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So apparently Monkeypox is a thing...?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Not wanna be the conspiracy guy but whats up with this 2021 NTI simulation of a monkeypox pandemic with a timeline that starts in May 15 2022 lol.

To check the timeline download the full simulation PDF.
Oh no. It even has it be a bio-engineered virus that was released by terrorists after infiltrating a lab. The conspiracy theorists are gonna have a field day if monkey pox is anything but a flash in the pan.


The conspiracy theorists are gonna have a field day if monkey pox is anything but a flash in the pan.
I assure you that the Conspiracy Theorists don't need things to happen to make sense.

Burnie Burns Conspiracy GIF by Rooster Teeth


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Oh no. It even has it be a bio-engineered virus that was released by terrorists after infiltrating a lab. The conspiracy theorists are gonna have a field day if monkey pox is anything but a flash in the pan.
They will have a field day regardless. The defining ability of a conspiracy theorist is to be able to take literally any outcome and twist it into their insane views and theories.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
There are lots of diseases.


I see the fight between coincidence theorists and conspiracy theorists has already begun. Unfortunately for the former, unlike with Covid, this time the coincidence theorists will have an uphill battle ahead of them, due to the fact that some of the conspiracy theories around Covid eventually turned out to be either true, or have a decent likelihood of being true (the whole lab leak theory being the biggest one, which used to get people banned from social media in the past).
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I see the fight between coincidence theorists and conspiracy theorists has already begun. Unfortunately for the former, unlike with Covid, this time the coincidence theorists will have an uphill battle ahead of them, due to the fact that some of the conspiracy theories around Covid eventually turned out to be either true, or have a decent likelihood of being true (the whole lab leak theory being the biggest one, which used to get people banned from social media in the past).

I mean people who called out the lab leak day1 got ridiculed eveywhere until top oficials and evidence started showing up. If you as so much mentioned the lab leak then you were clasified as a loon conspiracy theorist.


Neighbours from Hell
Anything pox scares the shit out of me. I’m thankful I wasn’t alive for smallpox. First and only one we’ve completely eradicated so far via vaccine. All pox illnesses are scary looking. Had chickenpox when I was a kid as did most people I think. Find out later you can get shingles from it. Had to get the vaccine for that.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Imagine another lockdown because you can’t go out because people with monkey pox are swinging round trees throwing shit at you.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Was reading the news and apparently most of the cases in my country can be traced to a single gay sauna.

I have nothing against gayfolk but come on control your horny lol if you see a pustule covered person maybe don’t put your dick in that? Ah lost battle I know.


Was reading the news and apparently most of the cases in my country can be traced to a single gay sauna.

I have nothing against gayfolk but come on control your horny lol if you see a pustule covered person maybe don’t put your dick in that? Ah lost battle I know.
Hoe about those cases in Israel, USA, UK, The Netherlands.. all went to that sauna?
I see the fight between coincidence theorists and conspiracy theorists has already begun. Unfortunately for the former, unlike with Covid, this time the coincidence theorists will have an uphill battle ahead of them, due to the fact that some of the conspiracy theories around Covid eventually turned out to be either true, or have a decent likelihood of being true (the whole lab leak theory being the biggest one, which used to get people banned from social media in the past).
That's why I don't worry about monkeypox, it wasn't gain-of-functioned in a lab like Covid.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Hoe about those cases in Israel, USA, UK, The Netherlands.. all went to that sauna?

Obviously no, but the two largest clusters by far are in spain and portugal... spain you know and portugal it's all young males and the UK last round of cases all are men who identify as gay or bi.

And for the record I support gay marriage and gay adoption... i'm just saying maybe don't fuck people with pustules or have protocols to protect sauna users. I don't understand how unreasonable is that.


Authorized Fister
Obviously no, but the two largest clusters by far are in spain and portugal... spain you know and portugal it's all young males and the UK last round of cases all are men who identify as gay or bi.

And for the record I support gay marriage and gay adoption... i'm just saying maybe don't fuck people with pustules or have protocols to protect sauna users. I don't understand how unreasonable is that.
Seems that this strain is airborne. So nothing much to do.


Yes, scientist been saying that for the last 10 years, poaching exotic animals, deforestation for farmland etc etc
We humans are testing too much our luck on this planet.
you forgot industrial scale animal protein production. millions upon millions culled when disease breaks out.
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Fools idol

I find it interesting how Charles Schwab was on record saying he believes the earth is a living organism and human beings are the cancer on it.

All these sudden outbreaks and weather events are like the planet trying to kill us off eh!
Somebody screwed a monkey, didn't they? And I bet you they pertain to a forum whose sole mantra is to embrace absolutely everything in the name of psychotic opennes...to the point of, maybe, identifying as a monkey during the process? 😗
On a more serious note, things are not looking good for us. Perhaps mother earth is fed up by the biggest virus of them all, the human race...Covid, while serious, is nowhere near what a truly lethal virus would do to our fragile societies.
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Monkey Pox isn't as easy to catch as Covid. You could give an infected person a hand job and still be fine as long as you washed your hands afterwards. You'd need to fuck an already infected person to catch it.
Ahh so only the sexually promiscuous crowd need be worried.
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