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Shootmember 2 Wrasslin |OT| :Shoot from the Hip When in Heated Verbal Exchanges

He's out of control.

Longer doesn't mean better. He must understand this. Both his matches with Reigns and Rollins would've been better if they weren't so long. Shave about 7-10 minutes off them, and they could've been great matches.

And his Reigns match was just thought out poorly. It should've been a Batista redux, instead he's out there trying to school him rather than simply being destroyed. Reminded me of the misguided Orton match at WM25. Pacing matters in a match.

I want HHH on the show, and enjoy his presence, but he needs to be stopped. Someone needs to have that word. He does this way too often. He even did it with Lesnar. But like, this is clearly a Triple H problem. You can't work this damn match with everybody.
Rollins vs Triple H should have had run ins from every direction.
I fuckin' loved everything about that little worm getting shook by Sarge, I loved that it clearly showed how insecure and stupid Sarge was, and it also showcased Louis' incredible stiff upper lip.

Loved the shit out of that episode. Definitely one of the best, right up there with some of his other ones.

I love it too, don't get me wrong. It was just hilarious that Sarge was trying to defend wrestling and came across like a total carny freakshow.


First I couldn't believe they were going to recycle the exact same bit from the previous week which was a complete bomb, then to extend it for as long as they did made it physically difficult to get through.

Whoever wrote that segment needs to be banished from the business



It had 3 good matches, and 1 great one. I'll take that over a 2 match show anytime.

which matches?

now that I think about it, the sting match was amusing, lesnar ragdolling reigns was amusing, the curb stomp reversal into an rko was amusing... but I wouldn't call any of those matches good, let alone great. at least that's how I felt at the time. I don't even know how well the lesnar match holds up since the suplex thing is kinda played out now, whereas it felt fresh and exciting on that night.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Manking having two different theme musics for his entrance and for when he won was always a really good subtle touch that added to his creepiness.

I still maintain that Mick Foley is the real MVP of the Attitude Era.

The real MVP is Vince McMahon. Responsible for EVERYTHING.


Manking having two different theme musics for his entrance and for when he won was always a really good subtle touch that added to his creepiness.

I still maintain that Mick Foley is the real MVP of the Attitude Era.

His post-match theme was top tier. And I agree.


Weird how fans are complaining about HHH matches at Mania, which have been awesome.

What? Triple H's Mania matches are usually fucking snorefests. The only good Mania matches he's had were against Undertaker at WM17 and against Bryan at 30.

Roman vs HHH is probably the worst Mania main event ever.
HHH vs Rollins was stupid.
HHH was the least memorable thing about HHH vs Sting.
The "I wanna get my HBK moment" matches HHH had against Taker at WM27 and 28 were not good matches.
HHH vs Booker T is remembered for every bad reason possible

Triple H needed CM Punk telling him that Mania matches against HHH didn't mean shit to get him motivated to actually put on a good Mania match for the first time in 13 years.


Weird how fans are complaining about HHH matches at Mania, which have been awesome.
I'd argue he's been more miss than hit in recent years.

Lesnar match was pretty boring. Reigns and Rollins were varying levels of decent. But both could've been a lot better if they weren't trying to be 25 minute "epics" or whatever. His Sting match was good fun (aside from the finish), and his Bryan match was great.

That's 2 out of 5 for me recently that worked (the two being Sting and Bryan).

He can still put on solid stuff, but someone needs to stop him going so long. And he needs to stop trying to go old school on his opponents. Go out there, get your shit in, and then get your shit kicked in. That's all you need to do. And it can be done in under 18 minutes.

What? Triple H's Mania matches are usually fucking snorefests. The only good Mania matches he's had were against Undertaker at WM17 and against Bryan at 30.

Roman vs HHH is probably the worst Mania main event ever.
HHH vs Rollins was stupid.
HHH was the least memorable thing about HHH vs Sting.
The "I wanna get my HBK moment" matches HHH had against Taker at WM27 and 28 were not good matches.

Triple H needed CM Punk telling him that Mania matches against HHH didn't mean shit to get him motivated to actually put on a good Mania match for the first time in 13 years.
It's not a good match, but this is nonsense.

Half the WM main events are easily worse than Reigns/HHH. And even in the past decade, Cena/Miz and Orton/HHH were worse.


Weird how fans are complaining about HHH matches at Mania, which have been awesome.
The last legitimately good HHH match at Mania was WM30.

His match vs Sting was only entertaining thanks to the run-ins. The match it's self was pretty run of the mill.

HHH vs Reigns made me legitimately fall asleep. Especially awful since it was the main event.

HHH vs Rollins was dreadfully boring as well.


I have probably enjoyed 5% of Triple H's matches. And most of the matches I've seen have been PPV matches, that are supposed to be good and important.
Then you would have to tape ALL live events. (I know they low key do it already but no hard camera). Canada is getting a main event of Brock vs Joe..rather see that then cage matches.

We're talking about bringing back an incredibly iconic event like Starrcade, not some random house show.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I loved Mankind because he always beat the shit out of the Undertaker.

What's great about Mankind and Taker in this era is they both could believably beat each other due to their characters having different strengths and weaknesses. Mankind always had a real chance.


It's not a good match, but this is nonsense.

Half the WM main events are easily worse than Reigns/HHH. And even in the past decade, Cena/Miz and Orton/HHH were worse.

Those main events aren't good but at least I didn't start dozing off for those matches.

The only other main event I can think of that was on the same bad-scale as Roman/HHH is maybe Roman/Taker from this year.


What's great about Mankind and Taker in this era is they both could believably beat each other due to their characters having different strengths and weaknesses. Mankind always had a real chance.

Well at least you know something.

I actually think Nakamura vs HHH would be a decent match.

Nak's only good matches since the debut in America have been against HHH Jr.

I think it would be decent. But I don't know if I care enough to watch it at this point.


Even as a kid, I saw Mankind/Foley/Jack/etc. as the fat, dirty, out-of-shape guy at a dive bar who would have been a jobber but for his characters and never believed he was a threat to win any wrestling match, even hardcore matches, unless it was fake.

He entertained the hell out of me but let's not act like he wasn't a rich man's Brooklyn Brawler in all these fights.


The Undertaker vs Mankind feud is, in my opinion, the best feud of both of their careers. It was a good feud because it gave some (needed) vulnerability to Undertaker's character and it came across as believable vulnerability because Taker finally ran up against another monster character who could take Undertaker's beatings and still keep coming. Plus the matches themselves weren't that bad either, I'd argue that the Taker/Mankind matches were easily better than the Taker/Kane matches.

And from a bigger standpoint, the feud saved both of their careers.


Even as a kid, I saw Mankind/Foley/Jack/etc. as the fat, dirty, out-of-shape guy at a dive bar who would have been a jobber but for his characters and never believed he was a threat to win any wrestling match, even hardcore matches, unless it was fake.

He entertained the hell out of me but let's not act like he wasn't a rich man's Brooklyn Brawler in all these fights.


Those main events aren't good but at least I didn't start dozing off for those matches.

The only other main event I can think of that was on the same bad-scale as Roman/HHH is maybe Roman/Taker from this year.
Reigns/Taker is solid for the storytelling alone. It was great seeing a broken down Taker finally being put to rest. I ain't hating on that even if Taker was a shell of his former self. The only bad part of that match was the Tombstone botch. Aside from that, I enjoyed it.

WM32's biggest problem is the length. In no world does a Reigns/HHH match justify anything above 20 minutes. There's no story for that match. It should've been HHH attempting to school Reigns early on, then getting manhandled and put to rest. Much better structure.

I blame it on HHH though. He seems to love doing this particular match in recent years. I expected he'd do the same to Rollins, and that did indeed happen. Although that was still better than Reigns/HHH. I want to see Balor/HHH, Styles/HHH, Owens/HHH, and even Nakamura/HHH, but I'm afraid he's just going to have the same match again. And between all of the aforementioned guys, Styles is the only one I'd trust to pull it off well with him.

You prop up Wrestlemania and then tell HHH to stop having long matches. Yet HHH had the second longest match of WM17.

Wrestlemania 17 is overrated
His WM17 match was 18 minutes. That's nothing compared to the 25 minute matches he's been doing recently. And 2001 Triple H was a great wrestler. 2017 Triple H ain't that guy.

Also, overrated is a meaningless descriptor.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Imagine being a sports writer and having to write about fucking wrestling...during the start of football season and playoff baseball.


Yeah, not a great moment for any writer unless they're an enthusiast that isn't worried about moving up, too.
Imagine being a sports writer and having to write about fucking wrestling...during the start of football season and playoff baseball.

Imagine a sports writer uncovering how Jinder is importing the Dragon Gate water and sinks his run.

Meanwhile, you won't hear a peep from ESPN.


The HHH/Orton match at WM25 would have been 10x better if HHH would have said fuck the title and taken a DQ just so he could beat the shit out of Orton and get revenge for the shit he did to Vince and Steph


The HHH/Orton match at WM25 would have been 10x better if HHH would have said fuck the title and taken a DQ just so he could beat the shit out of Orton and get revenge for the shit he did to Vince and Steph
A traditional match made zero fucking sense considering the build up.
This is the thing with HHH and his fucking hammer.

He never swings it like a hammer. Obviously he can't, because he would kill someone. But it comes off as the most pathetic shit.
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