That big ass snake though. Did Dolph design that attire?
Just about to say dont tread on swagger
That big ass snake though. Did Dolph design that attire?
and the crowd goes indifferent
Brown person preaching peace and saying nothing of harm about to get beat up by a white dude with blonde hair. Awesome.
Now these guys need a best of 7 series.
It's a new era, brother.Jinder gets a win. Surprised, actually.
Enzo and Cass vs The Shining Stars. So aside from Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins, Raw really has nobody.
Switched to MNF:2 and Lindsey Sterling butchered the anthem on violin while two brown men knelt...
Did you just call Connor fat?HE'S FAT
Owens and Rollins are going to have a best of 7 for the belt over the next 7 raw PPVs
I'd like everyone to know that this is the day I've grown tired of Enzo's opening speech.
Man the Shining Stars must love this brand split, all this tv time they never would've gotten otherwise.
This show is the very definition of being sent to die.