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Smashing Pumpkins to reunite?

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Fresh on the heels of the release of his first solo album, "TheFutureEmbrace," Chicago rocker Billy Corgan says he's breathing new life into an old dream: The Smashing Pumpkins.

In a full-page advertisement in today's Chicago Tribune marking the release of the new CD, Corgan says, "For a year now I have walked around with a secret, a secret I chose to keep. But now I want you to be among the first to know that I have made plans to renew and revive The Smashing Pumpkins. I want my band back, and my songs, and my dreams."

The Smashing Pumpkins broke up in 2000 after playing a final gig at The Metro. The band racked up record sales (more than 25 million, with 1995's "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" selling 4.7 million in the U.S.) and critical acclaim (two Grammys and several nominations) in a relatively short time; their debut album, "Gish," was released in 1991.

The Pumpkins have a tumultuous history. The band's lineup included drummer Jimmy Chamberlin, guitarist James Iha, bassist D'Arcy Wretzky and Corgan; Wretzky left after recording "Machina" in 2000, with former Hole bassist Melissa auf der Maur filling her spot in the tour, and Corgan has blamed Iha in postings on his Web site for breaking up the band.

After the breakup, Corgan and Chamberlin put together the rock quintet Zwan, which imploded in 2003 after only one album.

"TheFutureEmbrace" is set for release Tuesday.



enjoy bell woods said:
For Diablos.


Probably not best to call it "my band" and "my songs" when hes trying to get the band back together :lol


I don't know why, but lately, any mention of Billy Corgan sends me into a fit of giggles. So yes, I found this news very entertaining.
enjoy bell woods said:
Come on, dorks. I'm trying to be nice for once.

Probably because the majority of us really don't care.

Wow, I can't believe I said that. I was worse than Diablos could ever be during the band's heyday.


He could still call it SP if he doesn't have the original lineup. As long as the sound is the same, would it matter?


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness is one of the best double cds album of all time, that band was brilliant in the 90s.

On the other hand I'm not so sure I want them to reunite right now.
holy shit if the pumpkins reunite it would be the greatest day of my life (short of the 49ers winning the superbowl that is :D )

i would pay any price to see the original lineup live again as well. i know a lot of people dislike the pumpkins and "giggle" about it, but like it or love it the pumpkins changed a lot of peoples lives (cliche as that maybe) and they are clearly the best rock band in the history of music. i hope this happens
Part of me thinks "last ditch publicity stunt for his medicore solo record which is getting sub-par reviews," which I really wouldn't put past B0lly, but whatever. It worked. I bought the record, I'm buying a ticket to see him tomorrow, and i'm hoping for the best.


Ugh. I made the mistake of seeing the Smashing Pumpkins live once (I was 11, give me a break) and it was the worst show I ever seen.

You know it's bad when the band continually apologises for their shittiness mid-set.

Don't even get me started on the ridiculous teen angst shit that is the lyrics. I will admit though, I liked and still like Adore.


Steroid Distributor
I would LOVE to see the Pumpkins back together. I am one of those people that lived Pumpkins. I went a whole summer without Siamese Dream ever coming out of my cd changer. And their Mellon Collie concert was one of the most memorable nights of my life.

I forgot to pick up Corgans new album today. I'll have to get it tomorrow.


DirtyHarry said:
Ugh. I made the mistake of seeing the Smashing Pumpkins live once (I was 11, give me a break) and it was the worst show I ever seen.

You know it's bad when the band continually apologises for their shittiness mid-set.

Don't even get me started on the ridiculous teen angst shit that is the lyrics. I will admit though, I liked and still like Adore.
So, you saw them in 1998? The Adore tour was amazing. Soundboard bootlegs don't lie. You saw a shitty show. SP was hit or miss with their performances, I will definitely say that.
Nothing is as good as it seems... I still can't get over how Jonny Greenwood fucked up the Paranoid Android solo when I saw Radiohead. It's depressing. :(

Distantmantra, buddy, bring back the inner fanboy within you. Please. DO IT FOR ME. I get backed into a corner sometimes. :( Help!

BuddyC: Why? All the bickering on here?

Malakhov: Why not?

Truelize: Awesome. You don't know how bad I want to see Thru the Eyes of Ruby as they played it then. I'd die.

Anywho, if you guys were expecting me to be like OMG SP REUNITING HOLY SHIT HAHAHAHAHAH 20 times, you're mistaken. If it happens, this would likely happen towards the end of the decade.

Chamberlin's already hinted at it, he said if Billy wanted to do it, he'd be all for it. He joked about a Pumpkins reunion with Corgan back in the short-lived time of Zwan, to which he replied "don't rule it out." I think the only person who is keeping a reunion from happening is Billy. If James didn't want it, he would bitch back at Corgan when he talks shit about him in his blogs. Of course, assuming Billy was telling the truth, James DID break up the Pumpkins. It wasn't me, despite what distantmantra's beautiful girlfriend wants to sucker you all into thinking. :(

Although, I will say, If it's 2007 when they get back together, then Corgan had this shit PLANNED. :lol


From Linda Strawberry's blog:

ts been posted elsewhere, but because its relevant to this performance....

I'm here in my hotel room, its 4:02 a.m.. My parents are on tour with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in spokane tonight. They announced at breakfast that I would be on letterman tonight. They called this morning to tell me they were in the same hotel as whitesnake. What a mix.

My dad said that he thought I would look crazier than I did like some "girl in the cul-de-sac".
Glad I'm not cul-de-sac girl....even though I have no idea what that means.

My boyfriend called me too right after....its been a month or more (I try not to measure the time) since I saw him last. I get to see him in 6 days though...yay!

Watching the letterman show tonight was like a dream. The taping was really surreal...
When we got there I remembered billy's warning that its always freezing (fifty degrees) on those stages and he wasn't kidding.....

The set looked a lot smaller than I expected. When we walked in paul schaffer was warming up the band.
Billy changed the song from a100 to m.o.h. at the last minute so they hauled off my keyboards and I was left with my half a mic.

When we rehearsed they were trying to get camera angles and I was put right behind billy between matt and brian who were on platforms. Gooch told me that I should try to not move a lot so that they could get good camera shots.

Billy got some hard news an hour before the taping so the song felt even heavier than usual. I really love that guy. Right now I'm watching him deal with incredible amounts of stress that would make a normal person implode.

When we were done with our sound check I had to try and get billy magpie and his girlfriend in because they were gonna get stuck with the lindsey lohan show that they were taping right after us. :)lol) I had to talk to 6 different people but eventually they said they could watch from the greenroom. I went upstairs checked my makeup and got dressed but billy made me change what I was wearing. He had so many things running across his face.. We watched part of christopher walken's interview...I hear that he came into the greenroom when billy magpie was in there...haaha..

The mood backstage was strangley laid back.
When it was our turn we went down there and there was a brief moment where no one knew where billy's guitar was as we were plugging our in ear monitors in. In those five seconds I got a little scared. David letterman was on the left and paul schaffer was on the right and billy was standing there empty handed going "where's my guitar" and then suddenly it just started. The five seconds before we started billy turned back towards me and signed a message to me and then the music started. It was hyper reality. I remember seeing david scratch his arm and seeing the red lights on the cameras and some lady shifted in the balcony but I can't remember the rest. Its all a blur. When we walked off and got in the elevator billy asked me how his vocals were and I really didn't know. I can't explain it. I went back to check on billy and rachel and then I wandered up got my stuff and left. I was completely wound up and out of it at the same time. Billy gooch and matt took off to chicago.

I had three hours of conversations about my record and what I have to do to get it done....but I can't think of that now....

I was so scared I would miss the airing of the show. I had to call down to the concierge twice to check.
I've felt really lonely on the tour lately so I was really excited when a bunch of people called to say they were watching it. When it aired on the east coast my friend jason called and was laughing about it with me. It was one of the coolest things that's ever happened to me when it actually set in that I was watching myself on the letterman show that I've been watching for so many years. I kept calling my boyfriend over and over...but he wasn't gonna see it for two more hours...

When it aired on the west coast my parents called excited and charlie called freaking out....it really made me miss him even more.

Well, all the rest is private...half the memories I'm keeping for myself.
So I guess today it finally comes out that billy is going to do the pumpkins again...I can finally talk about it..I've known for a while. I'm really excited ill get to hear him perform disarm again. I stood on that stage at the last pumpkins show and sang to sheila...I had no idea at that moment that that would only be the begining to the adventures billy would guide me through.

Congratulations on the release of the future embrace billy!! You are amazing.
I'm ending this in a hurry because I'm gonna miss my flight to atlanta...I don't have time to reread or spellcheck...oh well

Viva la pumpkins



So yeah... I don't think SP is reuniting, but Billy is performing SP songs again.

edit: Or maybe it does. Pwn.


it would be a dream come true if he can get D'arcy back, along with James.

And yeah, I really think James will be back.

Rock on Space Cat!!!! (i.e. james)


I'd love it if the Pumpkins reunited. If D'arcy doesn't want to come, so what (just please don't bring back that Hole bass player). But you have to have James and Jimmy back... Without both those, I'd be far less excited. Still excited though.

I saw them live twice (the Adore and Machina tours) and I though it was a pretty good show. Not one of the top live acts, but as a big fan I thourghly enjoyed it.

What will Perfect Circle do without James though...


Who cares what APC will do without James? He was never a core member anyway.
What's wrong with Melissa auf dur Maur? She's so much better than Darcy could ever be as a bassist.
:lol sorry diablos, they are clear now

p.s. as long as we got billy, james and jimmy thats all i need. but damn would it be awesome if darcy came back... it will never happen in a million years but i can hope :(







The extremely annoying Sarah Lewentin (Ultragrrrl) asked James Iha about the reunion, and according to her:

"James told me that he hadn't heard from
Billy and just knew about this from hearing about the ad. So either Billy should drop him a line or perhaps he plans on moving forward w/o Iha."

Take it for what it's worth.

Some insider info from Netphoria.
I always trust the people there, heh.

Like, a couple months after SP broke up, some girl was like "OMG I SAW JIMMY AT A BAR AND HE SAID HE AND BILLY ARE STARTING THIS NEW BAND ZWAN, OMG!" No one believed her (mainly because of the stupid name), but a year later, it happened, heh. Netphoria always leaks good info.


Diablos said:
SP rarely if ever played that.

I know they played it (By Starlight) here at Key Arena - 1/6/97. I have a copy of it, but it isn't on my computer so it's probably in a stack at my parents' house.


Diablos said:
SP rarely if ever played that.

I think I have an mp4, FLAC or SHN of that song though.
By Starlight tour history

I have a feeling that the old guard (SPFC, SPIFC, alt.music.smash-pumpkins, NSPAA redux pls) are going to be getting a *lot* busier in the next little while. I must say that I never thought I'd see this happen. So much unreleased music was "leaked" in the months leading up to Machina II that it seemed that he was trying to go out with a huge bang.


I'm freaking the fuck out.
This shit is like, all over the place. People from SPIN are calling up James Iha.

Fuck shit holy shit fuck.

All GAF SP fans should go to a show together if this happens :D


Diablos said:
I'm freaking the fuck out.
This shit is like, all over the place. People from SPIN are calling up James Iha.

Fuck shit holy shit fuck.

All GAF SP fans should go to a show together if this happens :D
Don't know if anyone else will find this as funny as I did, but I saw this picture on iTunes and couldn't resist...




I am so happy right now if this info is really true god i've missed the pumpkins. This deffinetly the shot the music industry needs to much emo going around.
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