Tapings are already 4 hour long though, I don't think anything can be done without having to invest/bleed more money
Oh I mean DIY stuff the talent can kick around and throw up on Youtube. Show something different.
Tapings are already 4 hour long though, I don't think anything can be done without having to invest/bleed more money
How does 4 hour tapings for a 1 hour show work?Tapings are already 4 hour long though, I don't think anything can be done without having to invest/bleed more money
How does 4 hour tapings for a 1 hour show work?
They tape the same show 4 times until something sticksHow does 4 hour tapings for a 1 hour show work?
Both he and Blake got lost when they split up because their entire gimmick was mostly defined by being managed by Alexa Bliss.Sweet, happy to hear it.
Yeah, the NXT tour here last year. I suppose it was in December. This year has gone frighteningly quick. I really liked him and his character, just one of those things I noticed.
Not sure what they are doing with Buddy Murphy. He can really go and is an awesome worker. He never really got to show off what he can do on NXT TV either compared to what I have seen of him. I think he actually has a "NXT's best kept secret" kind of gimmick going but hasn't gotten to show it yet.
Respect the maha raja
So nakamura would have still had two to go!
More like maha raCIST
very healthy impulses, normal brain man, nothing to see here
Do it #TotalBellasvery healthy impulses, normal brain man, nothing to see here
Remember when Bobby Roode was on Smackdown?
just read about the Jinder Nakamura segment...
What in the actual fuck were they thinking?
The same thing Vince is always thinking... audience are stupid
Was NXT any good last night? Mustache Mountain vs Red Dragon sounds like a solid match to me.
40 mins? Hell nahDragon Gate - Masaaki Mochizuki vs YAMATO (c) Dream Gate Championship
It's free wrestling.
Watch it. Watch it. Watch it. Watch it. Watch it. Watch it. Watch it. Watch it. Watch ist.
I told you guys that Charlotte vs. Ronda was the match. Not Steph.
40 mins? Hell nah
Oh thats betterActual match is like 24~ minutes, don't worry. The extra length is for post-match celebration + promos.
You need to be exposed to the beauty of 60 minute draws40 mins? Hell nah
The beauty of 8 minute rest holds.You need to be exposed to the beauty of 60 minute draws
The beauty of 8 minute rest holds.
I miss Piper Niven![]()
40 mins? Hell nah
Yeah. Itms multiple matches and promos not one super long match. Watched wrestlemaniaDon't you watch 3 hour Raws and 2 hour smackdowns? Every week? 🤔
Tell ', you gotta wait for the crowd to come to you
Yeah. Itms multiple matches and promos not one super long match. Watched wrestlemania
🌝True true 🌛
DDT Apartment wrestling goes for 40 minutes or so and is better than most of anything anyone will see ever.
I'm watching Slamboree '94. No one knows why.
It's comforting and mindless when it's not being offensive and terrible.
I have a theory. You love wrestling!
(R)truthI have this theory you can't love wrestling (wrasslin') without also hating wrasslin' (wrestling).