I didn't realise Dawkins was almost 300 years old.
Do not fucking dare to compare each other.
There are plenty of things to criticize Dawkins about, but this is definitely not one of them.
What is a fundamentalist atheist?
I've got no problem with Dawkins being tainted with the attrocities committed by his forbears in the same way that atheists continue to judge the entire Catholic clergy based on the horrific crimes of the few.
For the record this doesn't influence my thoughts on Dawkins in the slightest.
If your wealth was inherited and the foundation of that wealth came from slavery, one could legitimately criticize such a situation.
I came here to post this.
Tell me how you would criticize him.
I think the only thing I could criticize Dawkins for is what Degrasse pointed out in one of their panels. That being that his method of communicating things (which I agree with) carries with it a particularly viscous tone and lack of forethought as to how this method might instantly cause people to disregard what he's trying to teach them.
So Dawkins great, great, great, great, great Grandad was a slavery profiteer...
That changes nothing for me. :/
natural selection has weeded out those socially unfavourable genes.HE COULD HAVE SLAVERY GENES! EVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, it's generally not a good idea to begin a debate on any topic with, "Well, you're a knuckle-dragging troglodyte, but I'll try to put this in words small enough for you to understand."
Dawkins' biggest failing is sinking to mud-slingers' level repeatedly.
The Church is often forced to change due to external influences rather than from within
I'd argue that once he sees a topic he can involve himself in he starts mixing dirt and water in anticipation. There's a difference in saying I don't believe in your religion or even that I think religion can often be harmful and walking up to a church and wiping your ass with the bible. And that's pretty much what he does every time he wades into a debate. It's atheists like him that give atheists the reputation of being smug arrogant assholes. And anyone that calls him out on it gets to listen to 20 minutes of how Dawkins is the only guy out there with the balls to tell it like it is, when he could get his message across just as easily without being incredibly insulting, only he wouldn't have the same percentage of his fans being of the asshole fringe that they are now.
But yeah, he's a meanie works best.
People find the idea of Atheism inherently offensive.
Could you point to some of the more egregious examples of him acting like this?
natural selection has weeded out those socially unfavourable genes.
Give me a link.And that's pretty much what he does every time he wades into a debate.
He doesn't push athiesm on anybody. He pushes for separation of religion and political policy. He pushes for rational thought. He fully admits the possibility of god-like beings and the like. Read a single one of his books and you'd know that. He is athiest due to lack of evidence for a god, not because he has some "militant" (and people really don't understand that word when using it to describe him) belief hard-boiled into him that he has to preach.Every belief system is offensive when people try to push it on you.
I would like to see you produce a single example of atheism being pushed on someone from GAF's archives or Dawkins's career.Every belief system is offensive when people try to push it on you.
Nope. I've seen what happens when atheistGAF gets in an uproar and I don't feel like spending the next four hours defending myself against 20 people. So feel free to just disregard my comments since I won't back them up with specifics.
Every belief system is offensive when people try to push it on you.
Nope. I've seen what happens when atheistGAF gets in an uproar and I don't feel like spending the next four hours defending myself against 20 people. So feel free to just disregard my comments since I won't back them up with specifics.
Could you point to some of the more egregious examples of him acting like this?
Sorry religion fans . . . Sins of the father tainting future generations is a religious dogma, not an atheist one.
Every belief system is offensive when people try to push it on you.
They could just stop protecting child predators. Just a thought.When people stop making "lol child rape" jokes in every Christian thread regardless of context I'll consider a retraction.
The fuck is this shit right here. I can't even.Atheists have no dogma. Some see that as an issue. They equate that as having no bond, no honor, no word of trust.
He also speaks about that at length. Listen to/read the man. It's a gay rights thing.Another is the scarlet "A" shirts that his organization peddles. The notion that atheism is a religion exists (I think) because Dawkins seemed to be trying to rile up atheists and organize them under a banner.
I'm more of an agnostic atheist
His point is that if all the many atheists just 'come out', non-computationally, but proudly, the huge stigma associated with atheist will start to fade, much like it continues to do with LGBT stigma.
Have you ever been to the South? Those genes are still alive and kicking. They're just represented by a seething, unspoken contempt.
Why stop there, why not go back as far as the Roman Empire? I'm pretty sure that a lot of my ancestors were either slaughtered or used as slaved by the Romans.
Stupid question.
Stupid response.
It's a fair point some of the time. It's undermined when Dawkins does so much of the softly-softly education, too.I like and agree with Dawkins. But Degrasse nails down exactly what he does that I do consider to be thoughtless.
If you think this is bad. My early ancestor ate a DAMN APPLE, still paying a price for it.
I've got no problem with Dawkins being tainted with the attrocities committed by his forbears in the same way that atheists continue to judge the entire Catholic clergy based on the horrific crimes of the few.
I think the only thing I could criticize Dawkins for is what Degrasse pointed out in one of their panels. That being that his method of communicating things (which I agree with) carries with it a particularly viscous tone and lack of forethought as to how this method might instantly cause people to disregard what he's trying to teach them.