It was over for the two weeks it happened a couple years ago. It can be great."Stone Cold Alicia Fox" is a massive, massive insult to Steve Austin. Fuck, can't believe you guys.
This is the worst. Raw is the worst. I hate wrestling.
That's a false equivalency and you know it. WWE embraced the stigma of "women are crazy" for far too long and far too frequently for it to immediately just be another storyline. Nothing close to that has been done on the male side.
Both feet MUST be in the ring, apparently. The anti-Royal Rumble rule.I don't understand.
How did Sin Cara not break the count?
The second bucket has me fucking dyingWhat happens when a wild Sin Cara is unmasked
It was over for the two weeks it happened a couple years ago. It can be great.
Why is the Sasha segment so late? Did they realize people needed a reason to stick around before the main event?
Sasha Broken Banks......?
Oh no
More like Sasha broken back.Sasha Broken Banks......?
Oh no
I don't even think his worst segment has been..... You know, scratch that.Sasha Bank's bad news is that Vince Russo has been booking RAW again.
Goddamnit now I just remembered Kharma.Sasha's gonna say she's pregnant or some shit lmao.
I mean despite literally every other woman having a unique gimmick and that Alicia doing something different will do no nothing but help her become more noticed. Not to mention that Alicia's gimmick is less "those crazy gurls" but actually insane.
A Vince tradition. Just like jobbing in your hometown. I wonder what Vince would do to someone who had a birthday while they were in their hometown.The sloppiness of the Darren/Titus brawl + Fox botching with that box were probably the funniest things I've seen in the past couple days.
Damn, making a man job on his birthday? That's fucked up.
This is what Raw looks like without Roman Reigns.
Goddamnit now I just remembered Kharma.
I don't think she's retiring, I just think she's getting an extensive surgery and will be out for a while.
Why is the Sasha segment so late? Did they realize people needed a reason to stick around before the main event?
CM punk commercial during raw
I don't think she's retiring, I just think she's getting an extensive surgery and will be out for a while.
Goddamnit now I just remembered Kharma.
Gat damn tonight's RAW sounds just oppressively bad.