What scope and ambition? It's a movie about a bunch of machines versus a bunch of humans. There isn't a single thing original about that. This story has been brought to the screen many times in many a medium. I just watched a movie called Arahan, it sucked but it had far more ambition than The Matrix movies. I could never praise a movie because of something so shallow. Simply throwing numbers(100 smiths, two million sentinels, 72 slo mo shots) and mentioning philosophy on the screen is not "scope". If you want me to get a sense of scope, try giving me something to care about. Write a story that doesn't insult my intelligence.
The fights come off as mindless because the characters show little to no emotion when fighting, there's no energy in their movement, and there's no consequence. Trinity did that entire motorcyle scene with like one facial expression. Take off the dumbass sunglasses so we can see who you are. That's my problem with the movies, everything is so contrived. They're trying so hard to be cool that they come off looking like some generic digimon character because of it. Anything you say about Scope or ambition doesn't change that the movies are poorly made. It doesn't make the acting better or the script less annoying. You're right about one thing though, there are a ton of refrences to this and that in these movies. License Plates that refer to bible scriptures, hotel room numbers that refer to other movies, locations that refer to other locations, characters names that refer to other characters etc etc etc. That makes it bloated/heavy handed, not deep. It's so full of it's own shit. Subtelty does not exist in this series.