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So Does SWG still suck

I played the beta, and it was fun just I was unhappy that they planned to go live with such huge bugs and passed on it. That and most of the p[eople bitching about stupid shit like people dancing in thier underwear in the cantenas but ok with the shuttle driod eating your ticket!?! I was checking out screens on the SWG site and it looked cool, weather effect (which according to CoH.com message board is impossible), huge monsters, and from what I can tell server wide events.

I played CoH for a while and quit just before issuse 2 went live, I played it on the test server, Capes were cool to have but I had no use for Respec, badges that weren;t retroactive and I was too high for the new content. Thats and no server events, lame player events, and admitted mistakes that they do nothing about. Maybe I'll return when CoV comes out.

I'm considering getting SWG but is it at least fun?

Hows the Community, Is it like FF11 "OMG N3B13!!!! L3TZ KN0T T@LK T0 H1|\/|" or pretty chill like CoH?

Hows the PvP?

Is it still impossible to be a Jedi with out devoting my life to the game?


the community is just like every other major MMO:

It sucks
It's great

it all depends on who you come in contact with, how bad you are, and luck

The artisan trade is really fun IMO, though by the time I discovered that I had already endured hours of being bored out my skull by the other classes...so --

you enjoyment in the game is entirely up to your tastes...I personally hated/disliked the game (though I would gladly force myself to play the game for months instead of installing Lineage II)

in my brief adventures I experienced some of the players you quoted (idots), some nice players, 1000x more "Looking For Group" and "Want To Sell" shouts than I'd ever want to see, an increadibly boring and tedious battle systems with fights that (post FFXI) felt like an eternity, made my own dance bot macro and whored myself out while I was asleep and proceeded to buy the most expensive equipment on that planet (in two nights), fought with the menu system trying to get it looking *just* right, and slaughtered a band of raiding bandits

all the negatives of the MMO where there, but so where the positives...ultimately, whether you find the game enjoyable depends entirely on you


is it still impossible to be a Jedi with out devoting my life to the game?

The new Jedi system is not made for casual play, and without the help of a group/guild its nearly impossible : you have to become Force Sensitive first (and to unlock this, among other prerequisites, you have to get badges from hard dungeons). Force Sensitivity allows to enhance some abilities of your character. When you get enough skills in Force Sensitivity you can become a jedi : you start from padawan and you can reach Jedi Knight (you are still open to player bounty hunters attacks when you use your powers).. After Jedi Knight and up to Master you are in open pvp mode, always..And you must fight against other Jedis and defeat the one you want to take the rank in the Jedi council (one council for Light and one for Dark Jedis).

The crafting system is still where SWG shines, but it can become a chore sometimes.

Pvp(and most of the game) is boring unless you are in an organized guild.

But the next expansion Jump to Lightspeed might boost the game : beta testers praise it as a true heir to Xwing vs Tie Fighters... So my advice would be to wait for JtL first (it's released at the end of October) to see if a comeback is really worth it.
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