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Silicon Knights - Conference


I can't remember, does Silicon Knights suck now for no longer being Cube exclusive or are we waiting until they announce their new game to say they suck?

They've always sucked, just that they were hyped up by Nintendo fanboys much like Rare was.


Silicon Knights, Revolution and Xenon

Matt, I was reading the IGNXbox Mailbag, and the editor seemed sure that Silicon Knight's next game would be on either Xbox or Xenon, with no mention of Nintendo whatsoever. Is it just wishful thinking or is SK yet another developer to jump ship? Thanks and I hope this gets answered.

Matt responds: The old Silicon Knights rumor has made its triumphant return. Welcome back, old friend. This isn't really news any more, is it? Silicon Knights and Nintendo ended their exclusivity agreement months and months ago, but the developer has been in the works with new projects ever since. Nintendo and Silicon Knights have a great amount of respect for one another, but their philosophies about the future of the industry are fundamentally different.

I don't yet have any proof of this, but yes, I do believe that you'll see Silicon Knights' next game, which may or may not be Too Human, for Xbox 2 (Xenon). And I don't think it will be released for Revolution. I could be wrong. I hope I am, to be honest. But based on what I've heard in the past and considering Silicon Knights' take on videogames as an art form, of technology as integral, I don't see a continued relationship with Nintendo.

Silicon Knights seems to have taken a vow of silence regarding the matter (and all others) for the time being, but the developer absolutely, positively will have something to show at the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2005, and if we're lucky we'll hear some details about its project(s) leading up to that event.

Here a really old news from N-Evolved:

Nintendo of Norway has posted on their GameCube master-list an interesting new addition. Currently the games title reads, Silicon Knights Mystery Game, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out what this means now does it.

When Silicon Knights shed their second party status with Nintendo earlier this year many thought that this may see the developer move towards producing more profitable games for Sony of Microsoft. An unfortunately likely event seeing that even with an outstanding game like Eternal Darkness it's hard for developers to get great revenue on the Cube. However this new turn of events may disprove that speculation. With the titles appearance there is always the possibility of it being the elusive game Too Human, a title which was originally planned for the PSX, then for the GameCube, lately however it seems to have disappeared from the news.

I posted it on German boadrs in October 2003, yes, 2003!

The game from N Norway isn't Too Human, that's sure, because they had listed Too Human some years before, but after the cancellation of the game for GameCube (this was inofficially clear sometime in fall 2002) they deleted it.


Nintendo should've invested in Silicon Knights and sell it to Microsoft for 500 million dollars.


I like how Nintendo says it won't buy out developers now that it's been "burned" by doing that in the past. Maybe if they bought developers who were competent rather than cheap hacks, they wouldn't get burned and would actually benefit from the buy-outs.

Nintendo has nobody but itself to blame for partnering with crap like Silicon Knights, Left Field, Fuse Games (partner), and N-Space (partner). They have some strange attraction for amateurs.

One of the few great purchases they made was Rare. Rare almost was the reason why Nintendo 64 was ever competitive with PS One and why the Super NES had a revival late in its life. So even with all the shitty developers they've bought or partnered with, they still came out better because of the one good purchase they did make.


snapty00 said:
I like how Nintendo says it won't buy out developers now that it's been "burned" by doing that in the past. Maybe if they bought developers who were competent rather than cheap hacks, they wouldn't get burned and would actually benefit from the buy-outs.

Nintendo has nobody but itself to blame for partnering with crap like Silicon Knights, Left Field, Fuse Games (partner), and N-Space (partner). They have some strange attraction for amateurs.

One of the few great purchases they made was Rare. Rare almost was the reason why Nintendo 64 was ever competitive with PS One and why the Super NES had a revival late in its life. So even with all the shitty developers they've bought or partnered with, they still came out better because of the one good purchase they did make.
Well the new partnerships (n-Space, Fuse Games, Amusement Vision, etc) are game specific and don't involve any studio funding or investment. Bloated investments like Rare & SK are the reason for that... Nintendo now outsources work contractually (Treasure, Capcom Studio 1, etc), buys smaller studios outright (Retro, Game Freak, etc) or just starts up new teams themselves (Genius Sonority, R&D Tokyo, etc). But no more invested '2nd party' stuff.

And while Rare was vitally important to N64, I'd say EAD was equally important if not moreso. Nintendo also didn't actually 'buy into' Rare until 1998 iirc (4 years after starting their partnership)..
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