Any ideas where I could find boxed SNES games (except for eBay)?
I mainly collect US games which is no easy task seeing as how I live in Europe, and boxed games rarely pop up for sale. I made a post in Buy/Sell/Trade here once but didn't get any replies, and I did check out NintendoAge, but they have a strange "for offer" attitude that makes me not want to contact some sellers in the first place. Heh, some even write "don't wanna really sell // these games are very valuable so expect your offer to be shot down quickly" and things like that....not every inviting.
Craigslist is not an option since I'm not in the US, and flea markets/ garage sales over here have pretty much dried up in terms of 16-bit games. Would be PAL anyways.
So, yeah....any other places to look for SNES games I should know about?
Sadly, ebay may be your only option. I live in the UK and if it wasn't for a local retro store nearby, I wouldn't have anywhere else to go. Apart from GAF.