Platforms: X360, PS3 and PC
Developer: Raven (previous games include Wolfenstein and X-men Origins Wolverine).
Story: As players attempt to unravel a conspiracy, they must fight their way through an ever-shifting environment, haunted with time-ravaged creatures and mysteries, while sudden time waves hurl them back and forth between 1950 and the present day. Use wits and the perfect weapon for the job - the Time Manipulation Device (TMD) - to unravel the conspiracy behind this timeline calamity and prevent its catastrophic spread.
Homepage for Singularity
Singularity Gameplay video 1 (YouTube)
Singularity Gameplay video 2 (YouTube)
Gamereactor Sweden: 9/10 (8 second opinion)
Eurogamer: 8/10
Metacritic 360
Metacritic PS3
Metacritic PC
Mac Bosse is a god damned pirate!
Soooo ... I'm the only one who is playing it right now? I just got it and played about 20 minutes of the first level. Reminds me of Bioshock actually. The enviroments are full of nice little details and audiologs, it helps bring the place to life.
So far its good, but Raven ... no subtitles option? The hell?
Anyone else playing? Anyone buying it? Anyone even knows it's been released in Europe? :lol