And I do not mean Normal as in "im normal and you're wierd"
but normal as in "Average joe" type.
-Who here...goes into a graphics war thread and thinks the graphics just either look good or bad and dont know much else?
Pixels, textures, polygons....WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?! All i know is...this game looks great, that game looks good, and that game looks ok.
-Who here doesnt know crap about Photoshop and just use MS Paint cause Photoshop baffles thou mind. There are So Many Photoshop experts on these boards...who is a MS Paint Expert? (paint expert as can copy picture, paste in Paint and save as Jpeg....OOOOH IM A GENIUS!)
-who here reads Panajev's threads about Ps2 and Ps3 and start to feel like a Migraine is setting in after reading 3 sentences and decides to just X the thread all together?
-Who here gets fooled by GT4 Photo mode pictures posted, thinking that is how the game actually looks?
-Who here thinks games like Dave Mirra BMX 2 is better than the "L337" games like .....i dont know....VIRTUA FIGHTER X (X is teh Variable....yes i know what a variable is! yay for me!)
who here just isnt "L337" enough?!!?
me me me....
I know I cant be alone....
but normal as in "Average joe" type.
-Who here...goes into a graphics war thread and thinks the graphics just either look good or bad and dont know much else?
Pixels, textures, polygons....WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?! All i know is...this game looks great, that game looks good, and that game looks ok.
-Who here doesnt know crap about Photoshop and just use MS Paint cause Photoshop baffles thou mind. There are So Many Photoshop experts on these boards...who is a MS Paint Expert? (paint expert as can copy picture, paste in Paint and save as Jpeg....OOOOH IM A GENIUS!)
-who here reads Panajev's threads about Ps2 and Ps3 and start to feel like a Migraine is setting in after reading 3 sentences and decides to just X the thread all together?
-Who here gets fooled by GT4 Photo mode pictures posted, thinking that is how the game actually looks?
-Who here thinks games like Dave Mirra BMX 2 is better than the "L337" games like .....i dont know....VIRTUA FIGHTER X (X is teh Variable....yes i know what a variable is! yay for me!)
who here just isnt "L337" enough?!!?
me me me....
I know I cant be alone....