i'm in #PunkWins, have been since day 1
Imbask is a DMczaf guy
i'm in #PunkWins, have been since day 1
Imbask is a DMczaf guy
fuck these jabronis, Punk is winning by KO within the first minute of the fight
Only way it could get worse is if Menome bet on Punk.
AJ WWE title run needs to happen
Especially with his new Face That Runs This Place attitude
*throws Zach's phone*
Not if the ratings during his title run are anything to go by
Styles was scheduled to be the first guy to win the Universal Championship before Reigns got suspended. After he did, they made Ambrose keep the belt and go to SD and have Raw have the new title so yeah I can see Styles winning tomorrow.
that's some serious insider info there. any source pal? i don't meant to question ya, i just want more info on this stuff.
also yeah I think AJ will win tomorrow. if he doesn't then next month, but it's a mistake to keep it from him even this month.
- Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Regarding Finn Balor's WWE pay-per-view debut, it was always scheduled to happen at SummerSlam but original plans had him facing Chris Jericho as Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins was the planned title main event. Original plans also had RAW getting the main WWE Title and SmackDown getting what is now the Universal Title, won by AJ Styles.
Reigns' WWE Wellness Policy violation changed those creative plans and WWE made the decision to put another babyface in the top RAW slot, pushing Reigns down the card as punishment.
Yep. Reigns really messed things up.
But on the bright side, Styles will win the WWE World Title rather than the Universal so that's great for him. He's getting a legendary belt.
why did he even need drugs anyway? motherfucker wears a bulletproof vest, he could be overweight and we wouldn't know
NJPW has an entire division booked around watching some midcarders try to give themselves brain damage for the entertainment of the crowd
Because the internet likes to bodyshame him
though the internet ironically doesn't seem to like when you bodyshame kevin owens
I return with the bounty for tonight's simulated shoot:
*Tim's Sea Salt and Vinegar chips
*Hot Cheetos lime
*Grey Goose
*21 Amendment Brew Free or Die
*Lay's Barbecue Chips
*Large Pepperoni, Sausage, and Bacon pizza
*Roast Beef
http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/230297-hhh-shawn-michaels-trash-cm-punk-backstageBacklash is tomorrow friend.
NeoGAF Vince McMahon
Dr Duncan Steel
Sweeney Tom
El Pescado
Hey, I'm late, put me in Punk wins.
He won't, but it's fun to root for the underdog
Look at all these pro-wrestling hatin' cunts right here.
Didnt root for brock the crock either #shoot
Last thing I was confident enough to call was Brock not winning at 200Didnt root for brock the crock either #shoot
Zach, I m team punk winining .
also what time does punk fight?