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Slovakia ready to receive Syrian refugees – but only if they are non-muslim.

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I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.

Slovakia says it will only accept Christians when it takes in Syrian refugees under a EU relocation scheme.

The country is due to receive 200 people from camps in Turkey, Italy and Greece under the EU plan to resettle 40,000 new arrivals.

Interior ministry spokesman Ivan Metik said Muslims would not be accepted because they would not feel at home.

The UN's refugee agency (UNHCR) called on countries to take an "inclusive approach" to relocation.

But Mr Metik denied the move was discriminatory and said it was intended to ensure community cohesion.

An overview of the scale of this refugee crisis:

The number of migrants at the EU's borders has surged in recent months, reaching a record high of 107,500 in July. Most are Syrians, Afghans, and sub-Saharan Africans, fleeing instability or poverty.

More than 240,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean already this year, arriving on the shores of Greece and Italy before travelling on to other destinations.

Germany, the biggest recipient of asylum-seekers in the EU, has said it could receive as many as 800,000 applicants this year.

The numbers are far higher than the record 438,000 asylum applications in 1992 during the Bosnian crisis.

The current refugee crisis in Europe has really been a train wreck for our European political class. 'Small' stories are just the icing on the cake. This tweet puts it well.



I was just about to create a similar topic. What a lame ass excuse. It is not like these people are suddenly going to disappear, they are pouring in from places like Serbia and Turkey.

Bunch of fucking nonsense to be honest, it is against EU law to discriminate against people.
why doesn't Middle East countries step up efforts to help neighboring refugees?

It's fun to poop on Europe while Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait don't give a fuck


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I'm afraid Golden Dawn will get more traction if the refugees keep coming into that country.

Yeah, I really don't see our European leadership fit to deal with this crisis. And it will only get worse. Bigotry will be a real issue in all countries.
I think this is completely reasonable. There are a lot of Christians in Syria, and they are going to be much more culturally coherent with a presumably Christian Slovakia than Muslims.


Interior ministry spokesman Ivan Metik said Muslims would not be accepted because they would not feel at home.
Muslims aren't welcome because they wouldn't feel welcome because they're not welcome because they wouldn't feel welcome


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I think this is completely reasonable. There are a lot of Christians in Syria, and they are going to be much more culturally coherent with a presumably Christian Slovakia than Muslims.

"Cultural coherency" is a euphemism for "I don't like foreign people." The fact that this argument is even made on a national level is quite tragic for a European 21st century society.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
The city of Mecca should take in the Christian refugees

What a cheap, disgusting way of condoning this kind of behavior.

"Oh it's fine that those refugees get refused entry since MECCA SEE SEE SEE"

What are you at, a kindergarten?

why doesn't Middle East countries step up efforts to help neighboring refugees?

It's fun to poop on Europe while Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait don't give a fuck

Heh, maybe you should do a fact check first before saying stuff like this.

I think this is completely reasonable. There are a lot of Christians in Syria, and they are going to be much more culturally coherent with a presumably Christian Slovakia than Muslims.

Heh, I wonder how refugees would have felt if, after fleeing from places where life is just really terrible, get refused entry simply for the reason of "We hate you because of who you are."


I get that there are cohesion problems in Europe right now, but I think multiple countries will need to pull their weight. Middle eastern nations in that region already are taking a sizable about of refugees. Telling them that they "Won't fit in" isn't going to help any cohesion issues that slovakia is already having.

The city of Mecca should take in the Christian refugees

Your anti-muslim posts aren't subtle at all. Try harder.


Sad to see fellow Gaffers comment like this. Especially ones I've known around here for a while.

I read about this today. Shitty excuse.

Oh god. 500,000 in Myanmar? But they dont have that sort of infrastructure- Neither do many of the other countries.

My take on this:

If the European powers wanted a better outcome, what they should have done was to send the refugees to a safe place. The EU would have to make a massive care package and send aid.
Many refugees die during their escapes, and others get killed due abuse from the people behind the trafficking. peoples lives gets ruined having to pay upwards 10,000 euros to get safe passage.

I think what the EU needs to do is quickly find a way for all the European countries to mandate refugees. on a cross bipartisan platform of size, GDP, available resources, and other factors and simply distribute refugees among all the countries.

But we're seeing a egotistical selfish reluctance from the EU with everything going on in greece, and right now they, spain and Italy cant handle it. it's stupid. we need swift action.


Oh god. 500,000 in Myanmar? But they dont have that sort of infrastructure- Neither do many of the other countries.

That's country of origin, not destination. In case of Myanmar those are Rohingya refugees who are escaping the ethnic cleansing that nobody wants to acknowledge or let alone deal with the influx of desperate people in boats.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
What a stupid ass excuse to try to hide their bigotry.

Christian Syrians probably have more cultural cohesion with Muslim Syrians than they do with Christian Slovakians.
The city of Mecca should take in the Christian refugees

its hilarious this post hasn't got much traction yet in visibility

One is a religious city whose role is purely as a place of worship of God and one is a country which accepts asylums.

I do agree non-Muslims should be able to visit the city itself without it becoming a tourist spot but that is a distasteful comment as it has no bearing on refugee plight


Why is anyone surprised? Eastern European countries have always had minimal immigration, especially from Non-European countries. Poland, the Baltics, Hungary, Slovakia etc are the most homogenous countries in Europe. Also western European countries aren't exactly beacons of hope when it comes to integrating large numbers of immigrants. So I can understand this skepticism.
That's country of origin, not destination. In case of Myanmar those are Rohingya refugees who are escaping the ethnic cleansing that nobody wants to acknowledge or let alone deal with the influx of desperate people in boats.

hey mate! Thanks for the clarification!

Why do you europeans keep voting in governments like this... This is pretty fucking bad.

It's absolutely terrible:(

We have a pattern in Europe. During harsh economic times (during a recession) we become a lot more conservative. And when people are conservative, nobody is easier to blame than immigrants.
It's their fault that the jobs are going out of the country, they are mooching of our great health care, education. They bring their wars and religious fanatism to our countries.
And of course the best one- That immigrants are criminal.

Le Pen is marching in France, Jobik which are basically neo-nazi party in Hungary are now in the European Parliment.
The rhetoric is universal all over, and you can hear the same in Australia under Tony Abbot. that goddamn baffoon.
And it's when you look at the state of racism and lack of union in the world, that you get worried about Trumps racist ideals in America. Europe could really use a progressive American beacon of hope, to stir itself towards the left again. Europe going right is never pretty.
Guys I just realized...

No one wants to help refugees because money and security and xenophobia. But mostly moneyzzz.

Ugh. Terrible for those who need help.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
its hilarious this post hasn't got much traction yet in visibility

One is a religious city whose role is purely as a place of worship of God and one is a country which accepts asylums.

I do agree non-Muslims should be able to visit the city itself without it becoming a tourist spot but that is a distasteful comment as it has no bearing on refugee plight

I wouldn't mince word.

He's a bigot who seem to have a delight in seeing Muslims suffering. Don't care if they are refugees, don't care if they are fleeing from something horrible, don't care if they are suffering, as long as they are Muslims, he wouldn't care.

I mean what kind of mindset someone would have if the first thing that pops in their mind when hearing news like this is "well it's tit for tat, nyah nyah", if not flat out bigotry?

its hilarious this post hasn't got much traction yet in visibility

One is a religious city whose role is purely as a place of worship of God and one is a country which accepts asylums.

I do agree non-Muslims should be able to visit the city itself without it becoming a tourist spot but that is a distasteful comment as it has no bearing on refugee plight
He/She is trying to derail the thread. Pretty petty if you ask me. Whining like a brat. It has no bearing on the plight of refugees. Ugh.
We accept refugees*.

*Terms and conditions applies.

This ain't right at all. I suppose they are worried about the incidents where there's a group of muslim refugee lobbying for a syariah law. Isn't that the same thing they were running away from in the first place?


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
No one wants to help refugees because money and security and xenophobia. But mostly moneyzzz.

I worry about how Europe wants to deal with such situations in the long-term. I am not just thinking of refugees of middle-eastern conflicts, but also about the potential refugees generated by climatic changes and growing populations over the coming decades. The problem of refugees will only increase in the future. Clearly, we cannot integrate them all into our western societies. For instance, 800.000 applications a year are just not manageable for a country like Germany with a population of 80 million people. So what will we do, and how will the far-right profit from all of this?


We accept refugees*.

*Terms and conditions applies.

This ain't right at all. I suppose they are worried about the incidents where there's a group of muslim refugee lobbying for a syariah law. Isn't that the same thing they were running away from in the first place?

How prevalent even is "lobbying for sharia law" in europe? So far no countries have instituted it yet; seems like a non-issue.


why doesn't Middle East countries step up efforts to help neighboring refugees?

It's fun to poop on Europe while Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait don't give a fuck
I got a loy of shit to say about Turkey, but they acutally take in a lot of refugees.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
How prevalent even is "lobbying for sharia law" in europe? So far no countries have instituted it yet; seems like a non-issue.

While I absolutely disdain Islamism and the efforts of the islamist minority in Europe, I actually see more of an opportunity here. I feel like quite a lot conservative Muslims coming to Europe are "infected" by liberal western values, especially when seen over one or two generations. And such liberal Muslims are what we need if we want to push back Islamism on a larger scale, since nobody in the conservative Muslim world will really give much thought to anything that non-Muslims say on that issue.

That's why I am quite relaxed when people talk about higher birth rates for the Muslim population in Europe. As long as they adopt the liberal, secular, and humanistic values of western societies, I see absolutely no issue here.


How do they even intend to enforce it ? Do they expect the refugees to come with their baptism certificate ?
"Christians only ? Well, of course I'm christian. What ? Orthodox ? Yeah, why not, whatever, just let me in..."
Well yesterday in Germany a lynchmob of refugess wanted to kill another refuge because he ripped out pages of the koran.
After that they destroyed the refugee center and attacked police and medics.

So yeah, radical muslims don't mix well into western states.


Well yesterday in Germany a lynchmob of refugess wanted to kill another refuge because he ripped out pages of the koran.
After that they destroyed the refugee center and attacked police and medics.

So yeah, radical muslims don't mix well into western states.
Wait what? Got an article for me, please?
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