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So did anyone make anything out of RPG Maker2?


I had a basic outline of a plot and made a few rooms. I didn't really like the look of the game and lost interest pretty quick.


Tag of Excellence
This game needs a harddrive and an online portal that you can access from your console in order to really flourish. Right now it's a great idea but there are too many roadblocks keeping people from sharing their creations and viewing others. I assume the PC versions are doing well in Japan? I wouldn't know.

Sorry that was a bit off topic. I was interested in this game but I heard about the clunky menu system and the basic 3D graphics engine and lost interest. I was hoping for some sort of online functionality in order to swap textures/games/ideas with other users but I don't think that'll be realized in this series until the next-gen.


True, but at the same time its nice to see what the console people could come up with. They do have plenty of editors in Japan on the PC. Unfortunately, it seems they don’t "officially" port them. You have to look for user ports which can be flakey and have copy right issues.

Ranger X

The rpgmaker games are alot more viable on PC and must be selling alot more too.
There's a real community of RPGmakers out there on the net that plays the PC versions.


There was a neat RPG maker floating around these boards like 2 years ago. I made some fun stuff with that program. I made two NICE towns and a crappy dungeon before I lost interest, it was a lot of work and the battle system is very boring. Still, fun.

I thought the PSX Fighter Maker was more fun though.

Ranger X

There isn't much more to it than RPGmaker2000. The only thing with RPGmaker2000 is that if you wanted an ATB style battle system you had to it by yourself.


I don’t think RPG 2003 doesn't have an official US/English version. It has been patched for English but from what I’ve read and is a little buggy.

I looked up what people are doing with RPG maker 2 and one guy has made a demo of a platformer and even a fighting game(pics below). So I guess if you try hard you can do some cool things. I still have yet to find a finished adventure




is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I've done some stuff with RPG Maker 2000 and 2003, I like them a lot more than the PSX/PS2 versions, there's a lot more customizability.


How do you create your own tilesets for the PC version? I tried copying the base tileset and drawing my own over theirs, saving that as something else and importing it into the game... that didn't work...

Any good tileset makers anyone knows of?

Edit: This is the 2003 version.
I made a neat little twenty minute adventure with RPGM2K, called Bishimon's Bad Day. It was about a cocky samurai sent to do the lord's dirty work, and his talking chicken Cluck Cluck, who was, like, a mage or something.

The cool thing here is that i never play RPG's because I hate, hate, HATE random battles. I was able to put all the enemies on the map and had them be able to follow you at different speeds and tenacity, so you could avoid the little encounters if you wanted two.

Also, since I did enjoy some Phantasy Star back in the day, I had Cluck Cluck following Bishimon around, in a very spastic, chicken like way, instead of the whole party being represented by one sprite.

The intro to the thing was broken last time I tried it, but I had a really good two weeks or so, teaching my self how to do that.
Verge was always the best... well when I used it back in 97/98 :p. Problem is you need some actual programming knowledge for it as it's scripting language is C style syntax.
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