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SimCity |OT| It's not the simulation or city that matter, it's <parameter: string>


NA West 4. Who's down for a region?

Please only apply if you are going to play a city and stick with it. Don't abandon your city just because you suddenly didn't like it. cool?
I'm talking playing throughout the weekend with good cooperation.

If so, please let me know. I'd like to be in a region where everyone is cooperating for once!

Also, for anybody who isn't aware: You can skip the tutorial by going to the "..." button in the top right and exiting to the main menu once the tutorial has started.

I'm in right now, especially since I still can't connect to gaf discovery delta 1 on NA east 2

I'm miis3 in your friends list
Are there any regions that are active and looking for one more? I would love to get another city going in an active region.

I too am looking for an active region.

NA West 4. Who's down for a region?

Please only apply if you are going to play a city and stick with it. Don't abandon your city just because you suddenly didn't like it. cool?
I'm talking playing throughout the weekend with good cooperation.

If so, please let me know. I'd like to be in a region where everyone is cooperating for once!

Also, for anybody who isn't aware: You can skip the tutorial by going to the "..." button in the top right and exiting to the main menu once the tutorial has started.

I'd be down for a region. Origin name is MelvinVanHorne
NA West 4. Who's down for a region?

Please only apply if you are going to play a city and stick with it. Don't abandon your city just because you suddenly didn't like it. cool?
I'm talking playing throughout the weekend with good cooperation.

If so, please let me know. I'd like to be in a region where everyone is cooperating for once!

Also, for anybody who isn't aware: You can skip the tutorial by going to the "..." button in the top right and exiting to the main menu once the tutorial has started.
I'm in. Origin name: hdcase
Alright Great GAF Region on NA West 2, I'm dead in the water until commuting is activated again. Industry will not stop bitching about "Wah wah wah, our workers aren't educated enough!," even though I have a full capacity elementary school, high school, community college (I deleted this out of rage. FUCK YOU, INDUSTRY!), and university. My processor business is booming though. Farming all the necessary materials in my own city with minimal imports.
I'm in right now, especially since I still can't connect to gaf discovery delta 1 on NA east 2

I'm miis3 in your friends list

Okay. Are you on NA West 4? If so I'll be sending an invite soon.

I too am looking for an active region.

I'd be down for a region. Origin name is MelvinVanHorne

Cool! Added. Make sure you get on NA West 4!

I'm in. Origin name: hdcase

Added. Make sure you get on NA West 4!


Your hardware can probably run it if you meet the system requirements, as it was made to run the majority of the simulation on a single processor (i.e. circa 2003 technology). Whether THEIR hardware will allow you to play it is the big question mark.

Arent the min requirements like four gigs of ram? I dont even have that (super old pc)
Arent the min requirements like four gigs of ram? I dont even have that (super old pc)

That's just BS lol. The game's executable isn't even 64 bit, it'd probably use only 1 - 1.5 GB maximum. 2 GB at the most which is the default maximum for all 32bit Win32 executables unless it's Large Address Aware enabled, which would then allow it to access up to 4GB RAM. Turn down them graphix and you should be good to go.........

Until the login screen that is.


Well then, I'll just revert to 'Fuck You Maxis.' In any case, he's the douche that put their MO into play, so I just give him less of a Fuck You.

Actually, Will Wright wasn't heavily involved with SimCity 3000, and 4. The Sims and Spore were his babies during the last decade.

I'm not sure who's to blame in this case though. I thought SimCity 3000 and The Sims were pretty well supported and both were very mod friendly.

mr stroke

After waiting and waiting I finally get into the game, and after 3 hours of playing not really feeling the game LOL.

Cities feel so small and constrained :(


That's just BS lol. The game's executable isn't even 64 bit, it'd probably use only 1 - 1.5 GB maximum. 2 GB at the most which is the default maximum for all 32bit Win32 executables unless it's Large Address Aware enabled, which would then allow it to access up to 4GB RAM. Turn down them graphix and you should be good to go.........

Until the login screen that is.

Interesting. Thanks for telling me that. Yeah the servers will still be the problem there.


NA West 4. Who's down for a region?

Please only apply if you are going to play a city and stick with it. Don't abandon your city just because you suddenly didn't like it. cool?
I'm talking playing throughout the weekend with good cooperation.

If so, please let me know. I'd like to be in a region where everyone is cooperating for once!

Also, for anybody who isn't aware: You can skip the tutorial by going to the "..." button in the top right and exiting to the main menu once the tutorial has started.

I'd like to play if I can get on :) My origin name is MrMister01


I haven't been following the game much since it was announced but from what I've seen over the past couple of days it looks quite fun (the obvious issues aside). I've heard conflicting reports though, so I have a few questions.

1) Is anybody playing by themselves? Are you limited in any way by playing alone or is it just more fun to play with others?

2) I have a fairly unreliable connection, it drops out randomly (sometimes quite often) but only briefly before it reconnects. Would I be kicked from the game or can I keep playing just fine as long as it reconnects?

3) What's your FPS like / what settings / what specs? I haven't heard a thing about performance so I assume it's running great for everyone?



Some screens:





Shame they don't capture the MLAA, looks much better in game with it.


I'm going to be booting up Discovery Delta, anyone want in?

Add me on Origin, Ember007 for an invite. NAWest #4 for the server.


Is the regional connectivity disabled? I just started my second city in my region and none of my people are traveling there to work. How can I make that happen?


I found a server that I've been able to play on all night long, maybe things are finally starting to turn around.
Ouch, this night I played something like 7 hours straight... now is early morning and I want to chill-out posting a pair of screen... this game... amazing.


I got an open region available. Got 2 cities claimed but I think it's a 12 region city. Username is MattyIce1982 and its on east Europe server 1 called Atlanta. It's the only server I could play on but it runs fine for me and it would be great to get some tourist to my gambling city lol.


I've never really had any problem getting into the game. Some issues here and there loading up, or claiming a new city, but that's it. Only one claim problem tonight, and I tried it again right away and it worked.

The lack of regional interaction in private regions (aka "single player") is frustrating. It's quite impossible to have one city that does everything, you have to spread things out, but it's pointless without the connectivity between cities.


So, I started a city in Euro West 1

With the new servers, I want to move to NA West 3-5, but now my city is not there.

Is cities per server? I cant even get into Euro West 1 now since it's full

EDIT: Crisis diverted found it on Euro West 3


I've been able to play non-stop pretty much non-stop here in Aus all this afternoon, which is prime playing time in USA, so I'm confident in saying that the game is running better than it has been the last two days.

Saying that I'm ready to start again on another region - I've made a mess of this one and want to apply the lessons I've learned so far.


Anyone play with Oil?

Is the Oil finite? It says "Crude Oil Under Building", but I don't see how Oil can be replenished later on.

Also, is there a way to increase the value of oil?
So finally, i got home at a respectable hour and got to pop the game in... install... update... and...

it all worked fine? Way to blow shit out of proportion guys!
I totally kid! I feel for you guys that have actually been available to play the last 3 days but haven't been able to

Needless to say, I have no problems with this game so far. I haven't built my city up enough yet to complain about the size restriction, but I can see it becoming an issue soon enough especially after I finally started playing around with curved roads.
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