Said hello to the Cerebella cosplayer.
Talked to a lot of players at PAX at the Capcom booth. By majority they said that they're interested in Skullgirls and what it has to offer.
People seemed highly aware of Skullgirls's existence.
How much of Skullgirls have you seen?
Yo Solar, for the Online List, I'm South US|CST
Has there been any mention on how big the download is?
Yo Ravi, do you have any DLC pricing plans yet?
Also will the PS3 ver. get a Platinum? For that matter will DLCs come with their own trophies?
I dont think theyre even thinking about that just yet. With a game like this, future support depends exclusively on sales.
Well they already have characters that didn't make the cut. It's not unlikely that they're continuing work on new content after the game completed.
so who is up for a launch date endless lobby?
edit: better idea day 1 RANBAT!!!
I want to support the game but character design is such a turn off for me. -_-
so who is up for a launch date endless lobby?
edit: better idea day 1 RANBAT!!!
I think he meant those PDFs to be posted on the official site that Ravi previewed a few pages back.
That reminds me, How is the online system like?
I remember hearing that you couldn't make lobbies into the game yet, and it was strictly 1v1 with no spectators like KOF, did that change?
Q: Tutorial, Matchmaking, GGPO Delay questions
A: Tutorials - we attempt teach a bunch of the basic fighting game concepts that games so far have refused to touch, yes. Blocking (at all!), blocking mixups, punishing unsafe moves, applying mixups, etc. "Spacing/footsies" is too nebulous a concept to be able to teach without another person, but we try to teach the concrete parts of it.
Matchmaking requests - they may come in the future. Writing the matchmaking/lobby/disconnect/etc part is the really difficult stuff for networking, once your game works at all online, so SG's rooms may be a bit bare-bones when we first release since our guy" is really one guy whereas on most teams it's 5-7 people. Also, I always thought the bonus of online was NOT having to just watch one match out of a huge group - the same reason groups always want arcades to have more machines, yeah? So when we get to bigger lobbies, it'd make sense to do them as everyone-plays rather than one-pair-plays, IMO.
Remembering who you have good connections with - this makes good sense in Unranked Quick Match, but no sense in Ranked since the point of that is for you NOT to fight some guy you always lose to, or always beat, for ten games straight. The fact that I could choose to fight MichaelFish for half an hour in BB Ranked was a loophole. (Hi, MichaelFish!) I'll add it to the list for Unranked though.
GGPO delay - we let you change it for every online fight right on the pre-match screen, and we offer a suggested value for it according to the opponent's ping each time (which is easy - half-ping-time converted to frames). I'd rather do it this way than have an automatic setting because even though you can leave it set to 7 each time this gives people the opportunity to learn, rather than stay someone who thinks 7 is a good idea forever. :^)
Q: Online questions
A: We allow you to reject any random ranked match, but the only information you get at that point is ping time, not username or characters used or anything else. Feel free to choose only matches that you think will faithfully represent your "true offline" skill to influence your ranking, but you won't be able to pick your friends.
Anyway, the purpose of the TrueSkill implementation is specifically for matchmaking, pairing up people of similar skill. The buckets are large, and I agree with the addictive qualities of watching a number go up, but playing against someone with 1,723,519 BATTLE POINTS in BlazBlue who can't block on wakeup and sends you hatemail afterward because he's got so many more points than you but you perfected him (or her) disgusting. Not to mention relatively un-fun, IMO. Also there's the version of rankings where your 'score' converges on your ranking so it actually goes up and up and up for a long time so you become addicted way before it can ever go down...
Also, I always thought the bonus of online was NOT having to just watch one match out of a huge group - the same reason groups always want arcades to have more machines, yeah? So when we get to bigger lobbies, it'd make sense to do them as everyone-plays rather than one-pair-plays, IMO.
That size makes me wonder why certain things didn't make it in, like 2nd win poses- the XBL limit I think is 2GB now, at least I think that's what the VF folks are saying is what they can't go over (which is their reasoning for the costume DLC not being part of the DL for that)
I think HDR years ago had to fight like hell to get over 250MB.
They were talking about RAM in the case of win poses, I believe. Getting 6 HD well-animated 2D characters into memory was already a trick for them, adding on more bells and whistles is even more.
Same issues Capybara had with getting Clash of Heroes HD onto consoles, with reasonable loading; HD 2D is memory intensive, and having it all run smoothly, with minimal loading is a challenge.
8 man ranbat should be good i think, im doing a google doc, so anybody who wants in tell me. as for rules, single game, BO3, BO5 what do you prefer? also how about 7:00 pm EST(8:00 om EDT and 5:00 pm PDT)
El Sloth
edit: quote for the spreadsheet link
I hope the theoretical PC version has all the little extra bells and whistles they couldn't fit into the console releases.
All those cut characters are already making me look forward to a sequel, haha.The movelists all seem to be up already.
Of all the cut characters I like Feng, Marie and Leduc the most. Of course, I like Squigly and Umbrella too.
Ahhh, I can't wait for this game...
Of all the cut characters I like Feng, Marie and Leduc the most. Of course, I like Squigly and Umbrella too.
I'm still pumped to get in on this day one, but I will also be patient to not jump in right away when I get home from work and read the impressions for the online.
I actually disliked GGPO on SF3 Online, but think GGPO on PC is excellent. If the online is turdish like SF3's approach I may wait and see then.
Panzerfaust > *
Am I the only one who thinks it's fine to keep the cast all-female?
Panzerfaust is a cool design and all, but I assume a game with the title of Skullgirls would be all-girls, and would like to keep that.
If I want manly dudebros, I got my KOF Raiden/Ralf/Maxima team. That said, I hope this game gives me a good break from KOF.
You can change 3SO's delay settings in the main option menu, but:I've always heard that SF3's GGPO sucks because you can't change the settings. SG allows you to change them, so it should be good.
Am I the only one who thinks it's fine to keep the cast all-female?
Panzerfaust is a cool design and all, but I assume a game with the title of Skullgirls would be all-girls, and would like to keep that.
If I want manly dudebros, I got my KOF Raiden/Ralf/Maxima team. That said, I hope this game gives me a good break from KOF.