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Skies of Arcadia > Tales of Symphonia


jett said:
ToS must really suck, then.

Nah, some people are just confused. Show them a pirate, and they think they've got the game of the year.

But the truth is, Tale spanks Skies in almost every category. Sole exception is in story, here they're both cliche, despite the "Hey look, it's something new!" trappings.



Discussion over. Aika Wins.
SoA is one of the top 5 RPGs of all time, ToS...isn't.

Game over.

If you can play SoA and not be impressed by how awesome and unique the world is, you seriously should not be playing RPGs. And stop whining about the battle system, that's about the 8th most important thing in an RPG for me.

1. Story and atmosphere
2. Graphics and art design
3. Overall depth and complexity
8. Battle system



The Prime Director said:
SoA is one of the top 5 RPGs of all time, ToS...isn't.

That's your opinion. Don't say it as if it's a fact.

The Prime Director said:
And stop whining about the battle system, that's about the 8th most important thing in an RPG for me.

Have you ever thought that maybe everyone is not like you? For some of us the battle system can make or break an rpg.


The Prime Director said:
SoA is one of the top 5 RPGs of all time, ToS...isn't.

Game over.

If you can play SoA and not be impressed by how awesome and unique the world is, you seriously should not be playing RPGs. And stop whining about the battle system, that's about the 8th most important thing in an RPG for me.

1. Story and atmosphere
2. Graphics and art design
3. Overall depth and complexity
8. Battle system


If story is your #1 then Skies of Arcadia should be no where near the top.
Someone tell me how you do the rolleyes emoticon...

Also notice the second word, "atmosphere". SoA has perhaps the coolest fucking RPG world ever. The locations and dungeons are awesome.


The Prime Director said:
Someone tell me how you do the rolleyes emoticon...

Also notice the second word, "atmosphere". SoA has perhaps the coolest fucking RPG world ever. The locations and dungeons are awesome.

I made a rant about storylines in RPGs in the other Tales of Symphonia thread if you care to read about it, which I doubt you do. The same thing that can be applied to ToS can be accurately applied to Skies of Arcadia.

If you like the atmosphere, that's cool. I'm not hating on that aspect of the game. A world in the sky is a fairly decent concept when excecuted correctly, although I won't comment on whether I think Skies of Arcadia was successful.

But as for storyline, you'll know how I feel if you read the other thread.
SoA's storyline is infinitely better than ToS's. The villans are interesting, and it's not actively annoying like ToS is with the "emotional" character death (or non-death) moments. Faux sentimentality with no emotional resonance is worse than nothing at all. SoA was pure fun from beginning to end. It's like comparing Men in Black with Batman and Robin, there's no contest.


The Prime Director said:
SoA's storyline is infinitely better than ToS's. The villans are interesting, and it's not actively annoying like ToS is with the "emotional" character death (or non-death) moments. Faux sentimentality with no emotional resonance is worse than nothing at all. SoA was pure fun from beginning to end. It's like comparing Men in Black with Batman and Robin, there's no contest.

Frankly, I think they're both like Batman and Robin, but to each his/her own.

And Men in Black was lame too, so it's not exactly a stretch ;)


The Prime Director said:
Sure, Mr. Objective.

"I think Skies is a better game overall, but it's battle system is crap compared to ToS."

Well you got me there, but I still think that saying it's one of the top 5 rpg's of all time is stretching it a bit. Also if you ask people which battle system is better, I bet the majority would choose ToS over SoA.
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