it in the Upcoming Vita games thread.

Really hope they can mobilize some momentum these last few days to push it towards Vita goal.


Anyone even remotely interested in the game should back now and help increase numbers, working towards the Vita stretch goal. You can always withdraw your pledge, but with a visual novel of this caliber, I really hope people keep their pledges and help make this project's stretch goals reality!
So, something gave this a big push. It was up to $100k earlier today then LRG sent out an e-mail and now it's $104k.

I was gonna withdraw my pledge, but now it's looking more likely. Hope it makes it over the final hurdle!

This was the e-mail from LRG btw:

Sharin no Kuni needs your help!

We're partnering with famed Japanese visual novel developer and publisher Frontwing (Netherworld Angel Djibril, Grisaia trilogy) to bring you a physical Vita release of the remastered version of AKABEi SOFT2's 2005 visual novel, Sharin no Kuni.

In order for this to happen, the developers need your help! The Vita version is currently locked behind a stretch goal of $120,000 - currently, the project is at nearly $100,000 so they're not too far off!

If you pledge to support this game at $40 or more, you will have the opportunity to get the physical version on Vita should the stretch goal be hit. Moreover, if you back the Kickstarter you will get access to an EXCLUSIVE cover variant that will only ever be available to Kickstarter backers. We will not sell that variant anywhere so if you want it you will need to show early support to this project by backing it now.

If you want to see this become a reality, do not wait to pledge. They won't be able to hit the goal if you wait! If, during the final moments of the campaign, it seems like the stretch goal will not be hit - you can always back out of your pledge (but you shouldn't, as there could still be the possibility of a Vita port in the future!).

If you're interested in getting your hands on the exclusive Kickstarter cover, please back the project now:


LRG should send another email on the last day! Everyone should tweet or share this campaign wherever possible! We're almost there!
It's having its best day since day 5 of the campaign. And it's the 3rd most pledged day of the campaign after days 1 and 2, so lots of new people pledging. This is the final-stretch push I was hoping would've happened much sooner!

I'm now hopeful for it hitting Vita stretch goal. I'm honestly not even fussed about the variant cover (and may end up selling it if the normal cover is nicer and I can get a copy), I just want it to be funded!
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