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Silicon Knights - Conference


So, when will the conference of Silicon Knights take part? IGN announced it for the end of summer. Last year it was at the end of October.


Gold Member
Shiggy said:
So, when will the conference of Silicon Knights take part? IGN announced it for the end of summer. Last year it was at the end of October.

I don't know, but whenever it happens this forum will explode. Popcorn!

I can't remember, does Silicon Knights suck now for no longer being Cube exclusive or are we waiting until they announce their new game to say they suck?


They have an action-adventure title for the GameCube in development. It's not Too Human and it's maybe not exclusive.

aoi tsuki

They're worthless without Nintendo moneybags.
So they were worthless when they made Blood Omen? Twin Snakes could've been better, but frankly, with the expectations of the MGS series, it's one of the worst games they could've taken part in. My memory's foggy on BO, but ED was a great, underappreciated (offline anyways) game.
Shiggy said:
They have an action-adventure title for the GameCube in development. It's not Too Human and it's maybe not exclusive.

Is this reliable info?

Also, the last time I spoke with Denis Dyack...Which was a few months back, he said that there was no Silicon Knights conference, and there never was one planned. I'll try to get into contact with him again soon.


Gold Member
aoi tsuki said:
So they were worthless when they made Blood Omen? Twin Snakes could've been better, but frankly, with the expectations of the MGS series, it's one of the worst games they could've taken part in. My memory's foggy on BO, but ED was a great, underappreciated (offline anyways) game.

Blood Omen is still the best game they've ever made. If you can find the PC version, it's better than the PSX one simply due to no load times. The PSX one could be subtitled Legacy of Load.
ManaByte said:
I can't remember, does Silicon Knights suck now for no longer being Cube exclusive or are we waiting until they announce their new game to say they suck?

i'll wait to see/play their next game before applying the "suck" label to them, but there's no denying they dropped the ball with the twin snakes. they had 2 to 2 and a half years to put that game together and it came out mediocre. there's no doubt in my mind that nintendo dropped them over it... eternal darkness is still a good game.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
After giving Eternal Darkness a shot, I have little to no desire in playing another SK game again. God, what a complete waste of $50.


Silicon Knights has never stated that they'd hold any type of conference. The last word from them was back in April when they split from Nintendo over "creative differences" (Money!!!).

Matt C speculated that they'd announce something during the summer but that never materialized. Other than that, SK hasn't said a peep for half a year.


SK is no worse/better than they were when they were kicked by Nintendo. I'm a Nintendo fanboy, but come on. Let's try not to be bitter. Makes us look bad.


I'm so curious to heir about their future plans. I could even sacrifice an arm to know what they are up to right now!

And I really envy you guys that got the chance to speak with the legend himself. I have so many question for Denis I don't even know where to begin :)


={<SMOKE>}= said:
i'll wait to see/play their next game before applying the "suck" label to them, but there's no denying they dropped the ball with the twin snakes. they had 2 to 2 and a half years to put that game together and it came out mediocre. there's no doubt in my mind that nintendo dropped them over it... eternal darkness is still a good game.

As far as I know, they only had a year and a few months to do it. All things considered, I think they did a great job.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Let it be known that the first person to even bring negativity into this thread was a known troll..

ManaByte said:
I don't know, but whenever it happens this forum will explode. Popcorn!

I can't remember, does Silicon Knights suck now for no longer being Cube exclusive or are we waiting until they announce their new game to say they suck?


They're worthless without Nintendo moneybags.
They were worthless with Nintendo moneybags also... keeping Leftfield would've been a better move on Nintendo's part, at least then we'd have a GC Excitebike by now. :/

Kon Tiki

jarrod said:
They were worthless with Nintendo moneybags also... keeping Leftfield would've been a better move on Nintendo's part, at least then we'd have a GC Excitebike by now. :/

Also a triple platnium Ichiro baseball game!

One of the biggest fuckup from Nintendo this gen.


I loved Eternal Darkness, it was one of the first Gamecube games I bought. I got it used for $20 I believe.

I have Twin Snakes unopened waiting to be played on a table, thanks to one of Wario64's deals.


I don't understand what Nintendo ever saw in Silicon Knights. Was it because they made games slowly? Did that give Nintendo the idea that they took their times with their games and, thus, didn't suck at making games?


Eternal Darkness is one of my favourite games of all time, and Twin Snakes is amazing, Silicon Knights have lots of potential to continue making great games, and I look forward to future games by them, if they haven't fallen off the face of the earth... and i'd rather they continue making games for GC, and GC only, otherwise i fear the quality of their games might dip.


i can understand why people have mixed reactions about Eternal Darkness, but i don't get why people think Twin Snakes is complete crap (unless, maybe, they thought MGS2 was complete crap too). i thought TTS was a good game, it just lacked polish and creativity.

the fact that pretty much all the new additions were derived from the new stuff in Sons of Liberty that weren't in the original game. maybe that's why Nintendo kicked them out, TTS just didn't have anything new that was SK's doing at all.


I enjoyed Eternal Darkness for actually being mature and I hope SK does something else along those lines. Of course my dream is a Mad Max Roivas spinoff game. MAD MAX PAYNE ROIVAS! BE FEASTED UPON BY THE RATS MINE HEATHEN DECIEVERS! *slow motion double gun fire*

john tv

It's all about expectations. MGS games are polished and overpolished to perfection before release. You don't go releasing some jittery, janky-looking semi-remake without at least making sure it's every bit as good-looking and polished as the previous games. Same goes for the half-assed Xbox port of Substance.

I dunno why they ever gave it to Silicon Knights in the first place though. I can't buy one of their games until they pay someone $5 an hour to make a real logo!


john tv said:
It's all about expectations. MGS games are polished and overpolished to perfection before release. You don't go releasing some jittery, janky-looking semi-remake without at least making sure it's every bit as good-looking and polished as the previous games. Same goes for the half-assed Xbox port of Substance.

I dunno why they ever gave it to Silicon Knights in the first place though. I can't buy one of their games until they pay someone $5 an hour to make a real logo!
When did someone released such crap?


john tv said:
I dunno why they ever gave it to Silicon Knights in the first place though. I can't buy one of their games until they pay someone $5 an hour to make a real logo!

heh, Nintendo moneyhats?


My question got in the IGN Xbox Mailbag.

Silicon Knights
This may have been asked a lot of times before, but wasn't SK supposed to officially speak about their future plans after the summer? Well, the summer is over and I haven't heard anything yet. I really, really want to know what they are doing right now and what they have in plan for the future. I really hope you guys at IGN can give me (or us) a hint. Thanks.

Through a few contacts we were able to learn they never did have an event and the team has gone silent for a while, sadly. Which means they are probably doing one of two things, A) they've partnered with someone, Sony or Microsoft, and they're hard at work on something for next fall on Xbox, or B) they're partnered with someone and they're working for something on Xbox 2 for next fall. But I know that they desperately want to make Too Human, so that could be one of its projects. I actually played that game in the summer of like 1999 at E3 one year, when EA temporarily picked up the rights before dropping the four-disc action-adventure-RPG.

Not much really, I guess we'll have to sit tight for a while :|


Queen of Denmark
IGN Xbox said:
A) they've partnered with someone, Sony or Microsoft, and they're hard at work on something for next fall on Xbox, or B) they're partnered with someone and they're working for something on Xbox 2 for next fall.
Why would a partnership between SK and Sony yield an Xbox project? And why would a partnership with "someone" necessarily mean an Xbox 2 game? Also, doesn't Nintendo fit into the equation anywhere? They may have parted ways, but most reports indicate a healthy relationship still exists between the two companies.

Either Douglass knows more than he's letting on, or he's allowing his wishful thinking to delude his answer.

Kon Tiki

A) they've partnered with someone, Sony or Microsoft, and they're hard at work on something for next fall on Xbox, or B) they're partnered with someone and they're working for something on Xbox 2

Well I guess it is not sony then :p


human5892 said:
Either Douglass knows more than he's letting on, or he's allowing his wishful thinking to delude his answer.
It's not the first time. He's confident MGS3 will make it to the Xbox next year as well :p

Going in to a partnership with Microsoft Game Studios would probably be the best thing. That's what I'm hoping for.
Deepthroat said:
It's not the first time. He's confident MGS3 will make it to the Xbox next year as well :p

Going in to a partnership with Microsoft Game Studios would probably be the best thing. That's what I'm hoping for.

haha. are you guys saying SK is porting SH3. talk about redunant ports. I hope not. I'd like to see what they do on XBXO2/xbox; if only to see if they can make a decent game (TTS was quite good but its not their IP; and ED was bleh)


TheGreenGiant said:
haha. are you guys saying SK is porting SH3. talk about redunant ports. I hope not. I'd like to see what they do on XBXO2/xbox; if only to see if they can make a decent game (TTS was quite good but its not their IP; and ED was bleh)
Porting Silent Hill 3? Huh, who said that? Dunno where you got that fram :p
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