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So how does someone cancel Xbox LIVE!


...or cant you and is my soul and credit card bound to Microsoft forever. I cant do it through the Xbox because when I try it says that I am unable, tooled around Microsofts and Xbox LIVe website...no options to close it down via online. It seems that the only way to do it is to call these mother fuckers with a phone. DAMN! How did they know my weakness was human interaction. IM DOOMED!


Sorry I dont have UBAR DSL and Cable connections like everyone else. My speed is shit and it lags like hell whenever I try to play. Not paying for this. I just used the 2 month thing to check out Spilinter Cell online and get the Hurricane Pack for Gaiden. I dont NEED Xbox live, if I had abetter connection sure i might get it because Halo 2 and Conker might be cool, but Ill be perfectly fine playing WoW, Call of Duty, and CS on my PC. Im not really big on online console gaming unless its something I give a shit about..which is pretty much nothing.


yeah, you have to call to quit, it's quite ingenious actually, since people are too lazy to make a 3 minute call, and end up eating another $50 subscription.


Drey1082 said:
yeah, you have to call to quit, it's quite ingenious actually, since people are too lazy to make a 3 minute call, and end up eating another $50 subscription.

Im not going to let MIcrosoft win this one. Ill just have my mommy call and tell her the bad men want to rape my bank account.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I bet they also have females on the other end answering the calls. Can't expect geeks to hold a coherent conversation with a girl :p



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
In Russia, Xbox Live cancels you!
trippingmartian said:
I thought Xbox Live involved registering a pin key as opposed to a credit card. Or do they bill you post paid?

You need both. There's a registration key and you still need to enter a credit card for automatic payments after the trial is up.


Wario64 said:
I think you still need to submit a credit card anyway


Although i'm not sure that if your yearly subscription runs out, they automatically bill your CC. i've only had live for a few months.
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