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Shuri goes on a spending spree and has no remorse!

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Yesterday I received from yesasia.com


Be gone with my old originale dition hong kong dvd version of it! The Korean version is teh sex with a much better tranfer and another whole second disk full of goodies. DTS audio too ;) *fap*

(and before being told that i'm like 2 years late with BR., well I also had the _original_ vcd version back in 2000. Now get lost)

and two books:


What's the worst an attacker can do to you? You'd better find out, right? That's what Security Warrior teaches you. Based on the principle that the only way to defend yourself is to understand your attacker in depth, Security Warrior reveals how your systems can be attacked. Covering everything from reverse engineering to SQL attacks, and including topics like social engineering, antiforensics, and common attacks against UNIX and Windows systems, this book teaches you to know your enemy and how to be prepared to do battle.

THat book has been getting good reviews, it seems pretty interesting if a bit sounding noob-ish, still it covers a lot of subjects, and its pretty useful to have all this informations in a single book instead of having 300 bookmarks. Here's what covered in the book. The chapter I previewed looked pretty in depth. It's hard to find books that are more advanced in the field, since most of the stuff you can find in stores or online is "HOW TO PROTECT FROM TEH NET - ZONE ALARM EXPLAINED!!!! WITH BIG PICTURESS!" and tripe. here's what covered in the book

Part I. Software Cracking

1. Assembly Language
2. Windows Reverse Engineering
3. Linux Reverse Engineering
4. Windows CE Reverse Engineering
5. Overflow Attacks

Part II. Network Stalking

6. TCP/IP Analysis
7. Social Engineering
8. Reconnaissance
9. OS Fingerprinting
10. Hiding the Tracks

Part III. Platform Attacks

11. Unix Defense
12. Unix Attacks
13. Windows Client Attacks
14. Windows Server Attacks
15. SOAP XML Web Services Security

Part IV. Advanced Defense

16. SQL Injection
17. Wireless Security
18. Audit Trail Analysis
19. Intrusion Detection Systems
20. Honeypots
21. Incident Response
22. Forensics and Antiforensics


Erickson, a cryptologist and security specialist, introduces the spirit and theory of computer hacking as well as the science, allowing readers to understand the hacker mindset and thwart potential attacks. He explains how to exploit programs using buffer overflows and format strings, write printable ASCII polymorphic shellcode, defeat non- executable stacks by returning to libc, and crack encrypted 8-2.11b wireless traffic using the FMS attack.

Emphasizing a true understanding of the techniques as opposed to just breaking the rules, the author helps readers determine which areas are prone to attack and why. Unlike other so-called hacking guides, this book does not gloss over technical details, and includes detailed sections on stack-based overflows, heap based overflows, format string exploits, return-into-libc, shellcode, and cryptographic attacks on 802.11b

From what I read, this book is pretty in depth and requires quite teh package of knowledge to understand and I love this ;) once again i bought this book because of the conveniance of having access to all this informations without having print shit all the time, or hanging out 24/7 in #hackphreak all day long.

Knowledge is power, the say!
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