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So who was the smarter man at Yale?

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(June 7) - Sen. John F. Kerry's grade average at Yale University was virtually identical to President Bush's record there, despite repeated portrayals of Kerry as the more intellectual candidate during the 2004 presidential campaign.

Kerry had a cumulative average of 76 and got four Ds his freshman year - in geology, two history courses and political science, The Boston Globe reported Tuesday.

His grades improved with time, and he averaged an 81 his senior year and earned an 89 - his highest grade - in political science as a senior.

''I always told my dad that D stood for distinction,'' Kerry said in a written response to reporters' questions. He said he has previously acknowledged focusing more on learning to fly than studying.

Under Yale's grading system in effect at the time, grades between 90 and 100 equaled an A, 80-89 a B, 70-79 a C, 60 to 69 a D, and anything below that was a failing grade.

In 1999, The New Yorker magazine published a transcript showing Bush had a cumulative grade average of 77 his first three years at Yale, and a similar average under a non-numerical rating system his senior year.

Bush's highest grade at Yale was an 88 in anthropology, history and philosophy. He received one D in his four years, a 69 in astronomy, and improved his grades after his freshman year, the transcript showed.

Kerry, a Democrat, previously declined to release the transcript, which was included in his Navy records. He gave the Navy permission to release the documents last month, the Globe reported.

Kerry graduated from Yale in 1966, Bush in 1968.

By the Numbers

Kerry's highest grade at Yale

Bush's highest grade at Yale

Number of Ds Kerry received in his freshman year

Number of Ds Bush received in his four undergrad years

Source: AP
Senator Kerry - Complete, well-articulated sentences.
Preznit Bush - "Need some wood?"

I'm of a firm believer that the President *didn't * become a moron until after he took office in Texas, where he beat Ann Richards. At some point he became more and more dumb, and it REALLY has shown since 2002 or so.
I think the guy who got the job of President is the smarter man. He was smart enough to get people around him that could get him elected.


Why do we care who was the smarter man before?

We are living in the present and you can clearly tell who is smarter now. It really doesn't help this country if Bush was smarter then Einstein over 25 years ago because now the guy is so damn stupid.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Let's compare either one with Clinton now.

For real. Alot of Presidents (or politicians) did not do very well in college. That is why Clinton is such an anomaly. It's probably why alot of our presidents/politicians screw up. :)

I remember that Theodore Roosevelt was on academic probation for most of his college career at Harvard. Now, he is on Mount Rushmore.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
I think the guy who got the job of President is the smarter man. He was smart enough to get people around him that could get him elected.

Intelligence or not (at least not on that scale), can't determine whether your dad becomes a united states president.

Honestly, can you imagine a candidate like Bush even having the slimmest chance in the world if there wasn't already a president with his name in office? In recent history no less.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
I think the guy who got the job of President is the smarter man. He was smart enough to get people around him that could get him elected.
Totally. John Kerry should've been hanging out with George H.W.'s pals. :)


ToxicAdam said:
That is why Clinton is such an anomaly.

Why is he an anomaly? Did he do really well in college?

And anyone can have a bad first year. I had more than double the amount of B's in first year then my last 3 years combined.


LakeEarth said:
Why is he an anomaly? Did he do really well in college?

And anyone can have a bad first year. I had more than double the amount of B's in first year then my last 3 years combined.

He was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford.
Ronald "The Great Communicator" Reagan was a great speaker did that make him a great president?

We all know politics is about who can lie the best. So what everyone is saying is you want a politician who can tell better lies?
With the release of the grades also came the release of Kerry's military records which featured this interesting nugget for the Bush/Swiftie fans out there who believe Kerry is nothing but a lying sack of shit:

Senator John F. Kerry, ending at least two years of refusal, has waived privacy restrictions and authorized the release of his full military and medical records.

The records, which the Navy Personnel Command provided to the Globe, are mostly a duplication of what Kerry released during his 2004 campaign for president, including numerous commendations from commanding officers who later criticized Kerry's Vietnam service.

The lack of any substantive new material about Kerry's military career in the documents raises the question of why Kerry refused for so long to waive privacy restrictions. An earlier release of the full record might have helped his campaign because it contains a number of reports lauding his service. Indeed, one of the first actions of the group that came to be known as Swift Boat Veterans for Truth was to call on Kerry to sign a privacy waiver and release all of his military and medical records.

But Kerry refused, even though it turned out that the records included commendations from some of the same veterans who were criticizing him.


Bill Gates had average grades and dropped out of school - yet is one of the richest people on the planet. Strength of character and conviction/dedication to purpose > GPA.


Phoenix said:
Bill Gates had average grades and dropped out of school - yet is one of the richest people on the planet. Strength of character and conviction/dedication to purpose > GPA.

Thats right!! America!!

and anyone can get 'passing' grades with money. I doubt Kerry OR Bush had to try any to get any grade. The D's prolly should have been F's. Speakin of which, Bill Gates kids' wont have to worry about grades either.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
I think the guy who got the job of President is the smarter man. He was smart enough to get people around him that could get him elected.

This is correct. Also, I don't think Bush is stupid. I think he just acts stupid, because he knows his career depends on his performance in the South and the Midwest, areas which are largely populated by extremely stupid people. That's always been his ticket, and it will still be his ticket long after he steps down from office.

Doube D

A better question would be, who has been the smarter man at life?

And id put a chimp far ahead of bush in that category. The fact that he is the president of this country just goes to show the average intelligence of american citizens.


Doube D said:
A better question would be, who has been the smarter man at life?

And id put a chimp far ahead of bush in that category. The fact that he is the president of this country just goes to show the average intelligence of american citizens.

What does being "smart at life" consist of?

'Cause, ya know, I'd almost think that the man who was able to get himself elected the president of the most powerful country on earth to be "smarter at life" than the guy who failed, whatever that even means :p

Doube D

Boogie said:
What does being "smart at life" consist of?

'Cause, ya know, I'd almost think that the man who was able to get himself elected the president of the most powerful country on earth to be "smarter at life" than the guy who failed, whatever that even means :p

Id consider the guy who over 50 percent of the world population does not hate and consider an insult to the human species (regardless of the fact that they can't do anything about it) the smarter man. ;p

And america is the most powerful country in the world only so far as conventional weapons go (and conventional weapons mean jack shit to an increasing number of nations world wide). The USA couldn't do shit against much smaller "less powerful" nations w/ the n bomb/ icbm combo. And america will soon lose that title and then some... to a little nation we call china.

Oh btw, the presidency just means that he was smarter than the fools that chose him (which sadly at this point in time, constitutes over 50 percent of this country’s populous).


Doube D said:
Id consider the guy who over 50 percent of the world population does not hate and consider a war criminal (regardless of the fact that they can't do anything about it) the smarter man. ;p

What the hell does the fact that he's hated have anything to do with his intelligence?

And america is the most powerful country in the world only so far as conventional weapons go (and conventional weapons mean jack shit to an increasing number of nations world wide). The USA couldn't do shit against much smaller "less powerful" nations w/ the n bomb/ icbm combo. And america will soon lose that title and then some... to a little nation we call china.


America being surpassed by China militarily within the next 20 years? :lol :lol :lol :lol


I'm in the camp of intelligence of yesteryear not meaning squat in the present. When our president says in a recent speech that he wants to move the country off of fossil fuels, and then says that the new initiative should be COAL, well, shit.

THIS is why the Daily Show will never lose material for the next four years people. That show's writers don't even have to TRY anymore.

Doube D

What the hell does the fact that he's hated have anything to do with his intelligence?

The quote had to do w/ being smarter in/at LIFE. By your standards Stalin would take the cake over bush any day of the week (he was treated like a god and lived a happy go lucky life while killing some 30 million people). Yet by most accounts (and yes, I am comparing the two for all shocked and awed republicans reading), we don't consider this as intelligence but rather homicidal and maniacal tendencies.


America being surpassed by China militarily within the next 20 years? :lol :lol :lol :lol

You can bwhahahaha till the fat lady sings... it doesn't change the fact that china will soon become the number one country in the world (and not just in military terms). It has been predicted by many an analyst that in the next 50-100 years (when did I say 20?), the title of world super power is going to be taken by china.


I don't doubt that Bush was a smart man. Even watching footage from ten years ago, he seemed fairly bright. In the past few years, however, he's demonstrated himself to be unnervingly incompetent... at least in how he publically communicates and handles difficult situations (ie, genuine, unpredictable questions). And that's what is most important, I think.

I like how Meier posted his thread (same topic), championing Bush. Pretty shameless. :)


Doube D said:
You can bwhahahaha till the fat lady sings... it doesn't change the fact that china will soon become the number one country in the world (and not just in military terms). It has been predicted by many an analyst that in the next 50-100 years (when did I say 20?), the title of world super power is going to be taken by china.
I think he was taking issue with "soon", though you're right. Within 50, I'd say. Both economically and militarily. It's going to be a very interesting period.


Doube D said:
The quote had to do w/ being smarter in/at LIFE. By your standards Stalin would take the cake over bush any day of the week (he was treated like a god and lived a happy go lucky life while killing some 30 million people). Yet by most accounts (and yes, I am comparing the two for all shocked and awed republicans reading), we don't consider this as intelligence but rather homicidal and maniacal tendencies.

um stalin was also a power hungry madman


Doube D said:
The quote had to do w/ being smarter in/at LIFE. By your standards Stalin would take the cake over bush any day of the week (he was treated like a god and lived a happy go lucky life while killing some 30 million people). Yet by most accounts (and yes, I am comparing the two for all shocked and awed republicans reading), we don't consider this as intelligence but rather homicidal and maniacal tendencies.

Umm, I repeat, what the fuck does popularity, or whether someone is good or evil, have to do with intelligence?

You can bwhahahaha till the fat lady sings... it doesn't change the fact that china will soon become the number one country in the world (and not just in military terms). It has been predicted by many an analyst that in the next 50-100 years (when did I say 20?), the title of world super power is going to be taken by china.

You said "soon". 50-100 years isn't "soon". And hell, a lot can happen in 50-100 years anyway.

For purposes of military analysis, I direct you to these posts:





sonarrat said:
This is correct. Also, I don't think Bush is stupid. I think he just acts stupid, because he knows his career depends on his performance in the South and the Midwest, areas which are largely populated by extremely stupid people. That's always been his ticket, and it will still be his ticket long after he steps down from office.

yeah man, he acts stupid so people vote for him in all those stupid states

Doube D

Umm, I repeat, what the fuck does popularity, or whether someone is good or evil, have to do with intelligence?

Re-read what I said. I wasn't talking about pure analytic intelligence (in which case bush would be having a hard time beating out a pre-schooler). I was talking about a generalization. You pin his superiority on account of him winning votes from a vastly mentally handicapped contingency. Fine. Lord of the dim he is.... intelligent, he is not. :)

You said "soon". 50-100 years isn't "soon". And hell, a lot can happen in 50-100 years anyway.

I said soon. In the scope of human events, anything happening in the span of one lifetime is considered to be on a short timescale. W/ regard to your links, Iv read enough on the topic as is. The US as of right now can't touch china (not unless it wants to risk all it's major cities vaporizing in less than 60 minutes).... much less 50-100 years from now.


Doube D said:
Re-read what I said. I wasn't talking about pure analytic intelligence (in which case bush would be having a hard time beating out a pre-schooler). I was talking about a generalization. You pin his superiority on account of him winning votes from a vastly mentally handicapped contingency. Fine. Lord of the dim he is.... intelligent, he is not. :)

I said soon. In the scope of human events, anything happening in the span of one lifetime is considered to be on a short timescale. W/ regard to your links, Iv read enough on the topic as is. The US as of right now can't touch china (not unless it wants to risk all it's major cities vaporizing in less than 60 minutes).... much less 50-100 years from now.

its true tho, everyone that voted for bush is retarded lolomg
I'll post what I said at OA:

This is exactly the reason Kerry didn't release his medical and military records during the campaign season even though releasing them would have fuck OWNED the Swifties. The media, as noticed by today's coverage of this "news", is solely focusing on the grades of two college students. George W. Bush isn't potrayed as stupid because of his grades in college; he's labled dumb, out of touch, stupid, arrogant and cruel because of his actions as Governor and President.

Quite the distinction. The media surely wouldn't have focused on Kerry's record in Law and his years in the Senate when he bagging terrorists under the BCCI investigation while Bush was burying another one of daddy's company into Chapter 11.

Kerry bowing to pressure from Bush's hit group isn't smart no matter how you slice it, and I'm glad he didn't cave. Everyone that didn't have jello between their ears knew the Swifties were full of shit, but the media hyped and egged them for a full month. Nothing Kerry said or did would have mattered at this point.


Doube D said:
Re-read what I said. I wasn't talking about pure analytic intelligence (in which case bush would be having a hard time beating out a pre-schooler). I was talking about a generalization. You pin his superiority on account of him winning votes from a vastly mentally handicapped contingency. Fine. Lord of the dim he is.... intelligent, he is not. :)

Just answer my question. What does being "smarter at life" mean?

I said soon. In the scope of human events, anything happening in the span of one lifetime is considered to be on a short timescale. W/ regard to your links, Iv read enough on the topic as is. The US as of right now can't touch china (not unless it wants to risk all it's major cities vaporizing in less than 60 minutes).... much less 50-100 years from now.

Scope of human events...blah blah blah. Soon is soon. 50-100 years is not soon. We're all humans here. In term of a human lifespan, 50-100 years is not soon.
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