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Somali pirates shoot at US warship, kill American hostages

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Killing hostages "has now become part of our rules":

(02-22) 12:27 PST NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) -- A pirate fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a U.S. Navy destroyer shadowing a hijacked yacht with four Americans aboard Tuesday. Then gunfire erupted, the military said. U.S. special forces rushed to the yacht only to find the four Americans fatally wounded.

The experienced yacht enthusiasts from California and Washington are the first Americans killed by Somali pirates since the start of attacks off East Africa several years ago.
One of the American couples on board had been sailing around the world since 2004 handing out Bibles.

Their deaths appear to underscore an increasingly brutal and aggressive shift pirates have been showing toward hostages.

A pirate who said his name was Muse Abdi said killing hostages "has now become part of our rules," and he referred to a pirate who was sentenced in a New York court last week to 33 years in prison for a 2009 attack on the U.S. cargo vessel the Maersk Alabama.

"From now on, anyone who tries to rescue the hostages in our hands will only collect dead bodies," he said. "It will never ever happen that hostages are rescued and we are hauled to prison."

Pirates had hijacked the 58-foot yacht Quest south of Oman on Friday. Since then, four U.S. warships and sky-high drones shadowed the vessel's movement as pirates tried to sail it to the Somali shore. U.S. officials negotiated with the captors via radio.

But at 8 a.m. East Africa time Tuesday, a rocket-propelled grenade was fired from the Quest at the USS Sterett, a guided-missile destroyer 600 yards (meters) away. The RPG missed and almost immediately afterward small arms fire was heard coming from the yacht, said Vice Adm. Mark Fox, commander of the U.S. 5th Fleet in Bahrain.

Several pirates then appeared on deck with their hands up. U.S. naval forces boarded the vessel and tried to provide lifesaving care to the Americans, but they died, Fox said. No U.S. forces were injured or killed.

Thirteen pirates were captured and detained Tuesday, and two other pirates had boarded the USS Sterett on Monday to negotiate, Fox said.

A member of a U.S. special operations force killed one of the pirates with a knife, Fox said. A second pirate was also killed, and the bodies of two other pirates were discovered on board, bringing to 19 the total number of pirates involved. The U.S. military didn't say how those two died and it was not known if the pirates had fought among themselves.

Pirates have increased attacks off the coast of East Africa in recent years despite an international flotilla of warships dedicated to protecting vessels and stopping the pirate assaults.

But the conventional wisdom in the shipping industry had been that Somali pirates are businessmen looking for a multimillion-dollar ransom payday, not insurgents looking to terrorize people.

"We have heard threats against the lives of Americans before but it strikes me as being very, very unusual why they would kill hostages outright," said Graeme Gibbon-Brooks, the head of Dryad Maritime Intelligence, adding that the pirates must realize that killing Americans would invite a military response.

President Barack Obama, who was notified about the deaths at 4:42 a.m. Washington time, had authorized the military on Saturday to use force in case of an imminent threat to the hostages, said White House spokesman Jay Carney.

The Quest was the home Jean and Scott Adam, of Marina del Rey, near Los Angeles. The two had been sailing around the world since December 2004. Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle, of Seattle, Washington, had recently joined the Adams.

"Great sailors, good people. They were doing what they wanted to do, but that's small comfort in the face of this," said Joe Grande of the Seattle Singles Yacht Club, where Riggle and Macay were members.

Around Christmas the Quest joined the Blue Water Rally, an around-the-world race. But race organizers said the Quest recently left the race despite what Fox said were warnings about the dangers of sailing in Horn of Africa region.

The Blue Water Rally said in a statement Tuesday that though yachtsmen are discouraged from sailing in the region, the only other choices are to sail around the stormy and dangerous tip of South Africa or sail back across the Pacific.

The Adams were skilled and experienced sailors, having traveled from from Panama in 2005 to Fiji in 2007 and Cambodia last year. They most recently sailed from Thailand to Sri Lanka and India, and were on their way to Oman when captured.

Motivated by milltion-dollar ransoms, pirates have become increasingly bold in their attacks despite a flotilla of international warships patrolling the waters off East Africa. The last time pirates kidnapped a U.S. citizen — during the 2009 hijacking of the Maersk Alabama — Navy sharpshooters killed two pirates and rescued the ship's captain.

But Tuesday's bloody events are apt to leave U.S. military planners in a quandary: Do they go after the pirates harder? Do they attack their bases on Somalia's ungoverned shores? One maritime expert said it's too early to tell.

"This is a first," said Gibbon-Brooks, the analyst. "We don't know if the situation is related to a straight execution. We don't know if it was related to an attempt to break free. We don't know if it was related to an accident."

Gibbon-Brooks said the killings were "extremely unwise" by the Somalis, and that the deaths threaten what has been a successful and lucrative business model.

Two days before the hijacking, a New York court sentenced a pirate to 33 years in prison for the 2009 attack on the Maersk Alabama, a U.S. cargo vessel. A pirate in Somalia told the AP last week that pirates were more likely to attack Americans because of the sentencing.

"It's a black day for us and also the Americans, but they lost bigger than us," a pirate who said his name was Bile Hussein said. "If they still want a solution and safety for their citizens in the oceans, let them release our men they arrested."

Only minutes before the military announced that the four Americans had died, a Somali pirate told AP by phone that if the yacht were attacked, "the hostages will be the first to go."

"Some pirates have even suggested rigging the yacht with land mines and explosives so as the whole yacht explodes with the first gunshot," said the pirate, who gave his name as Abdullahi Mohamed, who claimed to be a friend of the pirates holding the four Americans.

Pirates — who currently hold 30 ships and more than 660 hostages — typically win a multimillion ransom for releasing their captives, a huge sum that is shared among investors and pirates. The money is often spent on alcohol, drugs and prostitutes. One ransom paid last year was reported as $9.5 million. Most ransoms are worth several million dollars.

Given that typical financial motivation, Tuesday's killings left several unanswered questions, such as whether the pirates, being trailed by the Americans, believed there was no way to avoid spending years in a U.S. prison, or if the American forces spooked the pirates by approaching the yacht, or even if the hostages had tried to retake the yacht from the pirates.

The military said U.S. forces have been monitoring the Quest for about three days, since shortly after the Friday attack. Four Navy warships were involved, including the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise.

Mohamed, the pirate in Somalia, told AP that pirate leaders had been expecting the yacht to make landfall soon.

Five cars full of pirates were headed toward the pirate dens of Eyl and Gara'ad in anticipation of the Quest reaching land Monday, he said. Had the four reached land, they may have faced a long hostage ordeal like the 388 days that the British sailing couple Paul and Rachel Chandler spent in the hands of pirates. The two were released in November.

Omar Jamal, first secretary at Somalia's mission at the U.N., sent his condolences to the families of the four Americans and called the deaths a tragic loss of life. Jamal said there is an urgent need to address the piracy problem.

"This incident is a clear message and alarm that it's time the world community quickly steps up to stop these pirate criminal activities. They should be treated mercilessly," said Gen. Yusuf Ahmed Khayr, the security minister in the northern Somalia region of Puntland, a pirate haven.

The Adams ran a Bible ministry and had been distributing Bibles to schools and churches in remote villages in areas including the Fiji Islands, Alaska, New Zealand, Central America and French Polynesia.

At the Seattle Singles Yacht Club, friend Hank Curci said Riggle and Macay were carrying out a lifelong dream.

"Now that they're gone it's just difficult for us to accept because it's like having a family member killed," he said.

Guevara said:


The blue line is the course of the Blue Water Rally, a convoy of ships planning to make the dangerous passage together.

The red line is the hijacked boat, which for some reason broke off and sailed farther south.
second that motion. not every human being is a special little flower that needs to be given a "fair" trial.

A member of a U.S. special operations force killed one of the pirates with a knife, Fox said. A second pirate was also killed, and the bodies of two other pirates were discovered on board, bringing to 19 the total number of pirates involved. The U.S. military didn't say how those two died and it was not known if the pirates had fought among themselves.

this is the only trial they need. they sure didn't give a fair chance to the hostages.


The Adams ran a Bible ministry and had been distributing Bibles to schools and churches in remote villages in areas including the Fiji Islands, Alaska, New Zealand, Central America and French Polynesia.
This just got a whole lot more nuanced to me.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
antonz said:
We should just load up a bunch of B52s and carpet bomb the entire coastline of that shit hole
Yea man, fuck Oman. That place sucks.


That's it, just institute a fire at will on these pirates. Make it open season on them and they'll stop being so bold.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Guevara said:
This just got a whole lot more nuanced to me.

Why? It's not like he was in Somalia handing out Bibles, at the time. Unless of course, secret Muslim militants were in those places and got word to the Mulsim Extremist brethern in Somalia, and they sat around a table and thought, "Caliphate Time!!"

Rich people took a rich person boat and assumed the risk of taking their rich person boat through pirate infested waters. Death by adventure, unfortunately.


So they just kill the hostages and then put up their hands like cowards. Then we get to pay for their lengthy prison stay. We need to have an international initiative to have trap boats going around their coast at all times. Boats that look normal on the outside but unleash hell on any pirates that try anything.


xbhaskarx said:
Jesus, again? Just destroy every Somali port and boat. Somali fishermen go find a new job, sorry.
Excuse me but how is every somali port, or boat responsible for these few men? Get out.


lightless_shado said:
It is a good thing that people with your mindset will never be anywhere near the seat of power.
Half the government has my mindset at the very least. In fact it used to be standard policy to seek and destroy pirates.

Hell the US Government massed an Armada in the early 1800s to stamp out Pirates attacking US ships on that side of the world.


It's obvious that this would eventually happen. Pirates could only demand money on threat of killing hostages. If they kept letting the US rescue hostages without paying, it would undermine the whole hijacking and holding hostages for ransom business plan they have. They are just showing that they mean business to deter rescue attempts.


GloveSlap said:
So they just kill the hostages and then put up their hands like cowards. Then we get to pay for their lengthy prison stay. We need to have an international initiative to have trap boats going around their coast at all times. Boats that look normal on the outside but unleash hell on any pirates that try anything.

I'd donate.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
I do wonder, how long does one tail a hijack ship before you take action?

With the Korean cargo ship, seems like the ROK Navy tailed that ship for a while before they 대한민국 해군 특수 전 여단 rushed them.


It's pretty much time for the international community to take a much more proactive approach in eliminating pirates from that area.


I'm trying to feel sympathy for world-traveling evangelists that were dumb enough to end up off the Somalian coast, but I just can't.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
so it's ok for poor people to kidnap and murder people now?

I'm guessing he is referring to the other people in there. The people which isn't a pirate. But I'm pretty sure you already knew that right?


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Srsly said:
I'm trying to feel sympathy for world-traveling evangelists that were dumb enough to end up off the Somalian coast, but I just can't.

Is it because they were world traveling people? Or evangelists?

People are really get this twisted.


Well, they did have a pretty good reputation as hostage takers up until this point, but I suppose this kind of incident was inevitable.


I heard the Navy was dropping radiation on there islands which is what ticked off the pirates to start what they do now.


Enosh said:
yeah he is a christian handing out bibles, so it's a grey area

what the fuck is wrong with you?
Look, they were missionaries. They went around the world to dangerous areas proselytizing and handing out bibles. No one deserves to die, but the reason they were off the coast of Somalia is that they were on a religious mission to convert people in that part of the world. They brought cases of bibles, as many as the boat could hold. These people weren't tourists who just got a little lost. That makes it different for me.
ChiTownBuffalo said:
Is it because they were world traveling people? Or evangelists?

People are really get this twisted.

My issue with all these private yachts and world travelers is this:

They knew the risk. What the fuck did you think was going to happen when you boat into the coast of Somalia in your fancy expensive yacht? The Somalians were going to rush you with tea and crumpets?

Everyone had warned them not to go, because that shit is dumb as hell. But what did they do? They went! Don't get me wrong, it's terrible they had to die, but their deaths could have been entirely unavoidable on their part. There's plenty, PLENTY of pirate free and nicer coastlines on this planet, it's completely their bad for choosing to go to the one that just so happens to be infested by pirates.


Srsly said:
I'm trying to feel sympathy for world-traveling evangelists that were dumb enough to end up off the Somalian coast, but I just can't.

You sound like a nice and sympathetic person. If I had a daughter of age I'd hope your paths could cross.


Srsly said:
I'm trying to feel sympathy for world-traveling evangelists that were dumb enough to end up off the Somalian coast, but I just can't.

So if the imam who wants to build a mosque in lower Manhattan was attacked and killed by a mob, would you be cool with that?


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
SpectreFire said:
My issue with all these private yachts and world travelers is this:

They knew the risk. What the fuck did you think was going to happen when you boat into the coast of Somalia in your fancy expensive yacht? The Somalians were going to rush you with tea and crumpets?

Everyone had warned them not to go, because that shit is dumb as hell. But what did they do? They went! Don't get me wrong, it's terrible they had to die, but their deaths could have been entirely unavoidable on their part. There's plenty, PLENTY of pirate free and nicer coastlines on this planet, it's completely their bad for choosing to go to the one that just so happens to be infested by pirates.

That shit I'm OK with. That was stupid for them to go into pirate infested waters.


Cyan said:
Thomas Jefferson felt like I do on the situation and sent the Navy over to that side of the world to kick the shit out of the pirates for Piracy against US vessels.

So I dont feel like I am in poor company when Jefferson felt as I do


SpectreFire said:
My issue with all these private yachts and world travelers is this:

They knew the risk. What the fuck did you think was going to happen when you boat into the coast of Somalia in your fancy expensive yacht? The Somalians were going to rush you with tea and crumpets?

Everyone had warned them not to go, because that shit is dumb as hell. But what did they do? They went! Don't get me wrong, it's terrible they had to die, but their deaths could have been entirely unavoidable on their part. There's plenty, PLENTY of pirate free and nicer coastlines on this planet, it's completely their bad for choosing to go to the one that just so happens to be infested by pirates.

They could've at least hired some bodyguards.


Jeff-DSA said:
That's it, just institute a fire at will on these pirates. Make it open season on them and they'll stop being so bold.

This. Just let the navy ships fire on the pirates as soon as they spot them.


Only way to take on the pirates is to invade and stabilize Somalia.

This is the perfect case study for a justifiable invasion.

Instead we have Iraq muddying up the discourse, and bleeding hearts thinking any invasion is immoral.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Guevara said:
Look, they were missionaries. They went around the world to dangerous areas proselytizing and handing out bibles. No one deserves to die, but the reason they were off the coast of Somalia is that they were on a religious mission to convert people in that part of the world. They brought cases of bibles, as many as the boat could hold. These people weren't tourists who just got a little lost. That makes it different for me.

Yeah, because they hid all the Bibles underneath the floorboards of the boat, like Han Fucking Solo hides spice during the Kessel Run. They made a concerted effort to not let people know what they were up to.

You don't know how missionaries work. Very rarely to missionaries go anywhere and loudly announce, "Hey everybody! We're Christians and we're here to bring the Word of God to you!"

They got targeted because they were in an obviously recreational vessel, that people of a certain income class can afford. Their missionary work wasn't the cause, for their hijacking.
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