It's the Conor's Cure belt they're auctioning for the charities.
When they inevitably unite the Universal and WWE Championships they should use that belt
It's the Conor's Cure belt they're auctioning for the charities.
Really curious to see how they handle her when she comes back.PWInsider says it looks like Paige has been cleared to return, and belief is she'll be on SD next month
Cook me a meal pls 😭Think I know why you get stomach trouble every week. 🤔
PWInsider says it looks like Paige has been cleared to return, and belief is she'll be on SD next month
Unless the YouTube version cut some terrible garbage I thought it was damn good. Enzo playing the asshole no one likes and neville saying screw the title and beating his ass. Please go feud with AJ on smackdown.Man that 205 segment might be a contender for worst segment of the year.
YASS, so glad I got a ticket for Ishii Lee
Unless the YouTube version cut some terrible garbage
Disability?If I was working I would def watch more of the UK stuff. But being on really shit benefits means I have no chance.
That's what made the rest of it terrible?You missed Enzo calling Gran Metallik fat
That's what made the rest of it terrible?
Mental health issues. I suffer from authority based anxiety, so work is a big no atm. I can't handle people being in charge over what happens to me due to a shit past.
I'm in a similar situation hope it improves! Schizophrenia authority based paranoia/anxietyMental health issues. I suffer from authority based anxiety, so work is a big no atm. I can't handle people being in charge over what happens to me due to a shit past.
Really curious to see how they handle her when she comes back.
We're all here for you Beef.
I'm in a similar situation hope it improves! Schizophrenia authority based paranoia/anxiety
I just found out my dad likes Taylor Swift
It looks better than those shitty trunks of his by a mileAxel needs to stop dressing like the Party City version of Seth Rollins though
Damn, Paige finally coming back. She was out for like what, 2 years?PWInsider says it looks like Paige has been cleared to return, and belief is she'll be on SD next month
I think my dad has her first cdSoooo
I just found out my dad likes Taylor Swift
Your dad is good people.Soooo
I just found out my dad likes Taylor Swift
It made the3 whole division look like fookin geeks and made enzo ,the only star in the divison , look like a total ass hole. Not to mention making the champ and the belt look like a fookin joke. It like they are trying hardest to get 205 live cancel.Unless the YouTube version cut some terrible garbage I thought it was damn good. Enzo playing the asshole no one likes and neville saying screw the title and beating his ass. Please go feud with AJ on smackdown.
I just found out my dad likes Taylor Swift
I just found out my dad likes Taylor Swift
Why has Seph gone gold? ��
Hum excuse me but the suitcase contains marcelus wallace's soul I know that because i'm very smart and went to film school and watch a youtube video about it thank you
Also because Tarantino had a conversation with Mark Kermode and said that was a definite possibility...?
Marcellus Wallace is actually a wizard and the suitcase is actually some Harry Potter stuffHum excuse me but the suitcase contains marcelus wallace's soul I know that because i'm very smart and went to film school and watch a youtube video about it thank you
A shit one ....
What if I told you the belts in WWE are mcguffins
Are you getting RoboCop confused with a Terminator?
Are you getting RoboCop confused with a Terminator?
Lol at how confused some of wrasslegaf were by the ending segment of Raw
"I don't know who the heel is! this is baaaaaad!"
Sure is a mystery, as the man who won the belt by kicking a dude in the nuts is running down every other CW on the roster and hyping himself up as the business leveraging the you can't wrestle chants to put him on the same tier as some greats.
Which then leads to a cathartic beatdown of just desserts proportions, great segment.
But I swear in the rush some have to dislike something they can't even let a 15 minutes play out or just forget wrestling logic and turns in general.
i'm very smart and went to film school and watch a youtube video about it thank you
Enzo's rambling didn't make it clear to the audience that it was a heel turn because he was just doing his normal thingLol at how confused some of wrasslegaf were by the ending segment of Raw
"I don't know who the heel is! this is baaaaaad!"
Sure is a mystery, as the man who won the belt by kicking a dude in the nuts is running down every other CW on the roster and hyping himself up as the business leveraging the you can't wrestle chants to put him on the same tier as some greats.
Which then leads to a cathartic beatdown of just desserts proportions, great segment.
But I swear in the rush some have to dislike something they can't even let a 15 minutes play out or just forget wrestling logic and turns in general.