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So I asked her...

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Long backstory short: My girlfriend, Andrea, graduated this past May and is now working on her Masters at UNC. I'm finishing up my bachelor's degree at USC Upstate. Yesterday marked two years since we started dating.

We both had classes yesterday and were resigned to not seeing each other until the weekend. The engagement ring I picked out had been staring at me for almost two weeks at that point, though, and I couldn't wait any longer. I skipped my classes, got some stuff together, and drove up to NC yesterday afternoon. I ran into some heavy traffic, so Andrea's roommate was kind enough to stall her at the apartment long enough for me to get there.

It worked, and Andrea was surprised and happy to see me, which made my day already. :) We exchanged gifts a while later. She got me a stuffed monkey wearing a Hawaiian shirt. (The description doesn't do it justice.) I went back to the car and got her gift. Now, she'd been expecting a PlayStation 2, since that's what she got me a year ago, and she'd been hinting that she wanted one. So I went in with a big, PS2-sized gift bag with a gift-wrapped DVD case sitting on top. She opened the small gift first and found a blue feather in a clear case. (She's a big Harvest Moon fan, and that's the cutesy way of proposing in that game.) After I admitted that the big bag was empty and babbled about love and stuff for a couple of minutes, I finally took out the ring and asked her to marry me.. and she said yes. It was awesome.



So yeah, it wasn't the smoothest or most well-planned proposal ever, but she DID go for the whole engagement thing. That's good enough for me!

Thanks to those of you who wished me well a while back! And to everyone, I hope the story was at least slightly amusing. I'm just very happy and have to blab about it.



I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Oh man, now you gotta be cocky&funny 24/7 for the rest of your life.


Junior Member
holy shit, you used a videogame-linked proposal...and she went for it? She wanted a PS2? Drop her for bad taste. Sike, good job man, congrats. If she has a GBA, she's a keeper.


Thanks guys, it means a lot. :D

skinny: If it makes up for anything, she already has a GC and an Xbox modded by yours truly! ;)

As lame as this is, we meant to take pictures early this morning, but she was rushing to catch the bus, and I had to drive back down to SC for my classes... we just forgot about it. If you guys don't get sick of the topic, maybe I'll post some this weekend at the risk of potential Photoshop ridicule and "LOL HE AM PINK FAT HEEE HAAAA" threads.


WTF is wrong with me? I could have sworn I just saw the phrase "retard boy" written somewhere in this thread.


NLB2 said:
WTF is wrong with me? I could have sworn I just saw the phrase "retard boy" written somewhere in this thread.

If you're not kidding there you go:
(Today, 09:07 AM)
Reply | Quote
Aww... Congrats!


Che said:
If you're not kidding there you go:
(Today, 09:07 AM)
Reply | Quote
Aww... Congrats!
No dude. "retard boy", not "retardboy". Also, I saw it in someone's reply. I'm sure my halucination (if that is the correct term for the phenomenon I experienced) was due to retardboy's posting.
It's good to see you didn't listen to any of us concerning the ring :D
Nice to see some great relationship news once a while on the internet.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Oh man, the Blue Feather idea is awesome. :D

Congrats and good luck. =)
Congratulations man, I hope you two will live a long and happy marriage.

also, you're lucky that she plays games. Not many people here are as lucky as you.


Congratulations! The blue feather was a nice touch, by the way.

And yes, buy her a PS2! (When they get back in stock, of course...)


shitting in the alley outside your window
impirius said:
She opened the small gift first and found a blue feather in a clear case. (She's a big Harvest Moon fan, and that's the cutesy way of proposing in that game.)

that's awesome. congrats.

just don't come running to us when she cheats on you a month before the wedding and you don't know what to do!!


You DO have to still give her gifts every day though, you know. And don't forget to hold your baby every day too, when you have one.

How many cows do you have, BTW?

(Congraturations of course)
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