Gimme that TV-14 goodnessSo I also got that WWE Network survey, and it has an option to vote on (in terms of "how interested are you in this idea?") that's not in the above picture:
Gimme that TV-14 goodnessSo I also got that WWE Network survey, and it has an option to vote on (in terms of "how interested are you in this idea?") that's not in the above picture:
Gimme that TV-14 goodness
I wonder if ICW is the tv-14 show.
Also, watching the reactions in the crowd of dream and black segment are funny. Especially some of the women in the crowd. Plus people Izzy age looking confused on why everyone was reacting like that.
Plus they did edit the segment a bit. Dream was in front of black when he was sitting longer than what was shown.
I like the idea that the goth metal bro core cool guy is potentially scared of the flamboyant purple man
Doesn't even @ Kenny Omega. And people think Omega will get the IWGP before Rhodes
b u r i e d
It's funny for them to use "ECW" as the reference because
-The last revival is largely considered a bust
-All of the ECW originals are pretty much washed up and or dead
-It's likely it's just a comparison point and not actually for a "new ECW", but they wouldn't have the licensed music or any of the violence so what's the point? Just do NXT
It'd also either be in Full Sail or after live TV so that'd be SICK
-All of the ECW originals are pretty much washed up and or dead
RVD knows he's washed up and doesn't have to tryRVD the legend better not be included in this 😤
Attitude Era was complete trash. Agree. Mature content is a crutch.I want them to stay far away from the edgy crap. One of the main reasons I came back was because they cleaned up the product from the Attitude era.
KIWAMI 2?yooooooooooooooooooooooo
Good edge can be ok.I want them to stay far away from the edgy crap. One of the main reasons I came back was because they cleaned up the product from the Attitude era.
Maybe if we all subscribe, we'll own the Networkthat wwe survey sounds more fake than pro wrestling
like just a bunch of fanboy dreams
I don't see any of them realistically happening
Attitude Era was complete trash. Agree. Mature content is a crutch.
that wwe survey sounds more fake than pro wrestling
like just a bunch of fanboy dreams
I don't see any of them realistically happening
I stopped playing Yakuza 5 after about an hour. Not my thing.
Guys. I like Velveteen Dream you guys.
Making Black talk smh
Don't watch it.I don't think I can take another week of Jinder croaking out a hideous promo.
WWE has a deep history of being racist and culturally insensitive. Vince donated millions to the Trump campaign and his wife is in the administration.I just saw the Jinder promo. If Nakamura doesn't beat him at Hell in a Cell then none of that was needed at all.
Even so in the times we live in now it's difficult to hear someone say that. Now I understand it's a television show but it also makes me wonder if people wouldn't be upset if another more classy show did something like that.
I'm definitely not trying to defend WWE and I totally understand why people would be offended by what Jinder said.
WWE has a deep history of being racist and culturally insensitive. Vince donated millions to the Trump campaign and his wife is in the administration.
So, they are judged appropriately when it comes to shit like this.
Easily?apparently after his son died, ric flair would go to bars and drink from 11am til closing
i don't even understand how that is physically possible
Yeah, but how's your territory doing?Just think about it, Vince is so deep into his own shit with shareholders he had to make ridiculous budget cuts, I wouldn't be surprised if talent now has to bring his own toilet paper during tours, including cancelling a show like Talking Smack that cost peanuts to make. Now who in their right mind would expect them to suddenly start investing in new shows that require proper writing and dedicated tapings or even worse, start paying other companies for their video libraries. The only kind of shows that are within reach in that fantasy survey are those that require little to not effort like getting Austin and a couple more guys in need of a paycheck to record some new audio for old matches.
Even those network features, they've been promising a couple of them for more than a year now and they haven't done shit, why would they suddenly implement them just because people said they'd be interested in them in a pointless survey.
Nitro 161 at the 8:45 mark The Hardy Boyz music plays during a video package about WCW being on Wall Street and having a WCW MASTERCARD. I totally forgot WCW had their own credit card.
I wonder what song was originally used.