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Shinji Mikami criticizes Sony & Square-Enix

Someone needs to take a trip on the



That's completely idiotic. Sony wants PS2s to fail so consumers have to buy new ones? That would make a lot of sense if you lacked the ability to reason. First, Sony does not even clear that much on each sale of the PS2, it's not even worth it when you consider the tradeoffs.

Tradeoff 1 - Customers have to replace a PS2, at the expense of possibly purchasing up to three new games (or even more bargains like Greatest Hits). What are the royalties for those games? Would those royalties match or exceed the margin on a new PS2?

Tradeoff 2 - What if these customers do not buy a replacement system? What are the values of the lost software sales?

Tradeoff 3 - It just goes against all common sense. It only goes to create customer ill-will, and that is something that no company really wants. A company is certainly not going to try to create a situation that would piss off the consumer.


Odysseus said:
That's completely idiotic. Sony wants PS2s to fail so consumers have to buy new ones? That would make a lot of sense if you lacked the ability to reason. First, Sony does not even clear that much on each sale of the PS2, it's not even worth it when you consider the tradeoffs.

Tradeoff 1 - Customers have to replace a PS2, at the expense of possibly purchasing up to three new games (or even more bargains like Greatest Hits). What are the royalties for those games? Would those royalties match or exceed the margin on a new PS2?

Tradeoff 2 - What if these customers do not buy a replacement system? What are the values of the lost software sales?

Tradeoff 3 - It just goes against all common sense. It only goes to create customer ill-will, and that is something that no company really wants. A company is certainly not going to try to create a situation that would piss off the consumer.

These arguements are also 2 years old.


snapty00 said:
Hey, guys, don't be so harsh. Maybe English isn't his first language, so he couldn't understand the date...OH WAIT

My english is perfectly fine even though it's not my first language. It's 1 am here though. Now if the mods could hurry up and lock this one!


And even i am moderately surprised
"Next, Mikami said that Kingdom Hearts' strong sales are due to "aura purchase," meaning that customers are buying the game because their friends have bought it or like it, regardless of whether they like the game themselves. He said that Kingdom Hearts does not deserve its 780,000 sales or 6800 yen price tag."

lol - cry me a bucket! How dare good word of mouth help a game sell!

"Neither Square nor Sony has made any comments regarding Mikami's statements."

They just sent a MD full of the sound of all their employees laughing, with a free complimentary MD Player (which ,ironically, failed to work)
the article you posted is edited. He said nothing about the original PSX and other Sony products.

All he talked about was Kingdom Hearts and PS2.
My first reaction seeing this thread title was "again?" Upon reading through it, I instead saw quotes from an article I wrote two years ago. Funny. =)
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