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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?

No love for Tropical Freeze? I thought we were pals... :(

Tropical Freeze is great, but we just had a DKCR game in 2010. I've been waiting for a shooter like Wolf, from those developers specifically, for yeeeeeears. Like as soon as I found out who was behind the game it shot to the top of my most wanted list.

Tropical Freeze will still be top 5 though. Still the best soundtrack too.

It's Net Wrecker's favorite song :3

Hell yeah it is.


I'm so damn excited...


I'm glad the UK is getting it on Tuesday too, as I have the day off.

It's too perfect...
Honestly the only thing holding me back was my experience with pre-ordering Destiny- Up till that point Bungie was a well respected developer and pulling that stunt that they did never crossed anyone's mind.

But it got me wondering- if Bungie could sink that low, nobody else is safe.


Man I always switched Mikami and Kamiya around :/

I typed up this convenient list of which games each has directed in the other thread, I'll repost it here:


Resident Evil - 1996 - Director/Producer
Dino Crisis - 1999 - Director/Producer
Resident Evil (remake) - 2002 - Director
P.N.03 - 2003 - Director
Resident Evil 4 - 2005 - Director
God Hand - 2006 - Director
Vanquish - 2010 - Director
The Evil Within - 2014 - Director


Resident Evil 2 - 1998 - Director
Devil May Cry - 2001 - Director
Viewtiful Joe - 2003 - Director
Ōkami - 2006 - Story/Director
Bayonetta - 2009 - Story/Director
The Wonderful 101 - 2013 - Story/Director
Scalebound - TBA - Director

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Due to my excitement and following of this game, I decided to compile a list of enemies I know are in the game. Will spoil-mark less shown-off or public ones. I was hoping early on the game would have good enemy variety and it certainly doesn't look like I'll be disappointed.

Stating again: Not all enemies in the game, just all I know of.

-Regular Haunted (there's a large variety of regular haunted with different weapons, genders, body builds, but for clarity keeping it to one enemy type)
-Masked Haunted (regular haunted wearing a clown-like mask which makes it harder to get headshots)
-Glass Haunted (Haunted completely covered in glass shards)
Haunted (Haunted who
seem to have two faces split apart and long arms and claws
Haunted (Haunted who
have Octopus-like tentacle faces who can turn completely invisible
Haunted (Haunted who
wear a hood similar to Ruvik and have a one-hit kill attack, along with a distance attack using blood and Laura's hands
Haunted (Haunted
who are very small child-like Haunted who crawl along the ground.

-The Keeper (A large safe-headed man with a hammer who collects brains in a bag)
-Re-Bone Laura (A multi-limbed long black haired girl who comes out of blood pools)
-The Sadist (Crazed chainsaw maniac who does work as a butcher)
-Ruvik (hooded man who slowly stalks and approaches Sebastian, has some form of powers and can teleport)
Shigyo (some kind of giant jellyfish-like monster we know little about but was listed as a stalker before)

Arachnid (some giant colossal flesh-spider monster)
Leeches (leeches who seem to attack Sebastian)
Water Monster (looks like Rebone Laura in that it has braces and multiple limbs, but also very different and lives in water)
Body Blob (like a giant mass of bodies melted together and turned into a monster).
Giant Dog (a giant dog who seems to move fast and pounce and prowl towards prey)
Tentacle Abomination (a briefly seen giant tentacle monster)
The Guardians (not seen in footage but mentioned in the achievements, seems to be a pair of two unique monsters who guard the church)

Uncertain if actually Enemies:
Smoke Monster (not 100% sure if a monster, but saw it moving phantom-like in the PAX demo trailer briefly. Looks man-shaped and a mix of ash, smoldering fire, and smoke)
Mannequin (not sure if an enemy, but some of the loading screens made it seem like it will be)
Baby Dolls (looked like the mannequin, saw on a loading screen so again, not 100% sure if enemies, but looked enemy-like)

Both showing I know too much, but also the game seems to have good variety.


but also the game seems to have good variety.

That's great. The Last of Us may have been my favorite game since Resident Evil 4, but it was definitely lacking in enemy and encounter variety. You had, what, Clickers, Runners, Humans, and a few Bloaters?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
That's great. The Last of Us may have been my favorite game since Resident Evil 4, but it was definitely lacking in enemy and encounter variety. You had, what, Clickers, Runners, Humans, and a few Bloaters?

Don't forget Stalkers!

That show up..two times.
That's great. The Last of Us may have been my favorite game since Resident Evil 4, but it was definitely lacking in enemy and encounter variety. You had, what, Clickers, Runners, Humans, and a few Bloaters?

I was pretty satisfied with TLOU's enemies but the overall encounter design wore thin. Level layout was pretty much the only distinguishing factor of most fights. Maybe the focus on realism restricted the amount of fun gimmicks and twists they could introduce. I loved the sniper section though; at least it was something different. Wish there was more of that.


There was the dynamite shack, canyon fight where Leon has to assemble the emblem, the waterfall, the EL GIGANTE IN A NARROW ASS PASSAGE WHAT THE FUCK, the gondola, the catapult ramparts, the water hall, the cage match, the turret room, the hedge maze, the lava room, the giant drill machine room, the clock tower, the minecart, the Donkey Kong staircase, the elevator fight in that same tower, the crane game, the wrecking ball room, the bulldozer section, and MIIIIIIIIIKE!

how many more did I forget?
I was pretty satisfied with TLOU's enemies but the overall encounter design wore thin. Level layout was pretty much the only distinguishing factor of most fights. Maybe the focus on realism restricted the amount of fun gimmicks and twists they could introduce. I loved the sniper section though; at least it was something different. Wish there was more of that.


There was the dynamite shack, canyon fight where Leon has to assemble the emblem, the waterfall, the EL GIGANTE IN A NARROW ASS PASSAGE WHAT THE FUCK, the gondola, the catapult ramparts, the water hall, the cage match, the turret room, the hedge maze, the lava room, the giant drill machine room, the clock tower, the minecart, the Donkey Kong staircase, the elevator fight in that same tower, the crane game, the wrecking ball room, the bulldozer section, and MIIIIIIIIIKE!

how many more did I forget?

The best sub boss encounter, that's what.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

The best sub boss encounter, that's what.

The battle against Not-Xenomorph was definitely one such highlight.

Mikami has much love for the Alien films, it seems. We also have Face-Hugger styled
Boxman head
in Evil Within, and Mikami cites the Alien films were one of the bigger inspirations for him in Evil Within (that and Jaws and Shutter Island).


Man I always switched Mikami and Kamiya around :/

That's not an unforgivable sin, considering they both are responsible for some of the best games ever. And as much praise as Mikami gets (deservedly), if I had to pick between the two, I would easily pick Kamiya.
But maybe that's not fair, because without Mikami, RE2 and Devil May Cry would have probably never existed anyway.

What about dead space?

The first Dead Space absolutely blew my mind upon release. Similarly to how Arkham Asylum did a year later. My expectations for that game were between "Resident Evil ripoff in space" to "meh". First game I've ever purchased after renting and finishing.

I don't really consider it a survival horror game though in the typical, pre RE4 sense. You could easily beat the entire game with just the Plasma Cutter alone. The game is still one of the best for atmosphere and audio cues though. I can't even actually think of a game that has come close to matching it aside from moments of Amnesia.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
That's not an unforgivable sin, considering they both are responsible for some of the best games ever. And as much praise as Mikami gets (deservedly), if I had to pick between the two, I would easily pick Kamiya.
But maybe that's not fair, because without Mikami, RE2 and Devil May Cry would have probably never existed anyway.

I like them both equally, but to your last comment, Kamiya as we know him probably wouldn't of existed without Mikami. Kamiya has much praise for Mikami, and cites him as the person who taught him about director-directed video games, something Mikami introduced with Resident Evil at Capcom (games where directors choose what goes and stays and controls the overall vision and decision-making in a game, which was a new concept at the time), and that Mikami saw something in Kamiya even after he 'messed-up' RE2 with the scrapped version of RE2, and gave him another shot even though people at Capcom at the time were upset with him.

The above are all Kamiya's words about Mikami when asked about him in an Iwata Asks session.


I like them both equally, but to your last comment, Kamiya as we know him probably wouldn't of existed without Mikami. Kamiya has much praise for Mikami, and cites him as the person who taught him about director-directed video games, something Mikami introduced with Resident Evil at Capcom (games where directors choose what goes and stays and controls the overall vision and decision-making in a game, which was a new concept at the time), and that Mikami saw something in Kamiya even after he 'messed-up' RE2, and gave him another shot even though people at Capcom at the time were upset with him.

The above are all Kamiya's words about Mikami when asked about him in an Iwata Asks session.

I was agreeing with you before you even posted this.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I was agreeing with you before you even posted this.

I did, but I also don't think that devalues any of Kamiya's achievements or great character action games, which I'm very fond of and think the titles he's lead are among the best of their genre.

They might come in conflict of confusion with some often though as they have worked with each other on a few projects over time and both were lead directors at Capcom who went ahead to become big heads at their own studios.
I typed up this convenient list of which games each has directed in the other thread, I'll repost it here:


Resident Evil - 1996 - Director/Producer
Dino Crisis - 1999 - Director/Producer
Resident Evil (remake) - 2002 - Director
P.N.03 - 2003 - Director
Resident Evil 4 - 2005 - Director
God Hand - 2006 - Director
Vanquish - 2010 - Director
The Evil Within - 2014 - Director


Resident Evil 2 - 1998 - Director
Devil May Cry - 2001 - Director
Viewtiful Joe - 2003 - Director
Ōkami - 2006 - Story/Director
Bayonetta - 2009 - Story/Director
The Wonderful 101 - 2013 - Story/Director
Scalebound - TBA - Director

Huh... Mikami has made a lot of really great games. I really hope developers like him and Kojima keep getting work and influencing console experiences this gen. Would not be the same industry without them...


I was pretty satisfied with TLOU's enemies but the overall encounter design wore thin. Level layout was pretty much the only distinguishing factor of most fights. Maybe the focus on realism restricted the amount of fun gimmicks and twists they could introduce. I loved the sniper section though; at least it was something different. Wish there was more of that.


There was the dynamite shack, canyon fight where Leon has to assemble the emblem, the waterfall, the EL GIGANTE IN A NARROW ASS PASSAGE WHAT THE FUCK, the gondola, the catapult ramparts, the water hall, the cage match, the turret room, the hedge maze, the lava room, the giant drill machine room, the clock tower, the minecart, the Donkey Kong staircase, the elevator fight in that same tower, the crane game, the wrecking ball room, the bulldozer section, and MIIIIIIIIIKE!

how many more did I forget?

Pretty much. I like to say that TLOU was the first Uncharted that I truly enjoyed, but I didn't find it to be the "lifestyle changing" crap that the majority of GAF seem to gush over, nor did I understand the hype from all of the critics. It was a well made game that I had fun with during my initial and only playthrough, but it doesn't have anything mechanically speaking that makes me even care about ever playing it again. The whole "cinematic" stuff was fine and all, but it's not an Oscar worthy movie or anything, it was simply well above average for a video game.

I'm sitting here imagining myself playing it.

This isn't healthy.

Are you touching yourself while doing so? That could be healthy...


Junior Member
I typed up this convenient list of which games each has directed in the other thread, I'll repost it here:


Resident Evil - 1996 - Director/Producer
Dino Crisis - 1999 - Director/Producer
Resident Evil (remake) - 2002 - Director
P.N.03 - 2003 - Director
Resident Evil 4 - 2005 - Director
God Hand - 2006 - Director
Vanquish - 2010 - Director
The Evil Within - 2014 - Director


Resident Evil 2 - 1998 - Director
Devil May Cry - 2001 - Director
Viewtiful Joe - 2003 - Director
Ōkami - 2006 - Story/Director
Bayonetta - 2009 - Story/Director
The Wonderful 101 - 2013 - Story/Director
Scalebound - TBA - Director

These two have never made a bad game.
I'm waiting for something special, which is exactly why I can't stand this running like shit >_<

Pretty much the same. I really fucking need this game in my veins but I'm honestly worried about this frame rate problem. Even if you watch PewDiePie video you can see the issues there. Playing this on a PS4 only a week ago with the issues still there(maybe it was the same build) isn't helping the incoming shitstorm. To be honest, this is Bethesda and it doesn't surprise me. I like their games but I find their quality control to be generally arse.

If it wasn't for Mikami, I would have been scared off from purchasing ages ago.


I expect Mikami humor to show up in documents throughout the game and/or dialogue, if at all.

"Funny, I don't remember being a part of your crappy script"
I wouldn't call Verdugo a sub boss, he/it's the hardest boss in the game imho.

Dodge and Nitrogen Dioxide? Probably one of the most tense parts of the game sure. RE4 had that a lot like when you first encounter IT on the hanging cradles. This game looks to be doing the same and from what I've played, you're very confined even against the regular enemies.
Pretty much. I like to say that TLOU was the first Uncharted that I truly enjoyed, but I didn't find it to be the "lifestyle changing" crap that the majority of GAF seem to gush over, nor did I understand the hype from all of the critics. It was a well made game that I had fun with during my initial and only playthrough, but it doesn't have anything mechanically speaking that makes me even care about ever playing it again. The whole "cinematic" stuff was fine and all, but it's not an Oscar worthy movie or anything, it was simply well above average for a video game.

I agree that TLOU was a much better Uncharted. And I also agree that the game isn't "lifestyle changing", but it is a great story (to me very similar to TWD game) and you do care about the characters where the majority of games, you forget the characters. I think it's more about the story and presentation than the actual gameplay that makes TLOU so unique.


Who is pewdiepie and why does he have this game already...

Really cant wait for this, will probably get this on ps3-hopefully its a good version


Awesome OP <3

what do u expect the games's average rating will be?

Mid 70's is the safest bet and low 80's is the best case scenario IMO.

Of course that's not representative of what I'm expecting from the game quality wise, personally I don't give a fuck about metacritic. :p


Resident Evil 2 - 1998 - Director
Devil May Cry - 2001 - Director
Viewtiful Joe - 2003 - Director
&#332;kami - 2006 - Story/Director
Bayonetta - 2009 - Story/Director
The Wonderful 101 - 2013 - Story/Director
Scalebound - TBA - Director

Jesus Christ, this guy was involved in all my GOTYs (except for 101, since i've never played it).

Evil Within get!


I hope there is some confirmation on the PC version framerate soon, them being so silent about it is really suspicious.

Yea, lack of info on the PC version is the biggest downer on my hype currently. To the extent that I'm wondering if I should just wait and see, rather than let my preorder go through.


Jesus Christ, this guy was involved in all my GOTYs (except for 101, since i've never played it).

Evil Within get!

Fuck me. I hope Scalebound is awful.

because I had no intention of getting an Xbone for years, if ever :(((((


So we're expecting it be RE:4-2?

how does that tie in with what we've heard about ammo scarcity?

More like REmake/4 to be precise. It most likely won't have the polish of either due to a much smaller budget, but it can still be ambitious and solid regardless.


As a long-term Resident Evil fan who feels like he's been alienated by the direction the series has taken, I'm very curious about this.

It seems to be everything RE should have become after the gameplay evolution of RE4.

*crosses fingers*
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