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So, which should I chomp into first, San Andreas or Paper Mario?

I've played both briefly, getting to the second save in Paper Mario (after the first battle) and doing a little tooling around in SA just getting my bearings and checking the out the gameplay.

Paper Mario is brand new to me (never played the series) and looks to have a lot to offer in the way of quirky fun factor and the timeless Mario appeal. San Andreas seems to be basically a (siezeable) addition to a series I have played to death, but that considered, I really want to see where the story goes and find out some of the outrageous stuff that Rockstar packed in the game.

Which game is longer? What am I more likely to want to finish quickly, or rather, what will I be compelled to play most consistently?
Cover your eyes and randomly pick one...play it for an hour and decide if you're entralled enough to continue...if not pick the other game.


works for Gamestop (lol)
SolidSnakex said:
Play Mario first, because once you get into GTA you aren't going to be playing anything else for awhile. :p

What he said. I like Paper Mario 2 and all but I haven't touched the damn game for about 2 weeks


For me, at least, Paper Mario 2 was more compelling. The dialogue is extremely well-written; I've never laughed out loud more during a video game. I beat it in a little more than 30 hours of playtime, making sure to explore every nook and cranny and have Goombella describe every character and locale, so it should go by more quickly if that stuff doesn't interest you.

GTA:SA, on the other hand, seems like the ultimate "just mess around in the game world for half an hour" game. It'll almost certainly garner more playtime than PM2, which is another reason I'd play it second.

But that's just me! You can't go wrong with either of these. :D
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