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Since marijuana legalization, highway fatalities in Colorado are at near-historic low

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In related news home delivery services soaring to record profits :)

There needs to be a sensible tolerance test for DUI with dope e.g. 0.05 like alcohol. Two days after having a joint you're perfectly fine to be driving.



Here is an actual graph (NOTE: This only covers 2014 through Sept. 22 hence the bar being so much lower). It's actually on track to be about the same as recent years.

I was gunna wtf is with that graph in the OP....comparing all sorts of different things...that graph in the OP is absofuckinglutely ridiculous


I live in Colorado and I got pulled over in the middle of smoking a blunt about 3 weeks ago. The cop couldve easily gave me a dui but he was chill(ish, I still got a speeding ticket). But for me driving high is actually safer to me as when I drive high I rarely look at distractions like my phone and am pretty focused on the road. I cant say the same for driving drunk tho. I used to do that a lot a few years ago, now that is stupid as fuck

The rest of us who'd like to see MJ legalized in states besides CO and OR would like to let you know ... this post isn't helping.
This is a perfect example of a journalist manipulating data to present it in a way that favors their opinion. What a joke. This whole article is fucking terrible journalism.


Figured this would be the case, extremely high people are better judges of their abilities than drunk people.

Hunter S.

The article fails to mention that even though MJ has been legal to all in many places for 7 months. The the pot shop dispensaries for medical marijuana have been around for at least seven years. A lot of MJ in Colorado is not really a new thing.


Sorry I sometimes forget it's a lot stricter in the rest of the states. It's really different out here, shits changed so fast
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