Excellent. Glad he isn't out if touch with working class America. What we need is for our existing economic power structure to have more money to make jobs for us. If they gave it to us we wouldn't know what to do with it and I for one would not for the life of me know how to deal with less financial stress, so I dont need the tax cut anyways. This is the most efficient way to empower the economy because the people who are successful have more room to play in order to drip our waterfeeders by creating jobs (aka profit enablement) thereby doubling down their success, and keeping us where we belong.
Now believe it or not, and this might sound crazy, I don't believe Jeb has bad intentions.
We don't need this. What we need to accept is the idea that humans
must work is the progenitor to poverty and suffering, and this will only become a bigger void, which jobs will not fix.
Jobs as the solution, by and large, is a pleb tier idea. This is why it's largely a Republican answer to all economic problems.
Serious question: why would a company invest in a person when their costs are ever increasing and technology is ever decreasing? Those "job creators" are just going to go for the cheaper, more efficient model of production, which will eventually be machine learning labor in almost every major front of employment today.
This tax code does
fuck all in addressing that reality, so I greatly pity you for failing to understand this and to be naive enough to think Jeb's idea really isn't out of touch with people and reality, while also thinking this is a reasonable solution, when on every major account, it factually isn't. Your post is a perfect example of standing against your own interests in hilariously dangerous ways.