I like these changes, but I am pretty sure when it is all over in a month, every big name that gets drafted will be back on his or her own original brand...
God wrestling fans are stupid. If Vince McMahon took a shit and called it Shit Festival there would be millions there to snap it up. He wouldn't even have to take a real shit, he could just take a "fake" shit and wrestling fan would eat it up and ask for BBQ sauce.
God wrestling fans are stupid. If Vince McMahon took a shit and called it Shit Festival there would be millions there to snap it up. He wouldn't even have to take a real shit, he could just take a "fake" shit and wrestling fan would eat it up and ask for BBQ sauce.
Hey buddy, with your spelling skills you should enter a spelling bee or something....
ATTANTION is actually spelled ATTENTION :lol
So anyway, back to the draft. I think the best thing McMahon can do is just stop this brand split crap, and just make it one big WWE like it used to be.
God wrestling fans are stupid. If Vince McMahon took a shit and called it Shit Festival there would be millions there to snap it up. He wouldn't even have to take a real shit, he could just take a "fake" shit and wrestling fan would eat it up and ask for BBQ sauce.