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Sharon Stone blames Bush for absence of lesbian kissing in Catwoman

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Who here doesn't love a good Frenchie. C'mon be honest, whether its between man, woman, black, white, gays, straights, whatever - a good smooch has to be one of the funnest pastimes on the planet. When two hot big screen symbols go at it though, especially if they're of the same gender, it's still an event for some reason.

Now, in one of the more hilarious non sequiturs you're going to find, it seems Sharon Stone has blamed US President George W Bush and the current conservative climate in America for the absence of a lesbian kissing scene in "Catwoman" according to Ireland Online.

Seems the "Basic Instinct" star was keen to enjoy an intimate moment with Halle Berry (who doesn't), but believes a puritanical streak running through the country put an end of that - and I mean c'mon, it's not exactly like a girl kiss is beneath the material in this case.

Stone says: "Halle's so beautiful and I wanted to kiss her. I said, 'How can you have us in the movie and not have us kiss? That's such a waste. That's what you get for having George Bush as president".


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I honestly think Sharon Stone has a mental disorder.
mac said:
I demand the resignation of Bush.

Yes, the movie was god awful. Yes, Sharon Stone is batshit crazy. But after reading this, I have to agree. Halle Barry should french Sharon Stone for America...

And it would be really hot.


Junior Member
Fjord said:
Yet the ultra conservative terrorists hate Bush. The irony is delicious.

That's nothing to write home about. Conservatives from opposing religions/nations/races, ussually hate each other.
Trevelyon said:
Isn't she married to the merovingian?

I believe they divorced, but this thread is not really about that. Its about an America with the freedom of one really hot chick whose career is going down the tubes frenching a good looking chick whose career has already reached the bottom of the tube. I believe in this America.


Fjord said:
Yet the ultra conservative terrorists hate Bush. The irony is delicious.

You want to answer your slam against Charlotte here or should I hound you on every one of your responses?


i like the way she thinks, as far as them both being totally hot and kissing and all that...but...the comment was just flaky.
Lisa Lashes said:
Sharon Stone is such a lipstick dyke. How about munching on a real Bush instead for a change?

If I'm not mistaken didn't Shrek 2 have a cross-dressing puppet, wolf and 'sister'?

I think Bush has more to worry about than some lesbian kiss.
she is an attention whore now that her career is in the gutter, and she is a big time liberal and is always looking for a way to bash republicans/bush..

what a way to tie two things together...

she was genius in alot of her older flicks though.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Sharon acts like she really just wanted to make out with Halle more than anything. Couldn't she have done that with her whether it was in on-camera or off?


More amusing Catwoman bashing:

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