And everything is seemingly a violation, which is coming directly out of that department's budget.
Now I'm not sure if this is just my boss being overly worried, or if the violations are really just this trivial, but, for example, we're being told anything unplugged and lying around (computer wise) is a possible violation.
There's a three page list of items we've been given, with vague notes on what to do. Yes, some are important, like bleach, which has to be "stored securely." That's a given. But then there's stuff like computer mice on the list as well, which if aren't in use, have to be thrown out or given to the IT department. Anything on a windowsill is apparently a violation as well.
The city college with the LEAST amount in fines apparently had to doll out over $2 million thus far.
This is ridiculous.
Now I'm not sure if this is just my boss being overly worried, or if the violations are really just this trivial, but, for example, we're being told anything unplugged and lying around (computer wise) is a possible violation.
There's a three page list of items we've been given, with vague notes on what to do. Yes, some are important, like bleach, which has to be "stored securely." That's a given. But then there's stuff like computer mice on the list as well, which if aren't in use, have to be thrown out or given to the IT department. Anything on a windowsill is apparently a violation as well.
The city college with the LEAST amount in fines apparently had to doll out over $2 million thus far.
This is ridiculous.