We're talking about bringing back an incredibly iconic event like Starrcade, not some random house show.
And the Miyagi shit and probably more. I switched off.
That's not the Alberto/Sheamus image we deserve.I know that Cena vs Orton image is handpicked to make people upset but
Let's just go back to Alberto/Sheamus to be happy. Now that was a good image.
Man, after ADR beat Cena, I stopped caring about him again. That shit made no sense.You guys remember Mexi-merica?
Definitely.HHH has honestly been focused on making stars by putting them over him (with the exception of Stang, obviously...)
He's doing his part.
Hey, hey....Chill. Chill out. Let's turn back while we can.
Gotcha. All I did was look at her Twitter profile and wonder why she wasn't covering something...better.
Holy shit, this is what happened on SD tonight?
Fucking christ.
What the fuck?! That is fucking egregious.
Remember when R-Truth had a top of the card heel run and came out to no entrance music?
I actually kind of dug it
Wait this shit actually happened?
sometimes i forget how much they tried to make del rio a thing
sometimes i forget how much they tried to make del rio a thing
Big Japan will have a new safety system from 2018 after Sekimoto's injuries and issues. Includes rotating 1 or 2 guys out per month/tour.
Eh, they didnt have that much time to establish themselves. M&M were on top of the tag division for like a year.Miz and Truth tbh
You know Im right, Sunny.
Yep. Plus they just felt like natural friends, like I can buy these guys as a well-oiled machine instead of just 2 dudes randomly paired up.The thing is that they actually had some personality thanks to the Dirt Sheet and everything. I feel like most tag teams are just uninteresting because they're just 2 guys you barely hear talking.
When they shifted over to being "The Lads" they got good. But yeah, then Barrett left right after.League of Nations could have been a great thing but then Wade Barruh decided to leave.![]()
When he decides to care.Honestly, he is a thing, and he was a "big thing, real quick" if I remember that story that WWE fucked up posting him on their site early on.
He's a great talent, honestly.
You know Im right, Sunny.
Yep. Plus they just felt like natural friends, like I can buy these guys as a well-oiled machine instead of just 2 dudes randomly paired up.
I always liked Christian more than Edge. Sucked when he decided to leave in 2005.Sheamus vs Christian was a match up that happened a lot when I got back into watching WWE in 2013. But those matches were great.
Ok, I'm back to thinking her boss hates her lol.Well one of her stories was on a soccer player while shaving his legs led to a injury and him missing a game.
TOO MANY LIMESit's a shameful thing
lobster head
Ok, I'm back to thinking her boss hates her lol.
Finishing up Raw, and I know I probably say this every week, but Elias is amazing.
I mean they still throw title changes around constantly. Just look at the Women's division right now. They're all like 5 time champs after 2 years.I always liked Christian more than Edge. Sucked when he decided to leave in 2005.
Felt Edge relied on heat magnets like Lita and Vickie way too much. Got real bored of his gimmick by 2007. Still shocked he managed to get 6 world title reigns, let alone 11 or whatever stupid number he ended up at. Dark days those were.
I always liked Christian more than Edge.
I always liked Christian more than Edge.
Imagine if Nak doesn't win the belt at HIAC after that promo
HHH/Booker 2.0
I mean they still throw title changes around constantly. Just look at the Women's division right now. They're all like 5 time champs after 2 years.
Unless you're Jinder Mahal. Then you get to keep your title no matter what.
Non WWE Del Rio seems like a massive asshole though.Non WWE Del Rio is usually entertaining. WWE Del Rio makes Orton look interesting by comparison.
You know what, friend, I like you
*Offers handshake*
Christian and Edge were both okay. I wouldn't want either as my world champion, though.
P.S. The Hardyz were better in the Attitude Era, I don't care what THE INTERNET says.
GO BACK TO ROHP.S. The Hardyz were better in the Attitude Era, I don't care what THE INTERNET says.
Imagine if Nak doesn't win the belt at HIAC after that promo
HHH/Booker 2.0
Mahal will feud with Sami next and call him a Jihadist.At this point there's nobody left on SD to take it off him. Orton lost to Mahal a billion times, Styles has the US title, Owens is already a heel and stuck with Shane for a bit (unless he comes out of this face somehow).
After that you pretty much need implausible scenarios like Sami Zayn getting world title shots.
Waiting for a joke about Hiroshima/Fukushima/you name itImagine what Mahal will say next....
Apparently they didn't upload Jinder's promo to Youtube
How fucking convenient