Hey GAF,
I'm trying to score my first pair of OG NMDs. I've never bought shoes from eBay before so I'm looking for advice. There's two sellers I'm looking at. Here's the first seller and the second seller.
I'm all new to this because I just wanted to get authentic ones and want to make sure they are authentic. They're selling them for basically retail price. I heard you can copy and paste other poster's descriptions because they have identical ones. They're from different areas too. I checked their ebay history and they seem to check out alright, but the part of the description that gets me is "Can also work out a bulk deal." I just didn't want to run into buying fake ones. Can someone check these out for me and give me a thumbs up if I should buy them or not? Thanks for the advice. I messaged them before hand asking if they can take pictures of the product with their name and today's date.
Don't deal with eBay at all. Fakes are really good these days. No one is going to sell new OG NMDs for retail simply because there's a market for them to make some money. I would suggest GOAT or StockX, or find a consignment shop like solesupremacy, magpark, round2, etc.