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So it's friday, I'm at work, I'm tired and all I can think about is..

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aoi tsuki



sheeesh talking about work, i have had a bad week. I have to jobs and all my bosses have threatened to fire me. My first job which is at school ( I am a student assistant), my boss told this morning she will fire me by the end of the first of school if i don't get my work schedule in order. See at my school its hard for business majors to get classes, most of the time i end crashing classes just to get in and that whole process takes at least two weeks into the semester which basically means i might as well quit this job.

The other job which is at a Uhaul dealer i made a couple of minor mistakes last week and i have been put on probation for two weeks. What sucks is i can't afford to lose either job because i am basically using that money to pay my college tuition.
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