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SimCity |OT| It's not the simulation or city that matter, it's <parameter: string>


I said this earlier, but EA ALWAYS cheap out on servers.

SW:TOR - Not enough servers at launch. Server disconnects, etc.
Battlefield 3 - Not enough servers at launch. DICE commented that they were adding servers as fast as they could, particularly on Xbox 360 I think. Later, when the Rent-A-Server patch went live, they rented out ALL the official servers, so they had to go back and add more servers to make sure that at least 10% of the servers were "official" DICE servers.
SimCity - ...I don't even need to comment here.

This doesn't include the list of other EA and non EA games that have given me trouble. Dragon Age (EA) and Splinter Cell (Ubisoft) both have given me trouble before when trying to enter codes to download pre-order items. The DA servers were down for a day or two, and Uplay was down for a week or two once (pc users felt this as well). D3...well, no need to discuss that fully. Then, Microsoft did not have enough Xbox Live servers ready for TWO Christmases in a row. Remember at Christmas how Xbox Live went down two years in a row? -- All these things considered, I am not a big fan of cloud gaming, always online DRM, or any other practice that prohibits me from playing my games without an internet connection. The cloud, to me, is just another form of DRM that puts me at the mercy of publishers. Granted, it's nice for save games and stuff, but overall, I feel like it gives publishers waaaaaay too much power over my ability to play my games. I see no reason to believe that they have infrastructures built that can handle their ambitions. This year, during the Summer Sale, even the Steam store was unavailable for hours at a time for me (and for a few others, based on the forums). So even Valve don't have a full grasp on things (but at least the actual gameplay side of Valve servers has worked well for years now).

But anyway, with Battlefield 3 and with SWTOR, EA should have had more than enough experience launch high-demand games to know that there would be a hellish demand for servers when SimCity launched. They've been cheaping out on servers for years, which is one of their excuses for shutting down "low player count" game servers early, and it is finally catching up with them.

I actually used to own a bunch of EA stock, but sold it all off after they kept mismanaging their servers, shutting games down early, and trying to "mainstream" all of their games for a wider audience. When a game gets the "mainstream" treatment (Dead Space 3, Dragon Age 2, etc) I always feel like it is a step back from the experience that I love. So, I couldn't hold stock in a company that I felt like was making games that seemed to be becoming less fun to the hardcore gamer (me).

But anyway, I pre-ordered Simcity with the intention of not playing it much until this weekend...so far, the wait is still 30 minutes long for me. I still hold out hope that I can play this weekend. If they had just included a regular old single player game in there with the multiplayer, this wouldn't have been nearly as huge of an issue.

...but anyway, my main point... EA has had TONS of experience with online game launches (SWTOR and BF3) and both times, they didn't have enough servers. You would think, that at some point they would just quadruple their server estimates just to be safe, but nope, they just keep on being cheap.
I wish that I could disagree, but I cannot:( In my opinion as well, EA has had more than ample experience with games not having enough servers at launch. My critique would be that EA should have had a Plan B if and when there were not enough servers for SimCity. If they are currently using Plan B, then they should have had a Plan C! I would be satisfied if they at least had published a road map that stated when they plan to have this mess sorted out by. Of course, that kind of honesty might not be in their corporate best interests. Still, I will never pre order a game from them again.


What sucks about EA (and corporate mentality) to this degree is that they likely didn't want to invest in the online infrastructure because they were worried that if the game was a bust, well, then you've spent all that money for nothing. Of course they're more inclined to add tons of servers now that things have gone this badly (though whether they think it's bad, who can say? They probably are gleeful they know for sure these money going to these servers is now justified) and they have tangible numbers to get a return on the investment.


Rodent Whores
So I logged back in to try to work on my GAF city some more, and I couldn't find it at all. I was still accessing the same server, too.

da fuck?
I'm new to this thread. It is awesome to read how much GAF was stocked before launch and then morph into the epic fail it is now.

I want to play this game, but truth be told it is quite expensive at launch (not mentioning the unplayability part). I guess I'll wait


What sucks about EA (and corporate mentality) to this degree is that they likely didn't want to invest in the online infrastructure because they were worried that if the game was a bust, well, then you've spent all that money for nothing.

Do what other high tech companies do. Spin up a shit ton of servers on Amazon (or whichever) cloud provider. 30 days later get rid of whatever you don't need. They don't need to be going out and buying hardware.

So I logged back in to try to work on my GAF city some more, and I couldn't find it at all. I was still accessing the same server, too.

da fuck?

Just got home from work and all I got is Play and SimCity World (neither of which do anything when I click on them), no Resume button either. :(
What I don't get is why Maxis keeps adding 2 or 3 servers at a time and then watching them all become instantly busy. This, at a time when gameplay features have been disabled because of server instability.

Let's say they have 8 servers now. The next addition shouldn't be to 10. It should be to 20. If that's not enough, go to 40. Keep in mind that just getting people on isn't enough -- gameplay features need to be reintroduced so that we can play the full game.

I'm about to defend EA on this one point, then slam them again:

Servers take time to build, test, then deploy. They launched Tuesday to an "unexpected" demand, so they probably ordered more servers as fast as their vendor could build them. That's the reason for the trickle.

But ..., it should be happening x3 (US, Europe, Oceanic) because each data center should be having the same problems ..., unless, there's only one data center and the server names are just that: names. They have no bearing to their location which is why the first three new servers were US East 2, US West 2, and something something Europe 2. That ... would be inexcusable.


Who is in charge of "The Great GAF Region" on US West 2?

I see two open spots. If they are not claimed could I get a invite? StUnNeR-H2K on Origin.
Who is in charge of "The Great GAF Region" on US West 2?

I see two open spots. If they are not claimed could I get a invite? StUnNeR-H2K on Origin.

Frolique is in charge

Here's a shot of my new city in The Great GAF Region. Going for low income, high density rather than sprawling out and bringing in the richies for the early going. Gotta grow into these limited city sizes.


EDIT: Also, I tweeted the SimCity account and was told that the team is working on re-enabling cheetah speed and regional interactions. Hope it's sooner than later.


EDIT: Also, I tweeted the SimCity account and was told that the team is working on re-enabling cheetah speed and regional interactions. Hope it's sooner than later.
So they did turn that off, I thought so. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't regional interaction the whole fucking point of online multiplayer in the first place? And their servers still can't handle the load?

I think EA/Maxis misunderstands the concept of a "server" when it comes to online games like this. You see, a "server" in this context isn't really just one server.. it's at least a rack full of servers, probably several, maybe even a whole damned data center. That's how MMOs do it.. a WoW realm is probably half a million dollars worth of computer equipment, not just one little server.

EA, on the other hand, appears to have purchased just one server for each of these areas. Yeah, that works when you're doing a press beta with a hundred people. But that's about all it'll support.
I just bought this game! Lol I'm a masochist.

What am I in store for guys!

Some high highs, and some low lows. I've clocked in 21 hours according to Origin, and no more than 2 of those hours has been waiting at the launcher trying to get in, so I guess I've been relatively lucky. My biggest issue is the features they temporarily disabled to let in more players. Playing it is better than not playing it, but getting a city started and increasing density is painfully slow without cheetah speed. Regional interactions being disabled has also been annoying.


Looks great, but I can't help but notice the giant gaps of emptiness between plots packed right up to the edges with skyscrapers.


Sunk a few hours into it now and despite the tech issues, the game is great fun. Starts all city building and planning but gradually turns into a micromanagement game. Playing multiple zones on your own can be hard but still great fun.

zone size is annoying but you just have to work within the limits. It becomes tricky as you expand, since you have to destroy the old to make way for the new. Show no mercy and bulldoze those complainers. &#55357;&#56835;


One more. Playing with a region is really helpful. Can't tell you how many times my neighbor's firetrucks helped my city out. lol



Oh those. lol I left extra space for the buildings to grow into.

No, I mean the giant gaps between the tiny areas they let you build in, because Maxis has for years labored under the delusion that it is not only perpetually 2003 but everyone is also using their mom's single-core Gateway laptop to play games over AOL.


So just been playing, 2 hours just flew by, loving the game. Though just recently, it lost connection to server, so will be interesting to see what sort of state my city will be in if I can get back in.

I see achievements have been re-enabled.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
anyone with a region up and going? There was a small one going, but the other 2 haven't been on in a day or so.

Origin: LonestarGA


Has anyone created Discovery Delta 3? No server name is listed on that page, so guessing not, I can create it tomorrow, if no-on else does.


Rodent Whores
Fucking paid betas, mang.

XCOM was the only PC game I've purchased recently that didn't make me want to punch kittens, and I play that shit on Ironman Impossible difficulty.


Man I really want to play this but I have a a pretty old computer ugh >.< Need to upgrade (hopefully servers are sorted out by then)


Because I'm a crazy person, I decided to pick up the game a couple hours ago despite the problems. I can't even get into the game at all...any advice?


Joined the new NA server and it's totally working...


Man I really want to play this but I have a a pretty old computer ugh >.< Need to upgrade (hopefully servers are sorted out by then)

Your hardware can probably run it if you meet the system requirements, as it was made to run the majority of the simulation on a single processor (i.e. circa 2003 technology). Whether THEIR hardware will allow you to play it is the big question mark.
One more. Playing with a region is really helpful. Can't tell you how many times my neighbor's firetrucks helped my city out. lol


Um, is that your entire city in the foreground and the other cities in the region beyond it? If so, my kid's CityVille is probably bigger.


so what happens when your region runs out of water, you can't rely upon 3 other cities in your region to supply water to your 176k population can you? Won't their cities run out?

So you can't have infinite lasting city?

I havent' run out of mining coal yet.


Fuck you soi-fong for not showing off my beautiful all low wealth radial city.

so what happens when your region runs out of water, you can't rely upon 3 other cities in your region to supply water to your 176k population can you? Won't their cities run out?

So you can't have infinite lasting city?

I havent' run out of mining coal yet.

Sewage plant besides water treatment plant = infinite water. Its the poop and pee cycle.


Rodent Whores
so what happens when your region runs out of water, you can't rely upon 3 other cities in your region to supply water to your 176k population can you? Won't their cities run out?

So you can't have infinite lasting city?

I havent' run out of mining coal yet.

Put your pump next a river, or your waste treatment plant
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