Good Lord what a stomping.
Have you linked your twitch account to your hi-rez account? Here's the link if you need it: http://www.hirezstudios.com/link/
You should get messages in your twitch inbox whenever you get a drop. However recently I have stopped getting the messages although when I log into Smite I am still getting the drops.
Been playing Fafnir today since he's in the free rotation. Wasn't sure about him at first but after a few more games I really started liking him. For starters, his CC is pretty strong: a stun (with an AoE slow), and a leap that disarms. But arguably his best attribute is his buff - when you have a good carry or two on your team, Fafnir is one of the most rewarding gods in the game to play. Buffing them and watching them destroy the opposing carries is so awesome. And his ult is great because you turn into a goddamn dragon.
On the flipside, playing him with weak carries on your team is horrible. That's true for most support gods, but it's especially true for Fafnir.
Ganesha is gonna be a game-changer for supports.
Since his ult is basically Old Wa's ult, maybe the Shake and Bake will make a comeback!
The console league spring finals are this weekend and each team has chosen skin to drop in twitch if they win: http://esports.smitegame.com/2017/0...e-spring-finals-format-and-broadcast-details/
Skins are:
Most Wanted G.I. Zhong
Strictly Business Meltdown Sol
Astral Authority Pandamonium Odin
Optimus Gang Dread Lord Fafnir
Elevate Riftshaker Janus
Obey Alliance HeeBee Chibi Hades
Soar Gaming Dreadbeard Poseidon
Team Rival Chaac-a-late Chaac
Edit 2: Ganesha the Penta-Provider?
Have gotten​ to level 17 (with season ticket) and now it's already a 3000FP gap to the next level...I'm 14 now (so ill auto unlock the next 4 items on the next split) but from 10 up its taken 1000 instead of 500 to get to the next level. I imagine it will jump to 2000 from 20 to 30 for the final split.
The season ticket has been borked on the PS4 so I missed out on voting for the SCL finals.
But at least I got this to drop by watching...
Have gotten​ to level 17 (with season ticket) and now it's already a 3000FP gap to the next level...
Tried a race in the new event as well today on PS4, nothing about that felt good to play unfortunately.
I've played two games and there were, ofc, 2 Ganesha's on the map. I was Herc both times but I don't feel like Ganesha makes that much of an impact.
His ult doesn't seem to do much, if you have a jump then it is worthless against you as you can avoid the slow and prot shred.
If you have a dash then, unless the enemy wants to use their dash, you can get enough distance between yourself and the enemy so that by the time they catch up the prot shred and slow are gone.
His two is good but the very small arc on the silence means splitting up only a small amount forces him to choose one target to silence (I've actually seen Ganesha's choose to silence the hunter which is a silly choice most of the time).
I know he's supposed to be a very supporty guardian like Geb or Khepri but those two seem to have a much larger impact with their ults. Ganesha's feels lackluster. It's a zoning tool but you're better off getting a Zeus or Hou Yi if you want to zone properly.
for that new god, I assume there is a learning curve people may not have gotten past yet.
Will the NRG and EGR bundles go away at some point? Debating if I want to spend 400 for the Rat skin or not.
Yeah, has been a pretty widespread severe issue across both platforms, sounds like we will get a hot-fix today.The 4.7 patch dropped on consoles today. It broke a friend of mine's item store.
Yeah, has been a pretty widespread severe issue across both platforms, sounds like we will get a hot-fix today.
Honestly pretty surprising and disappointing that they didn't catch something so general during their QA testing.
Happy Little Trees
I already have High Noon and Dr Vanus Sylvanus (both great skins) but damn if I don't prefer that one.
I know the chances of it being in a chest are high but I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed.
It's in a bundle along with a loading frame and jump stamp according to this.
Hi-Rez is going full memetard with their skins lately.
I love it.
So, did the latest patch break anyone else's game? SMITE freezes my whole screen upon loading. Alt + F4 or Ctrl + Shift + Esc don't work. I have to restart my computer. I'm not the only one having this issue:
[PC] Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread -"Happy Trees" 4.8