9:something AM, awake, take some Adderall and a puff or two of my friend's mota
10:10 made coffee, and I'm out the door for the bus
12:15 worked from when I got up to then and turned in a paper
12:30 I'm home after schmoozing from a professor. I need to get my heart rate down and eat lunch , so I order a stuffed chicken fajita potato and drink a beer
1:30 computer stuff till 4:45
4:45 paid electric bill in the drive-though window
5:45 woke up beside the pool after a nice nap in the sun
6:41 checking the forums, taking my second and last Adderall for the day while having a beer. I'll listen to some electronic music, call one of my friends to come smoke me out while I install my HD and HD loader, and that's going to be my evening, folks.