Aw man that match is gonna suck
Nah, Bliss is alright when she's in there with someone who can work, and Becky can. Alexa has had good matches with Bayley.
Aw man that match is gonna suck
The build will be good. Alexa can actually talk.Aw man that match is gonna suck
Aw man that match is gonna suck
We are 0-2 tonight
Lmao wwe knows who we are gonna guess
It's gonna be a new person. Hopefully not Swagger, who is probably a heel now
What if his partner is Darren Young?
It's gonna be Kane guys. It's always Kane.
I'm not saying I know something, but Hogan's beens mentioned the past 2 nights. I'm just saying, brothers.
What if his partner is Darren Young?
Miz (pending contract negotiations)
Eva Marie's announcer
If anything, that means Becky is gonna hit some mean suplexes. Her best ones were always the one on Sasha since she's the second smallest woman wrestler after Bliss I think and she went flying with it.Bliss is alright in the ring. Her only problem is being too little.
The Lynch Mob Era!
Bray already has a segment though. He also has a character that doesn't really just hang out backstage in kayfabe.It's gonna be Bray. How do people not realize this? He has history with Cena and a one night team up doesn't void his feud with Orton. He also worked in a tag against Cena and Orton last night.
What the hell. Why does Cena get privilege to get into the title main event? That's how Cena gets hated
At least AJ is retaining, but Im going to be pretty annoyed if cena gets his win back off him
Don't do this to me. New Club with Harper and some other goof.Could be Luke Harper.
Bray already has a segment though. He also has a character that doesn't really just hang out backstage in kayfabe.
That's why it works. AJ won't ask him and will go out alone, then he'll do his thing and show up in the ring.
Prediction: Slater and Rhyno comes out and just before Slater signs the contract, Rhyno gores him. Enter Curt Hawkins to sign the contract and be Rhyno's new partner & tag champ.
Bray doesn't smoke cigs, ya mark.Bray hangs out outside the arena leaning up against a wall smoking a cigarette by himself. Approach at your own risk