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So, do EA's on-line servers still suck?


Came across this article from Geezer Gamers. I haven't played an EA on-line game since Burnout on the Xbox which was broken but I thought things maybe would have improved by now.

Then there’s the number one complaint regarding EA games from us, the Geezers. The servers… The God-awful “you’ll join if I want you to join” EA servers, some say lorded over by a riddle-asking troll. Personally, I believe that EA simply bought out all the servers left in Russia after the cold war. Games like Tiger Woods 07 are completely broken for some, impossible to play online in any way, shape or form. The Battlefield games released on the Xbox and Xbox 360 are notoriously hard to play online, forget about playing with friends. The same is true of pretty much every EA Game I’ve tried to take online. Tiger Woods 06 had lag… Honest to God, it had crippling Lag when the only moving in the entire game was the ball. How ridiculous is that? At a point in time when eight people moving across a map, firing weapons and throwing grenades at each-other is almost always a seamless, lag-free environment, how do you manage to get lag from a single, spinning golf ball.

The same is true of EA’s latest Fight Night game. My few attempts to venture online with that title have been disappointing to say the least. The lag was, for lack of a better word, atrocious. In a game depicting the sweet science of boxing, when timing is everything, lag kills you. It kills you dead. You get knocked out before you even know the punch is coming.

EA is building up a lot of resentment, not because they’re underperforming, all game companies fall short of the mark sometimes. Halo 2 felt rushed to many, Dead Rising had an annoying timer that took away from the general experience, Gears of War has limited multiplayer offerings, Call of Duty 3 feels unfinished to many of the people who’ve played it, and so on and so on. This is the nature of the industry. But when it’s a question of simply buying better or more servers, for a company the size of EA, with the amount of money they take in from their bestselling franchises, with the amount of games they sell every year, it’s completely inexcusable. There’s no way to justify this. I don’t even know how its continuing to happen. I guess all EA employees live near an EA server or thirty, and generally get solid connections while bug-testing, but still, they should have heard from more than a few of us by now. Maybe if we all got together and sent them letters demanding better servers, but I’m pretty sure they’d just laugh at us and roll in some money to forget their problems.

And we, as a community and as individuals, will continue to resent them, and sooner or later, its going to hurt their bottom line. I’d love to say that I’m not going to buy anymore EA games, but I know I will, because they’re publishing Spore for the PC, which is simply a must-have for me. But after Spore, I think I may actually stop buying EA products. I’m an online gamer, I don’t play a whole lot of single-player anything, and I’m just not interested in buying games that fail to provide an enjoyable experience online. That’s what I buy games for, and EA just doesn’t seem capable of delivering on that anymore.

So maybe, sooner or later, EA will get the message, they’ll see their bottom line inching gradually towards the red, and we’ll finally get the games we deserve from a company as capable as they are. Then again, there’s just as good a chance that they’ll go the way of Acclaim, Sega, Konami and Atari, and simply lose their massive market share, forcing them to once again think as a small company and not the corporate juggernaut they’ve become.



The last EA title I played that uses their servers was Carbon (360) and it was completely friggin 100% broken. It crashed my console trying to connect everytime I accidentally took a photo (whats with that idiotic photo upload mode anyway, just let me dump it to a USB drive jerks) and it never successfully connected once to their servers at startup NOR did I even get their sign-up email even after I registered about 10 times. In fact, Im not gonna quit on this, I'm gonna make them refund me for the game not working as advertised.

But hey, they must have been too busy coz they had to remove split-screen racing, replays and undercar neons from the game too. Mofos.

To be fair, I love Carbon. I like Tiger Woods and Fight Night a lot too. It's just that final bit of polish, nee quality control across their entire library of games that EA NEVER EVER FIGURE OUT and they always insist on ripping out classic features to add new untested ones.
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