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You may be watching the wrong movie...?

OMG, I know right!
Like Homer's Odyssey is totes overrated you guys.
And wat is even Mozart, dude sounds like a total boomer is not vibing like at all.
Classics are basic af, we 2021 now y'all need to get with the times.
You should reflect on your life to see if you've conditioned yourself to only connect with mediocre things. Have you been watching a lot of Marvel by chance? Do you think The Last Jedi is misunderstood? Do you look at your phone while watching movies and tv shows?
You should reflect on your life to see if you've conditioned yourself to only connect with mediocre things. Have you been watching a lot of Marvel by chance? Do you think The Last Jedi is misunderstood? Do you look at your phone while watching movies and tv shows?
Absolute bullshit and reductive take
Fuck holy grails
OP is right: Terminator 2 and Alien are superior to Citizen Kane in every respect imaginable.
You know a movie sucks when all someone can praise it for is the lighting or some miniscule detail
Fuck film nerds
How is Terminator 2 and Alien superior to Citizen Kane?
It maybe a age issue. I did not start appreciating older films like this till i was almost 40. The reflection aspect on life and meaning usually is more a personal matter. Some folks like OP just want action and adventure less deep movies intellectually. I was the same way when i waa younger.
Editing, lighting, thematic score, sense of action, sense of suspense, writing, special effects, cinematography techniques, and acting
How are they not?
Ok, how is Greenblatt’s work on T2 better better than Robert Wise on Kane?
Is Kane an action movie?
How is Wisher and Cameron’s script better than Mank’s script?
I'm working, and don't have time to go into further detail and argue over something as subjective as art. Nor do I really care to convince you of anything , it serves me in no way.
When people praise Kane, 90% of the time they refer to the advancement of techniques of the craft or praise Welles' auteurism. Very rarely do they comment on the quality of the movie itself
If you believe the above, it would apply that art is progressing and improving over time as any other craft would.
Have your average viewer watch all three movies and I guarantee you that Kane will be viewed less favorably than the other two
Only knobs who enjoy beating off into their mouth and consider it art would feel otherwise
Also, I find you annoying
Hey, I’m one of those film nerds you want to fuck apparently.
I like T2. It’s a film that looks like it cost 100 million to make. But it clearly does not have the depth of Citizen Kane. I find it curious that someone who went to film school would make such an argument.
In terms of art progressing, who knows? One would hope so.
Absolute bullshit and reductive take
Fuck holy grails
OP is right: Terminator 2 and Alien are superior to Citizen Kane in every respect imaginable.
You know a movie sucks when all someone can praise it for is the lighting or some miniscule detail
Fuck film nerds
Ad hominem is uncalled for. People have preferences, it’s no big deal. Orson Welles said we are all philistines and aesthetes.
That said, I’m glad to see people defend the film. And I’m glad to see people at least try to watch the movie. It’s all you can ask really.
There's not a single ounce of my soul which would rather watch Citizen Kane over some based ass hot tub stream
I stand with OP here
OP is right: Terminator 2 and Alien are superior to Citizen Kane in every respect imaginable.
So it's not for people who speak English? Or Japanese, since "so" happens to have the same meaning and use there as well.If you start sentences with the word "So", there is little chance that films like Kane would entertain you.
It's OK, you just aren't a movie guy. You need to exercise your movie appreciation skills to get something out of Citizen Kane.
Do you think The Avengers series are better films than Citizen Kane?
His childhood was stunted with the death of his father and his inheritance of a fortune at a young age. The sled was the last toy he had a chance to enjoy. He was raised by a butler or a lawyer or something, with the expectation that he be a good steward to the fortune he inherited so was expected to act as an adult would from an early time. As his life went on, he became more and more harsh and bitter, but always had a longing for the childhood he couldn't have and the toys he had to leave behind. It represents the tenderness and childlike kindness he had to stifle in himself to be the person others expected him to be. It's all the regrets of who he was, what he had to do, and what he couldn't be, what he would have been if he'd been able to be a child and grow into a man with the normal responsibilities of a typical life.Can someone succinctly explain the “rosebud” thing for me? It’s referenced a load of times throughout the film but it turns out it’s what he called his snow sled as a child or something?
There’s got to be more to it, because that sounds dumb as hell.
People that think netflix quality is the standard because they can browse their phone at the same time deserve scorn when they take shots at culturally and historically important films like Citizen Kane.
Not all opinions are equal, nor should we pretend they are.
I attended film school, made shorts, music videos, and was a PA/extra on major studio sets. Also had a decent collection of Criterions, and foreign flicks on bluray/DVD for years. I'd consider myself a "movie guy", I just don't agree with your assessment.
This belittling attitude is exactly why I can't stand film geeks. Watching things on a screen isn't a skill or anything to aspire to.
Yeah you can sit through Godard's Week End, and not wanna stick your head into an oven. What an intellectual you must be.
Exactly, knowing what a bombshell this movie was at the time and how hard Hearst fought to have it shut down really puts context to the impact it had then and continues to. It's fine if people don't enjoy the film of course but it goes beyond that in it's importance.I think it deserves the praise when taken at its time. I watched it on a 13 hour flight otherwise I would have bailed because the first 30 minutes or so seemed so disjointed for me. Once I settled in to what the movie was I got into it and appreciated it for its significance.
Plus its a middle finger to Hearst, which means that this super artsy and revolutionary film was built from a standpoint of pettiness. Pretty solid finger.
I like Citizen Kane, but I also like Alien, and T2, Gladiator and Star Wars.
I like it a lot. Welles' performance is so good
I attended film school, made shorts, music videos, and was a PA/extra on major studio sets. Also had a decent collection of Criterions, and foreign flicks on bluray/DVD for years. I'd consider myself a "movie guy", I just don't agree with your assessment.
This belittling attitude is exactly why I can't stand film geeks. Watching things on a screen isn't a skill or anything to aspire to.
Yeah you can sit through Godard's Week End, and not wanna stick your head into an oven. What an intellectual you must be.
This is so far off the mark that someone in China had to duck.
I tried watching that once. I gave up after the monkeys and read the book instead. Definitely liked the book better. Oh well, at least Citizen Kane can't be worse than my least favorite film of all time, "Hugo Sucks!"Not all movies age well. A Space Odyssey for example did not. Visually incredible and I'm sure ppl were in awe at that time but it's a fucking mess of a plot and boring as hell.
Maybe watch the whole thing instead of fiddling with your phone you ADHD moron.