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Since it's the "in" thing (Posting when you get a new job offer)

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Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
FT's goin' to Texas!

**grabs his @$$-less chaps and cowboy hat**

**cue Dallas theme song** (So what if I'm moving to Houston, when Houston gets a bad-@$$ed TV theme I'll play that instead. :p)

Yeah, it'll retard my Masters but it'll expose me to a lot of simulation software and be more coding intensive so I'll buff up my coding abilities. I think I'll gain a lot of knowledge from this job, something I can build on and diversify myself with. Transferring to UH now to continue the M.S. in Mech. Eng.

It's gonna stop an already non-existant social life with drawing/writing books, lifting, school, and work (which will be like another school for 6 months to a year). Then there's the Japanese that I need to resume and I wanted to get back into martial arts if I could (but I think I'll hold off until I finish dropping weight to do it).

I think I'm gonna start setting up a great financial foundation for myself these next two years -- since I'll have nothing else to do with the money, y'know? Already furnished basically, already have a new(er) SUV, not much in loans, company will pay for school, excellent (and cheap) health care plan...guess I'll just invest it. Invest some conservatively, some a bit more risky-like (see if I can make myself a millionaire in a couple of years ;)).

Thus begins "PROJECT: VON DOOM." >: D

Not really excited or anything actually, just figured I'd make the topic for fun, to let GA know what's up in the life of FT. :p

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
ConfusingJazz said:
Where houston you living?

Dunno yet. I mean, it'll be around the Webster area I think. We'll fly up in a few weeks to scope out the real estate.

Desperado: I'm contributing. :(

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
Boogie, hey, hopefully I'll have some things to send you. I'm not far from being done with writing and now I'll be sitting around for a month so I intend on finishing it all up (drawing is a whole different monster though).

CK: Thanks man. I'm trying to be like you when I grow up. :p


Future Trunks said:
Boogie, hey, hopefully I'll have some things to send you. I'm not far from being done with writing and now I'll be sitting around for a month so I intend on finishing it all up (drawing is a whole different monster though).

Excellent, I shall await with bated breath.
Congrats FT! Where are you moving? Kingwood, by any chance? I've got a buddy who lives in Houston and works for Compaq/HP--if you need any recommendations on anything, let me know and I'll pass along info.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
DJ Demon J said:
Congrats FT! Where are you moving? Kingwood, by any chance? I've got a buddy who lives in Houston and works for Compaq/HP--if you need any recommendations on anything, let me know and I'll pass along info.

Sure. Recommendations on living areas would be nice. :) The place where I'll work is down the street from Saturn Ln (on Gemini I think). Probably 3 miles from the johnson space center.

I'd ask about more social aspects, but since I don't go out much, it's okay.



I'm assuming you'll be in SE Houston. Since that's where the Johnson Center is. I think.

Find a centrally located place. Hell, get a loft by Minute Maid Park. :D

Just move somewhere within 2-3 miles from a freeway. It'll make your travel much easier. Even better, find a place within 2-3 miles of an HOV lane. :D

You'll be at work in no time.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Congrats! Welcome to the new job club! ...and I wasn't trying to be trendy by posting my news... I consider GAF my close, close friends and wanted them to share in the good news.....

BWAHAHAHAHAH ok I couldn't finish that without laughing. ;)

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
Nah, it's cool. I just try to be witty (and fall on my face).

You know, I never mentioned what it is I'll be doing. I'll be working on the shuttle abort systems and planning with a private company dedicated to space shuttle ops.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Awesome... what simulation software will you be using? And what private company is doing the space shuttle ops?



Houston is accomodating to your Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

They made a game just for you!

Sept 2nd.

Texans vs Bucs

*Should be* full first teams most of the game, since it's the final preseason game.

Carr vs Johnson
Davis vs......who's the RB now? :(
Johnson/Bradford vs McCardell/Vicious

Sharper vs Brooks
Glenn vs Barber
Billy Miller vs The Bucs Tri-TE combo


It'll be broadcast on local TV too. :D

Maybe we can go to a sportsbar or something to watch it. I'd go to the game, but Preseason game tix are too expensive. and probably sold out.

It's a thursday night though...so...I..dunno.

*makes a huge 80' x 50' billboard outside Bush Intercontinental saying "WELCOME TO HOUSTON FT! WHERE THE !@#$ ARE YOUR COWBOY BOOTS?"

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
What's a typically good price for a two bed room town house or apartment around there?

Who're your supplement supply centers around there?

Oh! What's a good cellphone company for the Houston area? I dunno if the company will have a cell plan (I hope they do). Who offer the best cable/internet plans?

I think that's it. Unless someone wants to hook me up with a good broker or someone to manage my portfolio after I get my finances settled after about 4 or 5 months. ;)

djtiesto: I dunno yet honestly, LOL. They never showed me the software while I was there but had lots of scheduled simulations to run through with the codes and scripts they had (actually they may have mentioned it and I forgot - I was sick during the interview actually). As far as the name goes. I tend to avoid mentioning who I am employed to on the web whenever I begin working. I believe it was when I worked for WorldCom they had some clause about you representing them on message boards, so you shouldn't divulge that you are an employee for fear of company character deformation. So I just took it with me where ever went.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
uhhh, you want to trade jobs? I just got promoted here in VA, but my heart is in Houston.


Do not get Satellite unless you plan on getting NFL Sunday Ticket.

Typically, DirecTV and DishNetwork are shit.


Go with Time Warner (pretty much the only guys around)

Time Warner + Road Runner = about 100 total for Digital cable package and 3mb/356k cable internet.

"Who're your supplement supply centers around there?"
You can find a GNC at every other mall.
Not to steal thunder, but I didn't want to start ANOTHER job thread.

I may be getting a job with eBay. My interview is on Tuesday, and I have no clue what the position will be yet.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Felidae_Khrall said:
Not to steal thunder, but I didn't want to start ANOTHER job thread.

I may be getting a job with eBay. My interview is on Tuesday, and I have no clue what the position will be yet.

Keep us posted tis the season for new jobs apparently.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
Miguel said:
"Who're your supplement supply centers around there?"
You can find a GNC at every other mall.

Ugh, I'll just stick with this warehouse in Orlando then. I'll just pay them for shipping. :p
T-mobile and Cingular always worked for me here, although you should always shop around for deals and check the net to see which one has the most drop zones in the area.
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