Are there any democracies across the globe where citizens can vote only if they pass a certain qualifier? A test, proof of income, evidence of some kind of competency. Or am I a bad person for entertaining such an idea?

Voting should be made easier. I assume you are from the US, which exploits the system to massively remove voting rights from convicts, majority of which are non-white.Are there any democracies across the globe where citizens can vote only if they pass a certain qualifier? A test, proof of income, evidence of some kind of competency. Or am I a bad person for entertaining such an idea?
No, if you do that you have in fact a form of meritocracy, not democracy. However this poses problems since education is very often correlated with economic status.They should test iq before letting people vote.
I understand your point but I do not agree with internet voting at all. Voting on our leaders is not something that should be taken lightly. It is a serious issue that needs thought a consideration; it shouldn’t be comparably to seeing what kind of turnip is best on buzzfeed.Voting should be made possible via maximum of means, starting with voting over the internet. Governments should aim at as high percentage of participation as possible. This is democracy at work.
Maybe not pure iq test but something to know if you are a deranged moron...i guess it's hard ot make a test like thatNo, if you do that you have in fact a form of meritocracy, not democracy. However this poses problems since education is very often correlated with economic status.
If you mean pure IQ test read James Crow by Philip K. Dick.
If I ever had to wonder how to make even less people vote in Italy, this would definitely be the answer.Valid photo ID should be the minimum. If I had my druthers though, only people that pay taxes could vote.
If I ever had to wonder how to make even less people vote in Italy, this would definitely be the answer.
I’m jaded enough to think that no meritocracy in voting would make a difference.
Universal suffrage was quickly followed by a lowering of school education in most countries, so that most voters won’t do a truly informed choice anyway. Plus, the quality of political leaders has plummeted worldwide in the last two or three decades, so even if most citizens were well-educated and well-informed, they could only vote for idiots anyway. This has been the situation in Italy for a while.
It used to be that way in many countries in the past.Voting should only be allowed for the economically viable.
Bring back the Poll Tax.........
Get rid of voting. Impliment a Logan's Run type system where a computer is in charge and everyone over 30 gets destroyed.
ID does disinfranchise people who are too poor to own a car or need a passport for holidays. Plus it can be rigged (bus pass ok for over 60s but not for anyone else?!) Knocking doors in the GE in one deprived area something like 10% of the residents I got had no ID. The need? One or two people were charged with fraud in the last election.... out of tens of millions of voters. It was significantly less than actual elected politicians prosecuted during that term.![]()
But seriously, voter ID and then let folks vote with their phone into a secure messaging system. Would avoid the old folks being bussed to voting centers and being told to vote "two down" leading us into a hanging chad nightmare as well as stuffing ballots, the dead still voting, illegals voting, etc. I don't buy the argument that requiring SOME form of ID magically disenfranchises swaths of poor people but nor do I discount that having to physically go to a place surrounded by sign waving folks might deter people for whatever reason.
I really hope you don't support the views expressed in that travesty of a book.If by "more difficult", you mean "eliminated", then yes.
Democracy: The God That Failed - Wikipedia
If they passed a law like that it would be exploited by people with their own agenda.
Everyone is affected by polices made by politicians, and so everyone should be able to vote on them.
Even children?
Successful businesses aren't run that way. Successful families aren't run that way.
Why would successful nations be run that way?
Businesses, families, and nations are different things. Why should different things be expected to be run the same way?
Why don't we have children vote?
Is there any state where getting a non-driver identification card is restricted? Or the low fee can't be waived?ID does disinfranchise people who are too poor to own a car or need a passport for holidays. Plus it can be rigged (bus pass ok for over 60s but not for anyone else?!) Knocking doors in the GE in one deprived area something like 10% of the residents I got had no ID. The need? One or two people were charged with fraud in the last election.... out of tens of millions of voters. It was significantly less than actual elected politicians prosecuted during that term.
I read there was an average of 600 people turned away from voting in UK election in each constituency... in some seats that could have swung the result.
Yes there was the opportunity to apply for an ID ticket for free but many didn't know how or bother in time.
They should allow the government posted poling card to be used (if neccessary) or better yet... have no ID and automatic registration.
Perhaps the one answer to satisfy everyone (although I was dead against it when mooted 15 years ago) is to have a national ID card. Everyone gets one. You could even do away with all other sorts of ID and just record license to drive etc to that ID.
Oh, you should see how that sort of thing was applied in Louisiana back in the 1960s. Take a wild guess who they would give this test to?They should test iq before letting people vote.
But why did we choose to omit children from voting?Because we as a society have determined that being an adult is a prerequisite for voting, even though there are a lot of children under 18 who are smarter than most adults. It's a mostly arbitrary distinction that used to be 21 in the USA but was recently lowered to 18 in the 70s, and is even lower in some other countries.
The same principals can often be applied to different things. Good principles lead to good results.Businesses, families, and nations are different things. Why should different things be expected to be run the same way?
Do you think the current system isn't abused for the sake of corruption?The idea here is to make voting more accessible. As dumb as people can be, I fear permitting statutory limitations would inevitably be abused for the sake of partisanship.
Do you think the current system isn't abused for the sake of corruption?