I don't even know why the issue is revolving around 4 words changed.
He has the approval of Blaustein, so really, whether you interpreted the story in one way or the other, that's not controversial at all.
Personally i was going to buy it 100%, because the PC versions are impossible to find and the Ps2 versions look like shit on the LCD, and the reason i am NOT buying it as of now are:
- shit framerate, stuttering and various bugs (at least on the ps3 version, which is the only one i can get).
- a lot of sound bugs.
- weird ground retexturing in SH2 and 3(if this is somehow for the new aspect ratio, i would've liked better old textures but in 4:3, although you can hack the widescreen on PC).
- horrible absence of fog, on both SH2 and SH3 (this is probably the worst offender) that in the case of SH2 shows a lot of weird background details that were obviously meant to be hidden.
- color alteration in SH3, plus missing effects.
- Only new voices on SH3.
The censored scene in SH2 has been debunked, so i crossed that one off.
Anyway, out of all those, the 4 words changed are the least offender, because they had the specific approval of whom those dialogues wrote/translate.
Someone may argue that i should try it for myself, but i'm not willing to blindly buy and hoping for the best.
If anyone wants to provide material to counter some of these points, i'd be more than happy to listen because in the end, i don't complain for fun, although i am "a random someone on the internet" behind the screen and the keyboard i am a Silent Hill fan and i want to play the damn games, period.
And i'm not here to point fingers and call shit on whoever, but so far this HD collection is not looking good, whoever is to blame is not in my interest and i'm seriously sorry if you're getting unwarranted heat, Tomm.
What i know is that as of now, Konami doesn't have a good image, especially considering its glorious past, it's basically a joke.
She should probably held in higher regard those few brands that are left to connect her with good thoughts.
On the bright side, i'm looking forward to get Downpour.
EDIT: Well fuck, you guys went on while i was writing.