Sweeney Tom
Anything I want to say, OT can see right here
in this fine thread
in this fine thread
Why do you want Jinder to be an agent?Who are you?
I would do it but I haven't watched any WWE content (aside from TakeOver and the MYC Final) in over 2 months.I've done it before, I don't want people to think I'm just recycling content. We have plenty of people here who want to put their own touch on it as well. Making room for up and comers!
The last WWE 'cism thread I made was a fine thread and thought provoking as far as finding ways to combat racism in entertainment without diluting the message.
I would do it but I haven't watched any WWE content (aside from TakeOver and the MYC Final) in over 2 months.
Who are you?Why do you want Jinder to be an agent?
I hear everyone loves tarp, especially sunny
How much you wanna bet WWE blame Jinder when national media gets ahold of this like fhey blamed Charlotte for the Reid Flair promo
How long until they bring in Cornette and JarrettTNA/Impact/GFW tier attendance
How long until they bring in Cornette and Jarrett
Who are you?
This cannot be reposted enough.
You replied with the same bullshit when I replied to one of your posts yesterday, I'm just returning the favor🤷🏻I don't know why you'd want Jinder to be an agent, though, or why you're so excited for it. I'll go ahead and drop it since you're not interested in discussing wrestling.
Just wait until you get to the three-hour Nitro that has zero matches in the first hour. Zero!
I hear everyone loves tarp, especially sunny
I hear everyone loves tarp, especially sunny
Also heard this was one of the worst smackdowns for a long time. At least 205 had that Neville promo, one of the best I've heard in a while.
He's trusted enough to keep the belt for months. He's clearly doing something right. You'd have to be some sort ofI don't know why you'd want Jinder to be an agent, though, or why you're so excited for it. I'll go ahead and drop it since you're not interested in discussing wrestling.
to not be able to see he has a lot of good to teach the young'ins.a fuckin' idiot.
I hear everyone loves tarp, especially sunny
Also heard this was one of the worst smackdowns for a long time. At least 205 had that Neville promo, one of the best I've heard in a while.
gross post
Lmao it took me a couple seconds to notice that's TNA and not WWE😂Bound for Smackdown
He's trusted enough to keep the belt for months. He's clearly doing something right. You'd have to be some sort of
to not be able to see he has a lot of good to teach the young'ins.
He's trusted enough to keep the belt for months. He's clearly doing something right. You'd have to be some sort of
to not be able to see he has a lot of good to teach the young'ins.
At least Goldberg's done with the company, so the WWE Fans wouldn't have to explain how good his new entrance without pyro (Budget Cuts!) looks
I wonder if Gillberg would have had his pyro cut as wellAt least Goldberg's done with the company, so the WWE Fans wouldn't have to explain how good his new entrance without pyro (Budget Cuts!) looks
Oh I agree, but Jinder is far more valuable right now on the active roster instead of wishing for him to retire. I guess that Jinder championship run really upset some people who felt that he didn't deserve it, and was champion only because they wanted to make money in India. I'm really, really sick of people feeling Jinder's title run has been unearned or earned only on the basis of the color of his skin. Jinder has talent and is showing it, has not been an embarrassment (save this recent poor SD promo) and certainly deserves it.
People complain about the title scene all the time. "Oh, it's always the same people hot potatoing the title back and forth." Now someone shows up, and there's problems? Hmm. I think I know what they're saying, but I sure don't like it.
The build was absolute garbage, he jobbed to Mojo on the Wrestlemania preshow. I always though the push without a build was an attempt to get him heat, but it just didn't work.
I thought he might come back if his kid wants him to?At least Goldberg's done with the company, so the WWE Fans wouldn't have to explain how good his new entrance without pyro (Budget Cuts!) looks
I thought he might come back if his kid wants him to?
I thought he might come back if his kid wants him to?
Yeah but his promo was like maybe again if the stars alignHe just did that last year
WWE Game of Thrones
Vince just really wants to do that incest story just once
If anyone was at last night's WWE #SmackDownLIVE in Oakland, please contact me for a story about racist promos. marissa.payne@washpost.com
I hear everyone loves tarp, especially sunny
Also heard this was one of the worst smackdowns for a long time. At least 205 had that Neville promo, one of the best I've heard in a while.
gross post
I just got the email about that. Filling it out now.
The Jinder promo just makes me even more worried for Asuka. WWE still doesn't know how to handle foreign talent
What I like about their surveys is they always seem to have ideas for good stuff, they just never do it
Vince doesn't know how to book foreign talent. Look at what Hunter has done with NXT: Nakamura was the title holder and booked strong, Asuka broke records for the company and Kairi Sane just won the Mae Young Classic. Finn was the top guy in NXT for over a year and you've now got a Scottish champion in McIntyre.
To put things in perspective for Jinder's title run, it was about 6 weeks in between him getting jobbed out to Mojo Rawley and becoming world champion. The guy has clearly put in a lot of work, I won't deny that. But to act like the company gave one shit about this guy prior to their India push is being naive.
I hear everyone loves tarp, especially sunny
There's a Thank You Pikma chant going on in my pajamasLmao I got an email offering me another 3 month free of the Trump Network
Resubbing would make me look like just another Zach so I just deleted the email.
Lmao I got an email offering me another 3 month free of the Trump Network
Resubbing would make me look like just another Zach so I just deleted the email.